Episode 02: "Erosion Corner"

Writer:  C. A. E. Jones

1:03 AM 12/8/2009



[ EXT. ALLEYWAY - AFTERNOON. : Wind is sprawled on the ground with Hydron crouched over her in concern (if visible, the front of Wind's costume sports a scorch mark). Gravitor and Glacier stand nearby as well; Gravitor's expression is grave. ]


[ Gravitor looks at Wind uneasily, sighs, shakes his head slightly, then makes eye contact with Glacier, who seems to be staring blankly. ]

Hey, Glacier... I hate to keep throwing you into this... but... we could use a hand with this.

[ Glacier forms a ball of ice in one hand and hands it to Hydron. A sloping ice-platform grows from Glacier's feet, then rises a bit into the air; it isn't clear that it can support the four people atop it, but Gravitor crouches and looks to be focusing, and the platform continues rising, free of Earth's gravity. (Note that the platform isn't immune to wind.). ]

I guess we owe you some explanations, huh?

You owe me nothing.

Well, it'll be a while before we get anywhere, and since we seemed to work well together today, it's better that we're all on the same page.

[ The Ice-platform has risen considerably at this point; perhaps past the tops of the nearest buildings, though none of the nearest buildings are more than a couple stories in height. ]

So the guy in the ninja costume goes by Fieron. He's been annoying a lot of big-whigs lately.


[ Wavy Flashback-dissolve to... ]


[ EXT. A LAWN - NIGHT. : In parts of the background, some trees--mostly cedar and persimmon--Flank a gravel driveway that leads to an asfalt road that isn't lit well enough to provide much detail. A white stationwagon (could be replaced by a minivan if need be) sits in the driveway, but it is easily long enough and the surrounding lawn clear enough to accommodate more vehicles (though none are currently present). To one side (the right if one faces the road) of the driveway, closer to the foreground is a small-though-steap hill in the shadow of a tree (a broad-leaved tree, different from those nearer to the road); a concrete slab sits atop the hill, though it might not be clearly visible. A mobile home is in the foreground, though most of it is off screen; part of the front window and the breezeway-porch are visible, with a long wooden ramp leading out from the porch toward the driveway, with a shorter set of stairs leading off toward the narrow space between the hill and the building. A yellow-and-blue four-wheeler that is probably made for children under five sits in the space between the hill and the building. On the porch-side of the ramp is a rosebush; some more, smaller flowering plants might be visible surrounded by statuettes of small animals (angle permitting), and if visible, the blooms would suggest that the scene is set in mid spring. ]

GRAVITOR (voice-over, cont'd):
The first time he showed up was at a hostage situation.

[ The door to the porch-breezeway bursts violently open, and two figures fall out. The first to fall is a poorly-built, though seemingly large figure covered in a mess of clothing; the face cannot be clearly seen. The second is Fieron, though it may be too dark to tell. Fieron balances himself, and in another move, both he and his opponent fall down the stairs, the latter hitting his head against the four-wheeler. Fieron is able to remain standing and starts tearing off small pieces of his foe's clothing (nowhere near enough to reveal any skin; more endless folds of fabric if anything), using the strips of fabric to tie him to the four-wheeler. Sirens may be heard (a bit flashback-muffled), and soon blue lights appear. ]

GRAVITOR (voice-over):
Police got there once the action was over...

[ Two police cars arrive on the scene, and men in uniform get out and advance urgently. Shouts of "Freeze!" might be audible. Fieron turns to face them. ]

GRAVITOR (voice-over, cont'd):
And Fieron does some sassing and runs off.

[ The police advance after Fieron faces them a bit; Fieron disappears into the shadows of the under-porch. ]


[ Fade to ... ]

[ EXT. BEHIND A BUILDING - DAY. : The building can't be clearly seen, but it is built of brick and in such a way as to give the air of importance, such as a courthouse, City Hall or old Post-office. Two policemen are standing around, not looking particularly tense, but not quite like they're ready to leave. ]

GRAVITOR (voice-over) :
Local police tried to track him down, but Fieron apparently put a lot of effort into hiding. Except for when he'd randomly pop up to rant about the court system or something...

[ Fieron slowly steps into view, and the policemen immediately change mood as they prepare to approach him. ]

[ Fieron stops, crosses his arms, and muffle-chuckles (bearly audible). The policemen stop in arms-reach, and Fieron shrugs and turns to walk away. When the police make to stop him, he makes another ninety-degree turn and glide-sprints out of sight. ]

GRAVITOR (voice-over, cont'd):
And he'd never stick around long enough to take questions.


[ Dissolve to ... ]

[ EXT. PARKING GARAGE BALCONY - EVENING. : The concrete ground extends a bit beyond the walls of the garage, a five-foot-or-more wall as the only barier between the balcony and a drop to the traffic-covered highway below. A tired-looking figure leans against the wall, and a man wearing dark sunglasses stands in the shadows of the not-so-open part of the garage, watching the person at the wall without moving.* ]

[ Fieron appears from above and lands on the barier-wall, startling the figure near it; the man in the shadows tries to follow both with his shades-covered gaze. ]

GRAVITOR (voice-over):
He never gives out anything about himself, either.

[ The person at the wall staggers back, and the person in the shadows walks up to said person from behind and pulls back the wrists. Once he's secured both rists one-handed, the shades guy tries to use his other to manipulate tape that he's pulled from his pocket while turning his gaze to Fieron. ]

[ Fieron stands motionless for a couple seconds, then steps back and disappears behind the barier; the shades-guy pushes his captive forward a bit to get a better look over the barier, but with no apparent success in seeing anything of use. ]

[ EXT. HOSPITAL PARKING GARAGE - OUTSIDE - AFTERNOON. : As we slowly pan up from street level, the view passes the balcony, over which the man in shades peers; only once the view goes higher and to the left (toward the non-garage portion of the hospital) does Fieron become visible, landing on a narrow ledge outside a window.* ]

GRAVITOR (voice-over):
He did an awefully good job of getting away without being followed, and always wore that costume...

