$c DBR: Part 6.

$c C. A. E. Jones.

Gold: Hold!

Ufuto: Your feeble weapons are no match for the armies of Sir. X!

Gold: So long as a Red Commando stands, you will not advance.

Ufuto: Easily rectified!

*Some Sir. X people start blasting people. Some die.*

Ufuto: Still want to stand?

Yabu: *Drops quietly behind Ufuto*.

Gold: I'll stand until I die.

Ufuto: Well, you asked--

Yabu: *Karatechop-decapitates*.

*The remaining soldiers look at Yabu uneasily.*

Gold: Attack!

*The soldiers are confused as bullets and grenades rain on them.*

Yabu: *Eyebeams the ground, and a large explosion envelopes the aliens*.

Gold: Thank you.

Yabu: Hmmph. *Turns to leave*.

Gold: Wait! Are you one of Goku's friends?

Yabu: *Turns back*. No. Unless you mean Kakarot. But the answer is still "no".

Gold: If you see him, tell him that we've noticed dragonballs in addition to those he's gathered. But they're gone now.

Yabu: As you wish. *Flies off*.

*Meanwhile... Somewhere...*

Mr. Satan: *Climbs out of the smoking remains of a pickup truck*. What... was that? *looks around*. Where is everyone? Gohan? Green guys?

*It's relatively desolate.*

Bee: *Bark!*

Mr. Satan: Bee? I thought you were back at the mansion...

Bee: *Sits down and whines*.

Mr. Satan: What is it?

*Bee looks off toward a crater off to Mr. Satan's left*.

Mr. Satan: What happened?

Bee: *growls* *glares at the crater*.

Mr. Satan: Huh? *Follows Bee's gaze* What... is...

*Brownish goo is settling in patties in the crater. One large chunk cohelesses into a swirling mass.*

Mr. Satan: That doesn't look good.

Bee: *whines*

Mr. Satan: That's a lot like...

*A skinny, tan-skinned Buu rises from the mass. It stretches its arms while making a yawn/growly sound.*.

Mr. Satan: ! Oh no... Buu? Not again...

Grim Buu: Giaaea... Grim. Grim Buu!

Mr. Satan: Grim?

Zalantar: What's going on?

Mr. Satan: Huh? Who... Umm... Hey kid, there's a...

Grim Buu: *sinister laugh* *Green antennae beam*.

*Mr. Satan grabs Zalantar, getting her out of the spot where the beam strikes the ground.*

Mr. Satan: Buu! Hey, what's the big idea?

Bee: *Growls at the ground*.

Mr. Satan: Huh?

*moss and vines and stuff grow out of the spot where the green beam hit. Mr. Satan backs away nervously.*

*When action stalls, switch to another scene!*

Piccolo: *Gets up off the grass, anntennae wobbling in disorientation*. What just happened? Where's Freeza?

Freeza: On Namek, of course.

Piccolo: What? *Faces Freeza who is gengerly drawing his fingertips along his arm-splotches.*

Freeza: Relax. If I intended to kill you here and now, I'd've been quiet. Don't misunderstand; I will still delight in your disappearance. It's just odd that the likes of Sir. X could botch up my plans so quickly.

Piccolo: You're going to have to start talking.

Freeza: *chuckles*. I've already explained enough.

Piccolo: Hmmph. O to be sure: you've had someone working on a death-cave on Neo Namek. Somehow they connected to one of the caves on Earth, and that's how you've been transporting resources.

Freeza: Smart Namekian. I know a few of those.

Piccolo: Enough taunts. Bringing us here was a mistake.

Freeza: That wasn't my doing. Sir. X must have used one of his trunkcards. I suspect his attempt at killing everyone tripped something in the connection. I'm not sure how, but clearly it sent us through the wrong way.

Piccolo: That's only made it easier for us to put an end to your plot. All we have to do is--

Freeza: Do silence him, won't you, Tellia?

Piccolo: Huh? *turns*

Tellia: *blasts Piccolo in the face*.

Piccolo: Rrgh. I hope that's not all.

Freeza: *Deathbeams Piccolo in the back*.

*Some Zombie Namekians show up and surround Piccolo.*

Freeza: *Laughs*. It won't be long now.

