Power Rangers Midis

  So, I've found that finding midis of music from Power Rangers (particularly, the first six seasons) is a bit difficult. I did manage to find this page of piano versions, and there are midis of the MMPR opening floating around, but as for midis that attempt to recreate the music closely? Not so much.

  My sollution: Make them!

So here you go. I used the piano versions for stuff I couldn't figure out myself, and there are several based on the soundtrack to the MMPR:The Movie game for Sega Genesis. So make of that what you will.

Title (all are links) Size Date completed Description and notes
Mighty Morphing Power Rangers - "Go Go Power Rangers!" 9.1KB 08/28/2004 The only one I'm posting that I didn't sequence. You can find this one pretty easily by googling "Power Rangers Midi".
White Ranger Tiger Power 17.4KB 12/16/2004 This is the first one I made, and it's pretty easy to tell. The arrangement is weak, and I didn't reference anything but memory for the drums. Maybe I'll remake it some day...
Rita Repulsa 9.76KB 01/13/2007 This was made with video game usage in mind, and is only really derived from Rita's theme from the TV series. I wasn't trying to match a specific track. The repetition is evident, but eh.
Bulk and Skull 16.9KB 03/27/2007 It repeats way too many times, but really, it was designed to loop, wasn't it? :P.
Go Green Ranger 199KB 01/19/2007 Game version, so you may find that a certain part from the TV version is missing.
Lord Zedd 3.51KB 11/05/2006 Since this one isn't that repetitive, I wound up going only as far as the piano version (which falls two measures short of the game version, which is itself only half of the TV version).
Lord Zedd (angry remix 9.64KB 10/27/2007 I... ur... remixed Lord Zedd's theme. My guitar tricks turned out terrible.
5 4 1 46.3KB 05/28/2007 Though currently I prefer this version of this song, I made another when the sawtooth didn't feel heavy enough for some of the things I was using it for. The result is below...
5 4 1 (heavier?) 68.7KB 02/16/2008 I made a heavier version of 5-4-1 when the first attempt felt weak. So I switched the sawtooths to guitars and added a harpsichord. Yeah. Harpsichord.
Gold Ranger 12.3KB 10/10/2006 One that I made without a midi reference~! Could use more stereo...
Tenga ByeBye 20.1KB 11/22/2006 Another made without a midi reference~! There are a lot of special effects in the original song that were tough to implement in midi form, so I left out a few of them (such as the epic "creepy wail" thing that I think is a guitar...).
Dragon Dagger Fanfair 651Bytes 02/15/2005 I only did the basic fanfair here, not the "Dragon Zord in Fighting Mode" tune. I did work the full thing into an MMPR Medly I tried to make, but I never finished it (It was basically the Dragonzord music, then the MMPR main theme... which felt pretty cheap to me, and I couldn't figure out where to go with it. Maybe some day... some day...).
Power Rangers: Zeo opening 14.9KB 08/14/2008 Judging by the filename, I went through a couple versions of this. I think I corrected a couple small errors, and added stereo.
Hey Rita 39.0KB 09/13/2009 The accompanyment is a bit heavier than my usual sawtooth for this song. The sawtooth on its own just wasn't cutting it, though at times I do worry that my sollution was a bit much. (I did learn from the mess that was my second version of 5-4-1, at least).
Combat 63.0KB 09/16/2009 A bit inconsistent with the gunshot. I have this bad habbit of trying to avoid being too repetitive (but I fail anyway).
Fight (guitar version) 31.9KB 12/07/2009 This song didn't work with my usual sawtooth, so I experimented with different instruments. Though the guitar version leaves something to be desired, I kept this version for the sake of faithfulness to the original. Note that this is still based more on the game version, so the alternate endings to the chorus are absent.
Fight (strings version) 31.9KB 12/07/2009 Another version of fight. Literally, the only difference is that some of the guitars were replaced with strings. This sounded good enough to me to warrant keeping. (The melody still uses a combination of guitar and synth voice).
We Need A Hero 46.8KB 01/23/2010 So, there's more story in this one. I had a friend listen to the version of the song from the MMPR:The Movie game, and he concluded that it did the song no justice. So here, I made an effort to match the TV version as closely as possible. I still think the sound (the guitars in particular) make it a rather inferior version (well, it is a midi being compared to an actual recording...). There were also a few special effects in the song I wound up not trying to work in. I still tried to keep some of the guitar harmonic effects, but... well, you can hear how those turned out (ur, and if not, I'd be interested to know why you read this far... ^_^ ).

  This page copyright © 8:53 AM 10/28/2010 C. A. E. Jones. All midis sequenced by C. A. E. Jones unless otherwise noted. Original music by the Mighty Raw. Power Rangers is licensed to Bwenovista Entertainment.

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