[ Dissolve to ... ]

[ EXT. RESIDENTIAL AREA - DAWN. : Not too far back from the road, the view focuses on a dusty gray house at the end of a short concrete driveway, in which sits a muddy pickup truck; a few bushes dot the yard near the road, and the lawn to the side of the house is splotched with tuffets of tall, spiney-looking weeds. ]

[ Muffled shouts--at least two voices, one male and the other female - can be heard from the house ]

[ Fieron slowly steps into view from the foreground, facing the house. ]

GRAVITOR (voice-over):
Someone decided enough was enough, and tried to set up some sort of meeting with Fieron.

[ Slowly pan over toward the street, then across it, to where a figure with a camera can be seen only partly obscured by intermingling bushes and trees just off of a delappidated, broken sidewalk that looks as though it hasn't been repaired in well over a decade. ]

GRAVITOR (voice-over, cont'd):
But that didn't quite work out.

[ Zoom out slightly, pan back toward the house; Fieron approaches the side of the house, as though not ready to choose which entrance to take, when he turns around; a slight shuttering occurs in the leaf-tower across the street (more visible here, as the sound is low enough that it likely isn't audible). Fieron begins scanning the area near the street, then starts walking very quickly toward the disturbance. ]

GRAVITOR (voice-over):
A camera was involved, and Fieron didn't apreciate that much.

[ The view follow's Fieron from above and behind as he reaches the sidewalk, then looks after the cameraperson. With cover blown, the cameraperson takes a few long steps backward, but Fieron's focus remains on him/her/it/them. Fieron suddenly moves directly for the cameraperson, going through the vegetation without much apparent resistance (though it may be noted that as Fieron emerges from the vegetation on the other side, he has a hand up to keep his hood and sash in place). The cameraperson retreats, and Fieron reaches out a hand as though to touch the camera. The cameraperson pulls away. ]

GRAVITOR (voice-over):
Apparently the recording was being transmitted to whoever the camera person was working with.

[ Fieron brings his hands up as though preparing to either defend himself or to make an attack; the cameraperson makes an unexpected lunge, but veers far enough to the side that Fieron is forced to hold out an arm to try and halt the move. The camera goes flying in the scuffle, and an antennae is visible sticking out of it before it strikes the ground. Fieron steps back and looks toward the camera curiously, and the camera-less person takes the opportunity to run off. ]

GRAVITOR (voice-over, cont'd):
Once Fieron found out, things went to a whole new level.

[ As Fieron moves to retrieve the camera, fade to ... ]


[ EXT. TRANSMISSION TOWER - EVENING. : At ground level, the tower doesn't seem to be much more than a tall, slightly-more-metally-than-usual building. That doesn't stop Fieron from stepping in from the side and following the frame toward a wiry area toward the back where a few metal and wooden beams, as though left over from some recently-completed construction work, frame a scaffold-lift, which Fieron promptly mounts and rides up alongside the tower. Fieron can be seen to be holding part of the previously-seen camera--the part with the antennae--and is looking around deliberately.* ]

[ EXT. TRANSMISSION TOWER - EVENING. : The lift doesn't get anywhere near the top of the tower, but it is still a great distance above the ground when it stops moving with Fieron in tow. ]

[ Fieron holds the camera-piece toward the tower and moves it around a bit, occasionally adjusting something with his thumb on the device. ]

FIREMARTIAL (OS, muffled, over loudspeaker):
Bring the lift back down.

[ Pan back a bit to see a firetruck and a policecar parked near the tower. A man in a dark gray suit stands near the equipment attached to the lift, and seems to be messing with some switches, but when nothing happens, he turns to face a fireman, shaking his head. ]

GRAVITOR (voice-over, cont'd over the following dissolve):
Somehow he figured out where the video had been sent...

[ Dissolve to ... ]

[ INT. POLICE GARAGE - NIGHT. Several floodlights quickly fade into life as Fieron steps into a now-opened servailence van. There is noise from elsewhere in the area, but it is distorted by the intense reverberation of the garage as well as the flashback-mufflage. ]

[ Two men in uniform rush the van, tasers in hand. Fieron turns to face them, but remains in the same spot. As they approach, he holds up his hands. ]

GUARD1 (muffled):
Put your hands on your head!

[ Fieron slowly, almost condescendingly moves his hands over his head. ]

GUARD1 (muffled):
Step out of the van.

[ The camera zooms in slightly, continuing over the next couple lines. ]

FIERON (muffled, nigh inaudibly quiet):
As you wish; might I have a few seconds?

GUARD1 (muffled):
Step out of the van, now, and don't try anything...!

[ Fieron drops his elbows, but keeps his hands over his head as he takes a cautious step forward. The chunk of camera is now visible in his left hand. ]

GUARD1 (muffled):
Drop what you're carrying.

FIERON (muffled):
If I drop it with my hands on my head, it might break.

GUARD1 (muffled):
Drop it!

[ Fieron brings his hand down in front of his face and turns it as though to drop the camera-chunk. In so doing, the antennae points toward the guards in a way resembling a threatening gesture, though it is unclear if this was intentional on Fieron's part. The closest guard reacts immediately by activating his taser; Fieron takes the electrified barb in the glove holding the camera-piece, and suddenly makes a sweeping motion with his arm, bringing his elbow up overhead awkwardly as sparks trail the camera. He brings his hand back over his head, and drops the camera; it lands toward the back of Fieron's shoulder, and a shower of sparks fills the van behind Fieron. Both guards direct their tasers on Fieron, who kneels--all the while keeping his hands over his head--and slips his hands near to the tasers such that they pass between his fingers; another spark-cloud now forms a dome over Fieron. ]

[ Realizing how they are being manipulated, the guards withdraw their tasers; one goes for a baton, but Fieron suddenly jumps back up, using his left foot to kick the camera-fragment between the two guards. ]

FIERON (muffled):
You didn't say anything about my feet.

[ Fieron darts forward, using the fact that his hands are over his head to guard against the guards. ]

FIERON (cont'd):
You did tell me to step out of the van, though.