Piccolo: Great. Where did Vegeta and Goku wind up?

*Somewhere else on Namek.*

Ginyu: Inconvenient. Vento, what just happened?

Vento: Somehow, Lord Freeza and some of our enemies have come here.

Ginyu: But how?

Vento: It's difficult to tell.

Ginyu: Can we send them back before they interfere?

Vento: It would require Tartena, myself, and the nexis. It can be done, but it would be less risky to let them alone for now.

Tartena: So long as they don't find the nexis, there isn't a threat.

Vento: They will find it.

Tartena: How?

Ginyu: Do they even know about it?

Vento: They found me with my power suppressed in orbit above their planet with little guidance. We will be fortunate if they don't find the nexis in the next five minutes.

Tartena: That's plenty of time... what to do with it?

*Back at a big hole in the ground...*

Grim Buu: *holds out both arms, hands in fists, as though to do a cartwheel*.

Mr. Satan: Buu! Snap out of it!

Zalantar: Where is everyone?

Mr. Satan: I don't know, but we could use some help about now.

*Grim Buu turns over so that he is facing the ground and spins around, green beams shooting from his arms, legs and head*.

*And Mr. Satan, Bee, and Zalantar promptly dodge in somewhat comical fashion.*

*Lightning streaks across the sky and hits the middle of the spinning Buu.*

Mr. Satan: Whew... that's a relief. *looks around* who shot it?

Zalantar: Her?

*Azuri drops to the ground*.

Azuri: What happened? Where are Goten and Trunks?

Mr. Satan: I don't know. Buu grabbed Trunks and went off... there was a big explosion and... *points at Grim Buu*. That Grim Buu popped up.

*a forest of mosses and vines and strange greenery is sprouting all around, thanks to the shower of green beams*.

*When the action stalls, switch to a different scene. Again.*

*Sir X floats over some ruins.*

SirX: They're gone. Hah hah hah hah hah! Freeza and the so-called Super Saiyans... this planet is left to me. *Flies off to do evil things.*

*Yabu trails behind him sneakily..*

*Meanwhile, .... somewhere unpleasant...*

Kairin: What the f...

*A trout flops around in a nearby pool of ick.*

Kairin: ... Fish?

*Said trout transforms into At.*

Kairin: Are you ok?

At: Yes. Where are we?

Kairin: I was about to ask you.

At: The Time Matrix must be involved.

Kairin: Yeah, but why would Iciicla drop us into this... umm... digestive system?

Vekin: Hey, Kairin, do you remember that training mission Goku and Vegeta took us on?

Kairin: ... The one inside of Buu? ... Oh. ... Oh...!

At: But he wasn't this big...

Kairin: Buu is a magical being. There's no telling what happens when he and the time matrix are in the same place. Wasn't Trunks with us?

Vekin: Yeah. He wasn't the only one, though. Iciicla, and that guy... Nam? And Zalantar's mom...

At: But we were in the lake when that explosion happened.

*The area rocks violently.*

Kairin: I almost hope that's a fight, and not Buu having gas...

Vekin: It's hard to sense anything in here. We'll just have to get moving.

*They do just that.*

*Blobs of I-don't-want-to-know are chasing Trunks, Nam and Zalantar's mother. Iciicla floats nearby.*

Iciicla: It seems there are more advantages to this form of death than simply invulnerability. These creatures hunger only for the living. Enjoy!

*Iciicla flies off.*

Nam: What is this place? What has happened?

Trunks: I don't know. Just try to keep yourself safe.

*Trunks blasts at the oncoming might-be-parasites.*

Lady: I just want my daughter back!

*One of the blob-things gets past Trunks and moves for her and Nam. Nam leaps and comes down on it with his arms in an X, and the thing splatters. It is soon replaced with more, however.*

Nam: I don't think we will succeed if we stay to fight these monsters!

*Trunks goes SSJ, and extends his aura to force the wave of parasites back.*

Trunks: I think you're right. Keep close to me!

*Meanwhile, on Namek...*

*Goku and Vegeta are walking around.*

Vegeta: Gah, my head... How the blazes did we end up here?

Goku: I don't know. All we gotta do is teleport back to Earth, though.

Tartena: Is that so?

*Vegeta smirks and takes aim at Tartena.*

*Tartena holds out his hand to the side, and a gravity well comes into being, absorbing Vegeta's attack.*

Tartena: Do you think we survived and made our way to the planet where you monkeys lived thinking that strength was the key to victory?

Goku: That seems to be what got Freeza killed.

Tartena: Lord Freeza had no reason to expect anyone would rival his power when he went to the old Namek. He has been far ahead of you from the day you were born!

Vegeta: Hmmph. It was foolish of you to show yourself. I don't think you could be doing anything here other than distracting us. Clearly you aren't that valuable.

Tartena: Ah, but that's just the thing.... SOLAR FLARE!

Vegeta: What!?


Goku: Vegeta!

*Elohssa tackles Goku and Vegeta out of the path of Ginyu's attack, and blocks it with his hair.*

Elohssa: You've never tried switching bodies with a machine, have you?

*Tartena creates another gravity well.*

Tartena: It's almost ready. But we can't have you getting in the way.

*Goku falls toward the gravity well.*

Goku: I can't... get away....

Vegeta: Gah, do I have to do everything myself? *Goes SSJ2 and just blows a huge crater in the area.*

*Elsewhere, Piccolo fights off several Namekians.*

Piccolo: I don't know what you've done, Freeza, but you've abused the Namekians far too long.

*One of the zombie Namekians bites Piccolo's arm.*

Freeza: Whatever you say.

*Tellia hits Piccolo over the head, and he goes down.*

Freeza: Ah, a fine addition, don't you think?

*Goku wakes up amid some rubble.*

King Kai: Goku! Goku! Get up, you big oaf!

Goku: Huh? King Kai?

King Kai: Yes! Goku, listen to me! The universe is in grave danger!

Goku: Yeah, you told me that a few minutes ago... Umm... or was that yesterday?

King Kai: Goku, there isn't time. You must reach the Nexis before Freeza's men can gain control over it! Something terrible has happened on the earth, but if you fail here, the Earth will be the least of your worries!

Goku: Hey, where's Vegeta?

King Kai: That stunt he pulled made it easier for Freeza's men to keep you separated. There isn't time for you to get his help. Seek out Vento, at once! But don't use instant transmission! If you do, you could be trapped between life and death, and might even fall under his control!

Goku: Right...

*Goku takes off flying.*

Vento: Those fools and their ranks. We would be in less risk if they would pay attention to my strategies. Tartena! Captain Ginyu! It is time! Leave Vegeta and the cyborg.

*A dome of blackness sits over an area of Namek. Goku lands outside it.*

Goku: Huh. I guess the nexis must be in here. But how do I get inside? Hmm. *Shoots a kamehameha at the dome, and a brief opening appears in it, though it rapidly shrinks.* Huh, I guess that's the way in!

*Goku leaps through the hole before it closes completely.*

Goku: Wow, I hope I can get that open again from inside. Now what?

*There are walls of blackness forming a confusing pattern of passages inside the dome. Goku looks at them in uncertainty, then picks one and runs through it.*

Goku: Hmm. It feels weird in here. I know I'm getting close to something, but I can't tell what it is...

*A large, shadowy shape moves around in the background. Goku slowly turns around.*

Goku: Huh? What's that?

*A dragon snaps out of the shadows and smacks Goku into one of the walls of darkness. As Goku tries to get up, the dragon grabs him with the beefy arm coming out of the back of its neck, then slams him into the floor.*

Tartena: Hahaha! And to think, all it took was an S... and a more different s...

*Goku manages to flip out of the way of Trogdor's next attack. Because that is, in fact, Trogdor.*

*Goku goes SSJ and flies in to attack, but Trogdor dodges and slaps Goku with a wing. Goku lands and waits for the next attack from Trogdor's tail, then dodges, grabs Trogdor by the beefy arm and tosses him into the air. Trogdor gracefully adjusts his/her/its position and breathes fire at Goku, sending him back to the ground. Goku recovers and phases behind Trogdor and kicks.*

Goku: Kamehameha!

*Trogdor spins around and attempts to hold back the attack with fire.*

*Elsewhere, Vegeta climbs out of a cave.*

Vegeta: Gah! Kakarot's taking all the action again...