[ Fieron dives, collects the camera-fragment, rolls across the floor a bit, then returns to his feet. The guards are quickly at his heels, though by now Fieron is close enough to the wall that he brushes against a button-panel with his elbow, dimming the floodlights, only to activate strobe-lights and an echoing alarm. Fieron ducks one of the guards' attacks, then escapes into the shadows. ]


[ Fade to ... ]


[ EXT. WHITEBUILDING - DAY. : Fieron leaps onto a hedge-wall that flanks the path leading toward the certainly-not-referencing-anything building and takes quick, long strides along it. Stereotypical spec-ops-clad guards pop up from various places on either side of the hedge and the building, and someone fires a gun in Fieron's direction (though it isn't clear if the shot was meant to hit or intimidate) that misses. Fieron ducks, monkey-flips along the hedge, then jumps off of it and toward the entrance of the building, narrowly-but-seemingly-easily slipping past the lot of the guards. ]

[ INT. MEDIA ATRIUM - DAY. : The room seems to be an extention of a hallway, though several monitors are set up along a certain section of it, and there are paths leading off into other areas; one of these can be seen to lead into another hallway, while another can be seen to lead into a room full of computer terminals. The floor is a graying tan carpet, and there is more than enough fluorescent lighting to keep the scene clearly visible. Near the place where one of the monitors on the far right of the scene comes near to the wall, a circular opening is visible that is just big enough for a thick cable to feed through; the cable appears to connect to a plastic-coated beam that runs near the ground below the monitors, though it has branches that connect to each monitor.* ]


[ Fieron sprints into view, reaching the middle of the row of monitors before a relatively large guard in black appears from the right. Fieron turns to make himself thinner--presumably a smaller target--and continues to make his way along the monitor-row. ]

GUARD3 (slight mufflage):

[ Fieron stops walking, his hand outstretched. The previously-seen camera-fragment flies from his hand, and the antennae fits into the hole in the wall through which the cable feeds; it manages to hold the fragment in place. ]

[ No less than three guards run in from the left; all guards are armed, and their weapons are trained on Fieron. ]

[ The big guard, Guard3, slowly steps toward Fieron. ]

GUARD3 (muffled):
Stay where you are.

FIERON (muffled):
That should be sufficient.

[ Fieron's foot moves as though he is going to start moving, but slides back into place. ]

[ Guard3 reaches out to restrain Fieron by the arm, but in so doing, static electricity results in a brief spark at the point of contact. This doesn't stop Guard3, but it does run down Fieron's arm and into the camera fragment; in a brief moment, the spark has ran into the wall, and there is a stream of golden sparks flowing between Fieron's arm and the wall. Guard3 suddenly pulls back at this, and the other guards move in to surround Fieron. ]

GRAVITOR (voice-over):
Once Fieron reached the center of it all, something happened that noone was expecting.

GUARD3 (muffled):
Please put your hands behind your back.

FIERON (muffled):
If you say so.

GUARD3 (muffled):

[ Fieron spins around so that his arms are both extended behind him toward the wall, while he faces the guards. Fieron backs up, and is nigh bathed in a flood of sparks. ]

[ Guard3 Steps in and raises his weapon as though to hit Fieron over the head with it, deliberately avoiding direct contact with Fieron and his electric shield. Fieron tenses his arms and turns back around, pulling his arms away from the wall to keep them behind his back. In so doing, he manages to dodge Guard3's strike, pull the cable from the wall, and create a big enough explosion of sparks that Guard3 steps back and shields his face. ]

GUARD4 (muffled):
It's too dangerous to get close; if it doesn't stop, we'll have to shoot.

[ Close-up: Fieron has the cable tightly around himself as he holds it tensely with both hands. The sparks intensify, and it seems that parts of the cable are cracking as a pale blue light flickers through. After a second or so, jagged lines of blue light ignite along all of the cable that is visible, and a storm of blue sparks erupts and encircles Fieron. ]

[ Shot from above and back: The sparks streak along the cable and into each of the monitors along the wall. Fieron's image is partly obscured by the cloud of sparks that engulfs him. ]

GUARD4 (muffled, shouting):
Too late; FIRE!

[ The cable near the wall suddenly snaps loose and begins flailing about violently; Guard3 steps further back, brings down his weapon to aim at Fieron's torso, and fires in unison with the others in the room. ]

GRAVITOR (voice-over):
He pulled a network cable out of the wall, fried a bunch of computers, and somehow...

[ Slow-motion, zoom-in: The blue light around Fieron becomes too immense and chaotic to make out much, but as each bullet reaches it, it disappears in a burst of flame. ]

GRAVITOR (voice-over, cont'd):
... survived about five point-blank gunshots...

[ A length of the cable between Fieron and the flailing end comes free and whips around, forcing the guards to scatter before it falls to the ground in a display of golden sparks and smoke. The blue sparks around Fieron gather around his shoulders, arms, and form a thick ring of about five inches in diameter between his hands. ]

[ The spark-storm gives way to a brief flash of blue and white fire around Fieron, then fades to occasional flickers along Fieron's body. In his hands appears a metallic-looking ring, around which sparks are racing and jumping. ]

GRAVITOR (voice-over, cont'd):
... and wound up with some kind of ring.

[ The guards look at Fieron and his ring in astonishment, while Fieron stands in motionless triumph for several seconds before speaking. ]

FIERON (not-so-muffled):
It seems my work here is done. You didn't seem to like my presence earlier, so I'll be on my way.

[ Fieron turns toward the way he entered, and blue sparks cover the ring, race up Fieron's arms, down his spine and into his legs. Guard3 has his mouth open just as Fieron disappears down the corridor in a streak of sparks. ]


[ The guards all turn to pursue. ]


[ A streak of blue sparks zips away from the building and out of sight; it is long gone by the time that guards run out of the building and look around in urgent bewilderment. ]


[ Fade to black. ]

GRAVITOR (voice-over):
It's not really clear what was up with that ring...

[ Fade to... ]

[ EXT. CONSTRUCTION SITE - SUNSET. : The area is largely dirt with a massive hole in the middle that is being filled with concrete, while some steel beams are visible in some places along the edges. A man in a light flannel suit stands with a lean, heavily tanned person dressed in a short-sleeved shirt and cargo pants in the shadow of a large piece of machinery, and a busy highway is visible not too far from the site. ]

[ A shadow appears from the direction of the pit, and Fieron descends from above to land in front of the two on the ground near the machinery. ]

GRAVITOR (voice-over, cont'd):
But Fieron didn't waste any time in putting it to use after it had been seen.

[ The two near the machinery look startled; the one in the suit raises a hand, and the other takes a couple steps back. Fieron slowly approaches them, and the man in the suit sidesteps and moves around the machinery; the other turns to run, while the suited one mounts the machine and it roars to life. Fieron holds out his hands, the ring held between them, and sparks race down his arms to join those engulfing the ring before a torrent of sparks and fire flows outward from Fieron and the ring, warping the body of the machine and pushing it back. Sparks fly from it, and the Suitedman appears to be losing his balance atop it before he finally jumps off and runs; the machine slides back and stops, smoke rising from it as Fieron's lightshow subsides and he turns and rises into the air. ]

[ EXT. STREET OUTSIDE COFFEESHOP - DAWN. : A well-dressed man walks out of the relatively small building (which is one in a shopping-center composed of several connected buildings, the lot of which could have been built at any time in the past ten years (1991-2001)). Near the limits of the visible part of the street is parked a ivory-colored Lexis. ]

[ Blue sparks suddenly jet from above the buildings and give way to Fieron, standing on the sidewalk between the man and the Lexis. The man jumps back in alarm, and Fieron holds up a hand as though to both calm and grab attention. His other hand is just above his waist and holding the ring; it drifts toward his side as he gestures, but soon both hands are moving toward their usual hold-the-ring-in-front-of-him spot. ]

FIERON (muffled):
Lovely morning for business deals, is it not?

SUITMAN (muffled):
I wish it was! What do you want from me?

FIERON (muffled):
A little Transparency, is all.

[ Blue sparks circle the ring, and from it run along Fieron's arms and eventually form a circuit around Fieron's body; as the spark-circuit intensifies, Fieron's body becomes increasingly translucent, to the point that his skeleton is partly silhouetted against the light of the sparks. ]

FIERON (cont'd):
I hope you don't mind if I use my shield to demonstrate?

[ Fieron's spark-aura intensifies, his image becomes increasingly translucent, and fire begins to ignite on the sidewalk at his feet. The Suitman steps further back and jumps off the sidewalk into the street, running for the parked Lexis; traffic doesn't immediately stop for him, however, and as Fieron turns to face him, the flames around his feet rise and spill into the street as cars swerve and slam on their breaks ]

[ Pan out; traffic becomes chaotic in the area surrounding the Coffee-shop's shopping center, with cars swerving into the wrong lane when they can't stop in time to avoid cars in front of them, vehicles from the other direction partly running onto the sidewalk; a pedestrian or two shrieks as they jump back behind a streetlamp for safety. A collumn of blue sparks, dripping fragments of orange flames shoots into the sky and vanishes. ]

GRAVITOR (Voice-over, continued over dissolve):
Someone with the right connections decided that enough was enough, and brought out a state-sponsored special ops group--we call them the Buff Brigade--and tried to get a hold on either Fieron or his ring.

[ Dissolving to... ]

[ EXT. ALLEYWAY - DAY. : Fieron stands over a winded man who is lying on his back near the curb. ]

[ The shadow of a Helicopter moves over Fieron; sound may be heard, though muffled. ]

OFFICER (muffled, over loud-speaker):
Surrender, Fieron! You have thirty seconds; then we will open fire!

GRAVITOR (voice-over, cont'd):
But that didn't go so well.

[ Fieron flies up toward the helicopter, ring in hands, blue sparks geting more intense as he rises. A team of muscular, large-firearm-wielding men in blue uniforms emerge from the helicopter via small hang-gliders and maneuver to intercept Fieron. ]

[ Fiery projectiles fly for Fieron. A fiery aura surrounds him, and a pair of projectiles are reflected back toward their source; the gliders drop to avoid the blasts, and as another attacker gets close from the side, Fieron sweeps out his hand, creating a spark-trail that both deflects the projectile and showers the glider with sparks, causing it to catch fire and start to spin off course and groundward. ]

GRAVITOR (voice-over):
But it wasn't a complete failure.

[ Close-up on the remaining gliderman, who fires his weapon at Fieron. As Fieron reflects the projectile, the gliderman throws his weapon, and the projectiles collide and explode in midair, causing Fieron to drift back a few feet. The gliderman is pushed upward by the explosion and dives for Fieron, managing to reach out and clutch his ring. ]

GRAVITOR (voice-over, cont'd):
One of them got a hold on Fieron's ring.

[ Sparks envelop both Fieron and the gliderman as they struggle to free the ring from the other's grasp. ]

GRAVITOR (voice-over, cont'd):
But Fieron had another trick up his sleeve...

[ As the glider begins to burn up in the spark-storm, Fieron's fiery aura intensifies; orange flames cascade down Fieron's arms, and the fire and sparks meet in a white glow that engulfs the ring. The ring vanishes in a burst of white light, and the fire, sparks, and risidual white glow are all absorbed into Fieron, who hovers, then looks up in apparent alarm. ]

[ A glowing metallic fragment flies through the air, launched by the ring's destruction, and begins to fall. ]

GRAVITOR (voice-over):
Fieron somehow absorbed the ring into himself. But the guy that touched the ring didn't leave empty-handed.

[ The ring-shard lands in a navy-gloved hand, and a sudden jolt of sparks covers it. ]

[ The gliderman hovers, his glider replaced with fiery wings, and his uniform reshaping as spark-threads dance about his body and convert it into the navy blue, stars-and-stripes outfit of Black Eagle. ]

GRAVITOR (voice-over):
He got a dose of the power himself, and now we know him as Black Eagle.


[ EXT. ABOVE CITY - ICE PLATFORM - EVENING. : *Fade in to Hydron crouching on the ice, holding up Wind so that she isn't stuck lying on the ice. Gravitor and Glacier stand nearby, and the platform is slowly drifting and bobbing toward scene-right (background scrolling). ]

GRAVITOR (cont'd):
About that time, someone decided to try and fight fire with fire, and went to grab us. I guess we were the weirdest people they could track down.