*Vegeta flies off, only to be intercepted by Piccolo.*

Vegeta: Ah, so there you are. Do you have something useful to say?

*Piccolo draws back an arm, which is covered in flecks of coppery scales, and punches Vegeta in the face.*

*Various zombie Namekians burst from the shade and attack Vegeta.*

Vegeta: What is this!?

Freeza: It is your death, "prince".

*A series of energy disks fly at Vegeta from either side.*

*Meanwhile, where the sun don't shine...*

*Iciicla flies through Buu's guts.*

Iciicla: It's somewhere in this fowl place. Those fools will not be able to catch up with me before it is mine!

*She goes around a corner just to run into Kairin, Vekin and At.*

Iciicla: You weaklings are no concern of mine! *She swipes her hand in front of her and blasts the three of them out of her way.*

Kairin: ... Ow.

Vekin: Come on!

*Vekin flies after Iciicla.*

Kairin: At, I think now's a good time to morph.

At: I'm not sure what to morph into that would be any good, here...

Kairin: Buu?

At: An untested morph in a strange place... I don't know if that's a good idea.

Kairin: Well, pick something, 'cause I think you're gonna need it!

*Kairin takes off after Vekin and Iciicla. At shrugs, and a rapter's wings grow from his back, his hands become claws, and a few patches of scales and fur appear on his skin. Then he hurries after Kairin.*

*The Time Matrix floats in a snowglobe of pink goo. Iciicla lands near it.*

Iciicla: No one will stop me now!

*Gohan appears and punches Iciicla aside.*

*Vekin lands.*

Vekin: Gohan?

*Gohan turns and throws a ki blast at Vekin, who narrowly dodges.*

Vekin: Hey! What's the big idea?

*Kairin arrives.*

Kairin: That doesn't seem right...

*Katar jumps out of nowhere and drags Kairin to the ground.*

Kairin: Hey! What...umm... are you doing...?

Iciicla: These fools must have been absorbed in the explosion! But why are they guarding the time matrix?

*Goten, Kejek and Shairo appear and begin circling everyone.*

*At leaps in and pulls Katar off of Kairin. Kairin gets to his feet.*

Kairin: Jees, thanks.

Vekin: I don't think we can take all of them...

Kairin: I don't think we can take half of them.

*Trunks flies in, SSJ aura blazing, and knocks Iciicla into a "wall", then lands beside Vekin.*

Trunks: So, everyone else is here? Great!

Vekin: Umm, no, not great.

Trunks: Huh? Why not?

*Goten goes SSJ and headbutts Trunks into the "wall".*

*Nam and the lady arrive.*

Kairin: Umm... There are ... five of them? And... now there are enough of us...

Vekin: But Gohan alone could squash all of us. If he was out of the way, we might stand a chance, but then who would stop Iciicla?

*Trunks and Iciicla fly back in and take fighting stances.*

Trunks: I see. Whatever happened to Buu, it's put them against us.

Kairin: Umm, Vekin...?

Kairin: Yeah?

Kairin: I'll take Kejek.

*Kairin jumps out of the way of a lunging attack from both Katar and Shairo.*

Vekin: Wait, what?

*Nam attacks Shairo with his X attack from above.*

Nam: Stay down, child.

*At spits on Katar's back. She turns, and the spit falls to the "ground" and sizzles.*

Vekin: I don't think acid works on ghosts.

At: ... Oh.

*Trunks and Goten charge one another and begin exchanging blows.*

*Iciicla attempts to fly around the battle to reach the Time Matrix, but Gohan intercepts her and begins smacking her around.*

*Kairin leaps toward Kejek, who simply disappears. Kairin slips and falls, and Kejek reappears to pin him to the "ground".*

Kairin: Awe, jees.... Well, it was this or domestic abuse...

*The lady runs past all of the fighting and shoves her hand through the goo and touches the time matrix.*

Lady: What is this? Can we just get out of here? I just want my daughter back...

*Light engulfs her and the time matrix, and both disappear.*

*Iciicla picks herself up out of Buu's ... organs... and looks on in rage.*

Iciicla: No! No!

*Trunks kicks Goten into the space where the Time Matrix previously floated. Vekin and At send Katar to join Goten. In a burst of light, Kairin throws Kejek into the pile as well.*

*Meanwhile, Shairo knocks Nam into the "ceiling".*

*Iciicla rushes across the "room" and hits Shairo in the head until he collapses.*

Iciicla: It's gone! And we're all trapped inside this disgusting excuse for a lifeform!

Kairin: Sucks, doesn't it?

*Iciicla rounds on Kairin.*

Iciicla: I can still kill you. You Serve no use to me alive.

*Trunks steps in front of Iciicla.*

Trunks: You'll have to get past me first.

*And everything starts to shake violently.*

*Azuri is carrying Zalantar, dodging attacks from Grim Buu, while Mr. Satan runs below.*

Mr. Satan: When is this day going to end?!

*The sky splits in front of Azuri, and she tumbles to the ground, dropping Zalantar.*

*The Time Matrix and Zalantar's mother both appear.*

Lady: Zalantar!

*She runs to Zalantar and scoops her into her arms.*

*Azuri gets to her feet.*

Azuri: Umm, there's a deadly monster behind us, if you didn't notice...

*Mr. Satan runs up and leans on the Time Matrix, panting.*

Mr. Satan: I don't know where this came from, but please tell me it can get us out of here....

Lady: Yes... yes it can...

Buu: BUU!!

*The fat Buu we all know and love spirals out of the maze of vines created by Grim Buu, and headbutts Grim Buu into the air.*

Mr. Satan: Buu! He's ok! ... Wait, the last time this happened, the whole world was destroyed....

*The two Buus clash a few times.*

Lady: Hold on, Baby... I'll get us out of here...

*The lady puts one hand on the Time Matrix.*

Azuri: Wait!

Lady: I'm not waiting for you people anymore!

Azuri: Takes us to Capsule Corp! Trust me, Bulma's working on something important...

Mr. Satan: I'd much rather be sure that Videl is ok...

Cooler: You people are stupid, you know that?

*Cooler lands on the Time Matrix.*

Cooler: The time is now.

*Inside Buu, things are still shaking.*

Vekin: Hey! Remember the mission? We had to get those pods out of Buu...

Kairin: Yeah?

Vekin: Well, let's look for pods instead of trying to fight these guys...

*Iciicla and Trunks fight. Gohan, Goten, Kejek, Katar and Shairo circle the two of them.*

Nam: Up here!

*Vekin flies up to where Nam is stuck.*

Vekin: Are you ok?

Nam: I am stuck, but that is not why I called. I can see some pods...

Vekin: Great! Kairin, At, come on!

*The absorbees surrounding Trunks and Iciicla hold out their hands, and all launch ki blasts at the two fighters. Both crumple to the ground.*

Kairin: Guh, I wish I knew where my weapon got to... *Pulls out the coin that Kejek gave him earlier* ... Hey!

At: What's that?

Kairin: It's the linked galleon that Kejek gave me. I wonder what will happen if I try to contact him right now?

At: But he's...

Kairin: Absorbed, yeah. If he's in a pod, then that can't be the real him we had to fight.

*Kairin holds the coin between his hands, and it begins to glow.*

*A pod emerges from the surrounding goo.*

*At flies to the pod and tugs it free. He slashes it with his claws, and it bubbles omenously.*

*The Kejek near Trunks and Iciicla turns into a flower.*

Kairin: All right! If we just find Gohan's pod, then the others won't be a problem!

*Katar and Shairo turn into flowers, too.*

Vekin: That's almost all of them...

*The shaking becomes more violent, and the entire chamber shifts in shape.*

Kairin: I don't remember this in our training mission...

Nam: The victims are keeping this place together! When they are all free, it should be destroyed completely...

*Goten and Gohan stand over Trunks, both preparing ki attacks.*


*Yabu jumps Sir X. They fight. Yabu tries rather hard to keep it a close-range battle.*

*Back at the Time Matrix...*

Cooler: And now it ends. Resist me, we still win...

Tien: Kikoho!

*Cooler gets blasted. Tien flies in and puts him in a full nelson.*

Azuri: Huh?

Tien: I'll get him to the cave!

Cooler: Dammit!