GLACIER (Kinda quiet):
Weird is subjective.


[ Wind moans softly. ]

I think she's coming out of it.

WIND (groggy):
Why is it so cold...?

We're riding on ice.

WIND (groggy):

[ She tries to move, but stops, cringing a bit in pain. ]

WIND (cont'd):
Ugh... what happened?

We ran into Fieron.

WIND (Not quite so groggy, but still a bit out of it):
I remember now!

[ Wind struggles to reach up to touch part of her outfit, but stops once she realizes her gloves prevent her from feeling anything. She tries to lift her head. ]

WIND (cont'd):
I was kinda starting to like this outfit, too.

[ Wind takes A couple recovering breaths. ]

WIND (cont'd):
So where are we going?

The hospital.

Mm. Is it that bad?

[ Wind winces ]

WIND (cont'd):
I guess so...

So ... I guess our mission to check out that glacier went a lot farther than anyone was expecting. First job, and we run into Fieron himself. I hope you'll stay with us, Glacier... Guy... 'cause it looks like we're going to need a lot to keep this up.

[ Break. ]

[ INT. PENTHOUSE - NIGHT. : Hoita Nono, a blond-haired woman, sits somewhat tiredly at a computerdesk, typing with as intense concentration as she can manage in her tiredness. The lights are on, and a digital clock reads "4:48AM". A promenant chunk of quartz is sitting ornamentally atop a chest of drawers on an adjacent wall to that of the desk. ]

[ Roblin Hogan, a twenty-something male with a cast on one finger on his left hand enters the room from the direction behind Hoita. ]

Are you still up?

Of course. What do you need, Roblin?

[ Roblin sighs ]

. We need to talk.

I'm busy at the moment.

People are asking questions, Hoita. And it's not just the people on the ground. People are asking for information on you, and they use your name, and I don't think they're friends...

It's only natural that someone like Dr. Nono would be requested by name.

[ Fieron lands from the (apparently open) window. ]

...! What the...

I am working. And...

[ Hoita looks up, and freezes at the sight of Fieron. ]

Have you found any good use for the quartz from Crystal Island, yet?

I haven't. What does it matter?

You didn't use any quartz in those devices for the building operation?

The building has relevance.

Yes, Yes, but that doesn't change the fact that you're minions didn't do the best job. All of the work, Hoita... lost and pointless.

Why are you here,now?

You left a big mess, Dr. Nono. Do you really think you can run an operation such as this with petty street-punks handling something like the building operation?


It doesn't matter. Whoever those comicbook rejects were, they made it impossible to tell my devices apart from regular explosives when they started breaking them.

Are you sure about that?

[ Hoita starts typing more franticly. ]

Every last one of your devices failed, correct?

Hoita... I think we should leave.

There's still time.

[ Hoita presses enter, and regards the screen anxiously. ]

No signal. They're all disabled.

Where do the police keep evidence? Especially things they think might explode?

Please, Hoita... let's leave while we have the chance.

Shut up, Roblin! If there are any left, Eoce should be able to reach them.

[ Hoita keeps typing quickly. ]

HOITA (cont'd):
They'll never be able to track him.

Eoce? What makes you think your partner is any better protected than you?

I'm going to our cafe. I don't want to have to skip town over this.

You know an aweful lot to think yourself protected.

I'm done knowing, if this is what it comes to.

[ Roblin moves toward the door. ]

You'll find walking away to be far more difficult than fighting.

[ Roblin reaches for the doorknob, and pulls the door open (it opens inward), only to step back in stunned shock. ]

We're looking for Dr. Hoita Nono.

[ Roblin takes several steps backward, shaking in terror. ]

[ Hoita keeps typing more urgently. ]

They'll know about Eoce once they take that computer, Dr. Nono.

[ Hoita doesn't answer, just types more urgently (Hoita doesn't hit the backspace key at all from here on out, if such is visible). ]

Dr. Nono, please step out of the room.

[ Fieron turns and moves for the window. ]

You! By the window!

[ Fieron jumps outt. Policeman1 and Policeman2 rush into the room; Roblin falls over a chair and lies quivering on the ground as the policemen pass. Hoita is still typing urgently. ]

[ Policeman2 stops and faces Hoita. ]

Step away from the computer, Ma'am.

[ Hoita frantically reaches for the tab key with one hand, and enter with the other. ]


[ Policeman1 turns away from the window and reaches for Hoita's arm. Policeman2 grabs the other, and they both pull her away from the computer. ]

[ Hoita struggles, brings up one foot, and jabs at the keyboard, managing to hit the '=' key on the corner of the numeric keypad before the policemen pull her out of reach. ]

[ EXT. OUTSIDE APARTMENTS - PREDAWN. : Most of the light comes from streetlamps, all of which are well below the window of the penthouse. Fieron hovers near the open window of the top floor. ]

Hold it right there.

[ Black Eagle swoops in from above, wings of fire ignited and outstretched. ]

Black Eagle? What brings you here?

I heard that you were in on the building plot.

Did you, now? Did you also hear about how it ended?

With a woman in the hospital for burn-treatment? Yeah, I heard.

Hmmph. She attacked me.

That's your excuse? You think you can get away with all that you've done by blaming a college student?

Oh, she's a college student, now?

Not that it matters. Are you coming quietly?

Actually, I have somewhere to be, and I'm running late. Perhaps another time?

I don't think so.

[ Black Eagle Moves in and places both hands against the building, trapping Fieron between him and the building. ]

Do you really think we won't meet again? If you found me here, it's likely that our paths will cross again.

What makes you think you'll leave here a free man?

[ Fieron laughs. ]

You did leave a huge opening for me.

[ Black Eagle brings his feet up to block a downward retreat, but Fieron shoots upward. As he does, Fieron brings his hands up along the center of his body and throws them outward forcefully; his forearms collide with Black Eagle's arms, and Fieron is clear to fly up and out of Black Eagle's grasp. ]

Get back here!