*Tien flies off with Cooler in tow.*

*Grim Buu dissolves into a cloud of brown steam. Mr. Buu lands, andpeople fall out of the cloud of steam.*

Lady: We're going home....

King Kai: No! No! You must not use the time matrix now....

*aaaand kablam.*

*Goku and Trogdor are still fighting, but the area around them shifts and swirls until it is a mysterious maze of blackness with stars scattered about. Goku's hair has returned in full.*

Tartena: And the Trogdor comes in the NIIIIIIIIIIGHT!

*Everything is consumed in fire. Goku goes tumbling through the fiery void.*

*Nubaru yawns and stretches his not-so-green-and-jello-y legs.*

Zalantar: MOMMY!

*Nubaru rips the lady in half. Zalantar falls into the starry abyss, screaming.*

*Azuri and Mr. Satan stand on the Time Matrix in the void. Nubaru turns toward them.*

Nubaru: Boo.

Mr. Satan: Gotta get out... gotta get out...

*The Time Matrix spins.*

Azuri: It's not working right!

*Nubaru holds up a hand, and throws a ball of smoke at Azuri and Mr. Satan.*

Mr. Satan: Then let's use it as a ship! Let's just get out of here!

*The Time Matrix starts moving, and flies out of the path of Nubaru's attack.*

Nubaru: Isn't chaos fun?

*Captain Ginyu flies in and blasts Azuri and Mr. Satan aside, then takes hold of the Time Matrix.*

Ginyu: It is done!

*Chibi Goku, adult-but-bald Krillin, and Bulma confront a fire-breathing Oolong.*

Bulma: ... Wasn't... I... Doing... Something... Else...?

*Iciicla watches from atop a cliff while Piccolo beats up Goku and Krillin.*

Iciicla: Not quite what I had in mind, but well done. Well done indeed.

*Something strongly resembling Future Trunks' time ma machine strikes the ground a ways away.*

Bulma: Huh? That looks like a Capsule Corp vehicle. *Runs to it.*

*Bulma messes with the controls, and the Time Machine abruptly vanishes, dropping a large gun-like weapon to the ground.*

Bulma: Huh? What's this? ... Wait, I remember! I was working on the time machine, but I stopped to examine what Azuri gave me... *Shakes her head.* Time machine? Azuri? What's going on?

*Bulma picks up the gun and looks toward the battle. Piccolo knocks out Goku and goes for Krillin, who backs up in terror.*

Bulma: Wait, I remember something about... Namekians? Wait, I know!

*Bulma takes aim and shoots a green projectile from the weapon. It strikes Piccolo, and he clutches his face in rage.*

Krillin: Huh?

*Piccolo suddenly rips off his arm and glares up at Iciicla.*

Iciicla: What? That isn't supposed to happen.

Piccolo: Ginyu made one fatal mistake. He didn't know that I would have been the demon king if he had just sent me back into the past like everyone else. Instead, he decided to use Freeza's hold on me to keep me on your side. And it backfired.

*Piccolo phases behind Iciicla and karate-chops her in the neck. She collapses, then topples off of the cliff and crashes to the ground.*

*Piccolo flies over to Bulma.*

Piccolo: Bulma.

*Bulma is understandably terrified.*

Bulma: I... didn't... mean...

Piccolo: Calm down, woman! You may have just saved the universe!

Bulma: ... What?

*Piccolo puts his hand on Bulma's forehead.*

Krillin: Hey! Keep away from her!

*Krillin flies at Piccolo. Piccolo grows back the arm he ripped off and uses it to casually backhand Krillin aside. Bulma pulls away.*

Bulma: Oh my gosh! I remember now!

Piccolo: Good. The universe has been twisted horribly now. If you want to make yourself useful, fly around until you find more of the Namekians that are under Freeza's control, and use that toy of yours to set them free. And hurry. Your husband might slaughter them all, if there's anything left of him in this new world.

*Bulma nods and pulls out a capsule. Piccolo turns to Krillin.*

Piccolo: And as for you. Goku's out of commission, so I need you to pull yourself together and be useful.

*Piccolo lunges and plants his hand on Krillin's forehead. Krillin eventually stops his shaking, but not before Bulma's capsule produces a plane that she hops into and flies away in.*

Krillin: P... P... Piccolo? Oh, man... what happened?

Piccolo: Captain Ginyu has control of a powerful object. On top of that, the nexis that Freeza's men created has combined with that to give them absolute control over the universe.

Krillin: What! Come again? It sounds like you just said that Freeza rules the universe...

Piccolo: Yes. He rules it now more completely than he ever did when he was alive. That device manipulates time and space. It's more powerful than a mere time machine, though, and Freeza's men have learned how to exploit that. The entire universe will be rewritten to their liking, if we don't get it away from them before they get the chance.

Krillin: Is there even any time?

Piccolo: Yes. Ginyu has the device. Freeza is watching everything from his throne somewhere. The power is largely in Vento's hands, though. Vento knows how these things work better than anyone, and it's more than a safe bet that he's pulling the strings whenever he gets the chance.

Krillin: So what do we do?

Piccolo: We kill Vento.

*On Namek, Vegeta is getting the snot beat out of him by the extremely alive Ginyu Force. Katar, Liquaro and Rani jump into the fray, but the Ginyu Force has an overwhelming advantage, somehow.*

*King Cold blasts Rani in the back.*

*Freeza drops in and smirks at Vegeta.*

Freeza: So many years of freedom, Vegeta. You were better off staying dead when I killed you the first time.

*Recoome holds up Vegeta, and his blood flows. Freeza walks up and catches it on his tongue.*

*A group of Namekians fly in and attack the Ginyus, and Vegeta is let go.*

Freeza: What? Why are they free?

*Bulma runs in and kneels beside Vegeta.*

Bulma: Vegeta?

Freeza: Touching. But I'm afraid it's the end of the line for your monkey prince. He's no stronger than he was when he first visited the Earth.

*Bulma glares at Freeza.*

Bulma: Why don't you crawl back to Hell?

*Freeza chuckles.*

Freeza: Quite the attitude. You and Vegeta would make an interesting pair.

*Krillin hides behind a staircase where Ginyu stands, overlooking some scenery.*

Ginyu: It is beautiful, isn't it? The entire universe will be recreated in the image of the all powerful Freeza.

*Krillin jumps out of the shadows.*

Krillin: Destructo Disk!

*Ginyu turns his head to look toward Krillin, in time for it to ... ur... go rolling.*

Vento: That was foolish.

*Vento comes at Krillin from behind. Krillin spins around.*

Krillin: Solar Flare!

*Flash of light, and Krillin flies off.*

Vento: That has only bought you seconds. My ears function as well as any eyes.

*Vento pursues Krillin.*

Piccolo: Special Beam Cannon.

*Demon Piercing Light Drill goes through Vento's back and out his chest. He has time to look shocked before he collapses.*

Krillin: Whew, that was too close!

*Piccolo turns and blasts the staircase. The Time Matrix lies beneath it.*

Piccolo: Now, there's just the little matter of setting things right.

*Piccolo walks toward the Time Matrix. a ki blast catches him in the leg, and he collapses. Iciicla walks up behind him.*

Iciicla: You impudent Namekian. *Kicks Piccolo.* You will not dethrone this family! This universe is ours!

*Piccolo gets to his feet and spins to attack Iciicla. Iciicla defends herself handily.*

Piccolo: Krillin! Get to that sphere!

Krillin: Then what?

Krillin: Touch it! And concentrate on making things the way they should be!

*Krillin manages to reach the Time Matrix and place a hand on it.*

Krillin: I hope this works...

*It does.*

Freeza: What just happened?

Bulma: You lost, that's what!

*No more Ginyu Force. Vegeta struggles to his feet.*

Vegeta: So, are you ready to return to Hell, Freeza?

*Vegeta goes SSJ and proceeds to beat Freeza up.*

Vegeta (laughing): I've wanted to do this for a long time, "Lord" Freeza!

*And they all lived happily ever after. At least, until their attempt to use the dragonballs to undo all the damage resulted in seven eviln dragons trashing the planet, and an attempt at using the time matrix to undo it even more resulted in some horrible action figure movies. Oh, and the Hermalyan empire conquered the Earth.*

10:27 AM 8/19/2011