[ Black Eagle flies up after Fieron, holding up a fist from which a jet of blue sparks fires. A net of blue sparks fizzles into existence around Fieron, absorbing the blast. ]

[ In a streak of fire and sparks, Fieron disappears below a row of buildings. Black Eagle dives after him, but there is no sign of him by the time Black Eagle reaches the ground. ]

You can't run and hide forever. We'll stop you. We don't fail.

[ INT. EMERGENCYROOM - NIGHT (LIT). : Wind is in a hospital bed, with an appropriately-dressed Doctor, Gravitor, Hydron and Glacier standing nearby. Gravitor and Hydron look concerned. ]

From the looks of these burns, she'd've have to have been jumping up toward whatever burned her, then fell onto her back. Unless I am to understand these came from separate events.

That... was pretty much what happened.

All right, then.

[ Doctor sighs ]

DOCTOR (cont'd):
She'll be sore for a while, but the burning isn't that severe; whatever she was wearing, it seems to have taken most of the damage from the heat. The most she'll have is some scarring on her chest.

Can I come in?

[ Everyone but Glacier (who is kinda looking off to the side unfocusedly) looks off to the left (the characters' right). A decently built man in police outfit steps into the room. ]

Can I help you?

I'll need to speak with the man with the "G"-suit.


That's right. Would you step outside, please?

[ Gravitor looks apprehensive, looks around, then begrudgingly follows. ]

[ Hydron looks after them, then looks toward Glacier. ]

Are you awake?


Did they see him at the building earlier?

Probably. It doesn't matter.

How's that?

He's been against the police before.

What makes you say that. Sure he was nervous; why wouldn't he be?

He wasn't nervous. He was surprised. He was defeated. He's escaped the police before. If he was ever caught, it would have been a long time ago, and he would have been released quickly.

Those conclusions are a little specific for such little evidence.

[ A nurse enters; fade to black. ]

[ INT. POLICESTATION - NIGHT. : There are a few people sitting in the chairs in the lobby; Gravitor stands half-defiantly near the doorway leading to an isolated room. ]

Seriously? After all that... when I do something to help the public, I'm the one that gets arrested?

Now, the security guards saw someone in a costume like yours, there were explosives involved, and you fled the scene. We wouldn't be doing our job without asking some questions.

Right. Did you start by questioning the thugs that had the guns and the bombs?

We have the others found at the scene in custody. We're talking to you right now.

Hmmph. Talking.

BB14 (OS):
Is he not cooperating?

[ People in the waitingroom murmer in notice. ]

Hello. Why don't you step back here?

[ Gravitor turns to look at BB14. ]

Hey! It's about time you got here...

Relax, relax. Let's just step into the conference room and straighten this out.

[ INT. POLICESTATION - MEETINGROOM. : Policeman, Gravitor and BB14 enter. Policeman sits on one side of the promenant table. ]

So, are we going home, or what?

Calm down. The ISDA told them to pick you up.


I told you; security reported you.

Once they hear that someone at the crime scene has been dealt with, it'll be much easier to smooth over.

Smooth over? By arresting one of the people that stopped the attack?

Security saw you. Leaving complaints in the air is a bad way to start. Do you want to get more legal tape in on this that will disclose sensitive information? What do you think Fieron would do if he knew about, say, how the ISDA is paying for your mother's wellfare?

So they're giving out my life's story to everyone else? That doesn't seem like a good way to protect sensitive information.

They told me enough to know how to get your attention. Now settle down; this won't take long.

[ Gravitor looks like he'd like to say more, but crosses his arms and stands silently with a very unhappy expression on his face. ]

[ EXT. ROCKEY MOUNTAINS - MORNING. : The camera slowly zooms in and descends, with the rising sun in the background, highlighting the gathering clouds around the mountains, whose peaks are gathering snow. ]

[ EXT. APARTMENT COMPLEX - MORNING. : Though the air is clear, this isn't the most thickly-vegetated area in town (though if any plantlife is visible, it should imply that it is late summer or early autumn). We don't see much of the area clearly, as we focus on a particular upstairs window... ]


[ INT. APARTMENT - MORNING. : The front room appears somewhat cramped, though it isn't particularly filled. The floor is covered by two gray-brown rugs, a shabby couch sitting on one wall, an armchair on another; a TV set (no more than twenty-four-inch, no newer than 1998) sits on an end-table against the third wall with unmarked VHS cassettes sitting near it (half hanging off the table). Though not clearly visible, a VCR sits under the table. A larger coffee-table sits in front of the couch, a remote control sitting on it next to a small stack of books--seemingly a magazine or two and a textbook (if the cover is visible, the subject is Developmental Psychology). There is space to the right (viewer's left) of the couch that leads back into a kitchen area, a sink and refrigerator potentially in view (the lights are off). If visible, there is another opening on the opposite side of the wall as the couch leading from the kitchen into other rooms. ]

[ The kitchen light flips on as Wind walks in, wearing jeans and a dark-colored short-sleeve shirt; her hair is damp, though neatly combed. She walks over to the sink and reaches for the cabinet door above. She opens the door and pulls out a gray, plastic bowl and sets it down on the counter, then opens the fridge. Water rises in the sittingroom, and Hydron takes human form. ]

Already up, Shanan?

I went to get another copy of the Organic Chemestry book.

What for? ... Is the bookstore even open?

It's after ten thirty.

It's Saturday. Don't you already have an Organic book?

There aren't many copies, and they're pretty expensive. I was going to get one for your sister, since she's going into premed.

Oh, nice! You shoulda told me; I could pay for part of it.

It's fine. The books come in Monday; I paid to hold a copy. I'll let her borrow mine for Monday's class.

Did you eat anything?

[ Wind Poors and puts up milk while talking. ]

WIND (cont'd):
The sink's empty.

Got something while I was out.

Jees, you're going to run out of money if you keep this up.

That'll be it for a while, if nothing unexpected happens.

[ Wind pours chocolatey cereal into her bowl and puts the cerialbox in the cabinet nearest the fridge. ]

You didn't take the lawndry down, by any chance?

No; I thought we were going to do it all at once.

Yeah; just checking.

[ Wind pulls a spoon out of a drawer and sticks it into her cereal, then walks into the sittingroom and sits down on the couch, picks up the remote, and turns on the TV, which reveals a stereotypical Soap opera scene. ]

I got up too early...

Well, there won't be a line at the washing machine if we get there early enough.

[ Hydron sits in the chair. ]

[ Wind eats the cereal using one hand, and flips the channels on the remote with the other. ]

... Said the culprit was covered in metal...

[ The channel flips to a replay of a Highschool Football game. ]

... Despain intercepts...

[ Channel-flip to something resembling Japanese animation. ]

Kagenjoujo is in my hands...!


[ Channel flip to the weather channel. ]

[ Knocking comes from off-screen. Wind and Hydron look off toward the fourth wall. ]

[ Look at the room from a different angle, where the kitchen is out of sight, but a sliding glass door can be seen in the previously unseen wall, leading out to a small balcony. A silhouette (of Gravitor) is visible outside. ]


[ Hydron gets up and opens the door. ]

Good morning, ladies.

Come in; have a seat.

[ Wind Notices that Gravitor is wearing his "G" costume. ]

WIND (cont'd):
What's with the outfit?

Well, I was traveling by air. Might as well look the part.

You... don't look very Superman-like. And I'm not sure that swimmy thing you do is really that pretty.

It's still airtravel, and still stylish.

Yeah. Stylish...

[ Wind looks at the books on the coffeetable, then takes another bite of cereal. ]

WIND (cont'd):
What brings you out here? I thought you were in Nevada?

Had some free time, and thought I'd check out the mountains. Since I was in the neighborhood...

Pretty big trip, though.

Egh, not really. My parents were archaeologists; in South America just before I came about. Besides, work's got us going all over the place, right?

Yeah, I guess. They won't pay for everything we want, though.

Noone ever does.

Are you sure you don't want to sit down?

No thanks; this suit isn't fun to sit in.

You're the one that wore it.

[ The phone rings. Hydron picks it up off of the coffee-table. ]


[ Wind looks toward the phone, toward the Caller ID. ]

Out of area...? We don't get many of those.

Can I put you on speaker?

[ Wind and Gravitor watch intently. Hydron pushes a button on the phone. ]

CALLER (over speaker):
Who is present?

Just Charles, Sara and Shanan...

CALLER (over speaker):
Is anyone else within earshot?

I really doubt it.

CALLER (over speaker):
Can you be sure?

[ Thudding dance music starts playing from the floor. ]

I'm... pretty sure.

CALLER (over speaker):
Your presence has been requested for a meeting to finalize the terms of your employment.

Wait, I thought...

When... would this meeting be?

CALLER (over speaker):
No sooner than Monday.

... I guess we'll be seeing each other again soon.

[ EXT. WAREHOUSE - NIGHT. : A bulky figure moves through the shadows. ]

... You hear something?

[ The figure approaches, extends an arm, and a golden beam of sparks zaps the guard, and he falls; in the glow, it can be seen that the figure is covered in metal. ]

[ Fade to black. ]

[ INT. ISDA CONFERENCEROOM - DAY. : (Fade-in) The ISDA Chairman, Gravitor, Wind, Hydron and Glacier are gathered; Black Eagle stands in such a position as to be between both the Chairman and the rest. ]

Intensive Situation Defense Agency? Isda?

That is the official name for the organization in all legal documentation and budget requests.

That doesn't have the ring to it I was hoping for...

We should be called TAOE.


We're the perfect combination; Wind, Water, Gravity, and Ice... the agents of erosion.

Nice. And I guess we are considered "agents" now. Whatever; it's better than Isda.

Call yourselves what you will; do you have any questions that pertain to the current proceedings?



Very well. By remaining here until seventeen-hundred hours, September 10, 2001, you are completing an agreement with the United States Intense Situation Defense Agency, and are obligated to keep all information pertaining to the United States Intense Situation Defense Agency top secret unless an instruction from a source of leadership in the U.S.ISDA instructs you otherwise. You understand that in the event that this contract is broken, either intensionally or through acts of an outside party, all knowledge of this meeting and any others will cease to exist and this agency is not under obligation to provide any additional assistance. You realize that outside of official ISDA duty, your powers are equivalent to those of United States citizens and are bound by any laws that may be in effect at your location at the time in question.

We can't leave for anything?

If you leave the primmices before five PM, the contract will be considered null and void.

[ Slowly pan back to a view of the faces of Wind, Hydron, Glacier and Gravitor (hereafter referred to collectively as "Taoe") while dissolving to... ]

[ INT. ISDA BREAKROOM - DAY. : The room isn't incredibly large (though larger than the previously-seen apartment livingroom). The floor is of offwhite linoleum, and the walls are painted similarly. The back wall--with a door on the far side (left if one faces the wall)--is mostly covered with a long table serving as a makeshift countertop, with a refrigerator on one end, and a small tin trashcan on the other. The table is mostly bare, save for a microwave oven and a role of paper towels standing on it near the fridge. The opposite side of the room is dominated by a large television screen, which is currently inactive. The remaining furniture of the room consists of two large Armchairs, one on each remaining wall--though one of these isn't clearly visible from the current angle. Wind is sitting in the armchair closest to the door, Gravitor in the other. Hydron is sitting cross-legged on the floor beside Wind's chair; if her face is visible, she looks more comfortable than the others. Glacier stands awkwardly in front of the table, occasionally receiving awkward glances from Wind and Gravitor. ]

Does she always sit in the floor like that?

Well, no, but she never seems to mind when she does. ... Why don't you ask her? She's right here...

... Do you always sit in the floor like that?

I think Sara answered well enough.

Hmm. With a room like this, it's almost like they expect us to hang around here a lot.

Some more chairs would be nice then, huh?

Put in a request, and see what you get.

[ Black eagle walks in through the open doorway. ]

Afternoon, B. E.

Don't call me that.

GRAVITOR (more playful than serious):
Yes sir.

While I've got you here, I want to go over what we've got on the people behind that operation you broke up in July.

[ Black Eagle steps further into the room and opens the refridgerator and pulls out a bottle of water; if the contents can be seen, the bottle is about two-thirds of the way full. ]


Not just Fieron.

[ Black Eagle takes a drink from the waterbottle. ]

BLACK EAGLE (cont'd):
We picked up a Dr. Hoita Nono after Fieron got away from you. Fieron was there too, but...

[ Black Eagle crushes the bottle over the table; blastic splits apart and a few pieces fall to the tabletop, along with the remaining water. ]

BLACK EAGLE (cont'd):
... he slipped through my fingers.

[ Glacier makes a quiet nose-laugh, but otherwise doesn't react visibly. ]

So he wasn't working alone?

Apparently not. We have reports that Fieron and Dr. Nono were spotted at a place down south called Crystal Island over the summer. The island is made mostly of quartz, so it's tough to land a boat there. Hoita was seen there a few nights before she was seen with Fieron, but a geologist in Littlerock claimed she was an employee that he would fire. We think he was lying.

Why would Fieron and this Dr. Nono person need a bunch of quartz?

Pay attention, Wind. I never said they took any quartz. But apparently they did; Hoita had a lot of crystals lying around her apartment, not just quartz. Some pieces of metal junk were found, too. Apparently she was building something. We know that she's had a lot of connections in both physics and engineering, but a lot of her colleagues didn't know anything. She's been a shady schemer, and doesn't seem to trust many people, but it looks like there's a third member of this group that trusts even less people.

So wait, you're saying not only do we have some random science-crook working with Fieron, but there's someone else involved?

Someone else, and someone that has my superiors worried. Hoita knew him as Eoce. Apparently he's very antisocial, so has lots of time to tinker with things. Hoita apparently helped supply him as well as collaborated on some projects.

What kinds of projects?

That's just it. We don't know. We took Hoita's computer, but it's been a pain to try and get information out of it. And a few days ago, when we tried to get it out of storage for another round, there was only some broken plastic and microchips left. The locker was warped, even, as though it had been crushed from the outside.


Or from the inside, if there was a gravity well.

Now you're thinkin'. I hope that was thinking aloud, though.

I didn't do it, if that's what you're asking.

You couldn't have, unless you've been hiding something. The parts we found don't acount for the mass of the computer. We think Eoce has something to do with it. Around that time, we got a report from a warehouse for a research lab that works on equipment for the kinds of experiments that partical accelerators are involved in. Some mguy covered in metal tasered the guards and broke in, stealing some high-tech equipment in the process.

You think it was Eoce?

I do, but not everyone does. For now, I'm trying to keep up with Fieron, but he isn't staying in one place long enough for me to find anything useful. With the weird things that are happening around this case, the chair is considering throwing you in if anything that looks Eoce-related pops up.

Thanks for the heads up. But isn't it still a little early?

[ A beaping sound, like a wristwatch alarm, can be heard. ]

By my watch...as of five seconds ago, the four of you are officially Intensive Situation Defense Agents. Or... Agents of Erosion, if you prefer. I hope you take the job more seriously than the name, agents.

[ Black Eagle starts to walk out. ]

Is... someone going to clean up the table?

That's your first official mission.

[ The television crackles to life, revealing the face of the ISDA Chairman. ]

ISDA CHAIRMAN (over television):
Delay that order.

[ Wind and Gravitor turn in alarm toward the television; Hydron raises her eyebrows. Glacier crosses his arms. ]

ISDA CHAIRMAN (over television):
Police are reporting a break-in at a partical collider facility thirty miles outside the city.

Jees, could have warned us about the spying.

Is it Eoce?

ISDA CHAIRMAN (over television):
We can't tell. The police have reported unusual tactics involving unmanned machines that are harassing security forces. We believe that we need agents at the scene to investigate.


ISDA CHAIRMAN (over television):
A vehicle is waiting in the access tunnel. Once you have cleared the base, you are free to use your own methods to reach the scene, provided there are no altercations with law enforcement.

That won't be a problem.

ISDA CHAIRMAN (over television):
You are permitted to assist security forces should hostility be in progress upon your arrival, but your goal is investigation first.

[ Gravitor gets up during the following line. ]

So... what are we waiting for?

[ Hydron and Wind stand as well. ]

ISDA CHAIRMAN (over television):
Report to the access tunnel immediately.

[ The TV returns to inactivity. ]

We need a catchphrase for these moments.

[ Glacier is first out the door, followed by Hydron; Wind and Gravitor bring up the rear. ]

I used to think I watched too much TV...

[ Fade out. ]

GRAVITOR (OS, fading):
That's a horrible catchphrase...


[ INT. COLLIDER FACILITY - CONTROLROOM. : The room is mostly an array of monitors and computer terminals with a large flatscreen display on one wall, and a large series of tubes feeding into another wall. A roughly three-and-a-half-foot tall rover-like machine, consisting mostly of a body composed of odd polyhedrons and a set of gadget-fitted robotic arms, rolls across the room toward the tubes. On the way, one of its arms rotates upward and fires an electric pulse into a shadowy area near the ceiling, hitting a camera. ]

[ EXT. COLLIDER FACILITY - SIDE ENTRANCE - EVENING. Two men and one woman in police uniforms are attempting to remove several hovering, roughly soccerball-sized objects from the area, particularly from the doors. The objects are making this difficult by flying around aggressively and firing thin and brief pulses of electricity at the police officers. While the officers are not taking serious damage, they do appear frustrated. ]

[ One of the robots gets within inches of an officer's neck; the officer bats the robot aside, but is jolted with electricity upon touching the robot. ]

As cheap as these things are, you think they'd be easier to break.

[ One of the officers pulls out a stun baton and uses it to force a robot to crash into the wall of the building. ]

Watch your back...

[ Another robot zaps the baton-officer in the shoulder; the officer recoils briefly with a snarl of discomfort. ]

[ A sudden gust of wind forces many of the robots away from the door; one of them flies into a corner of the building and then falls to the ground inactive. ]

[ Gravitor, Wind, Hydron and Glacier approach the building. ]

... Are... you our back-up?

That's right. The Agents of Erosion, at your service.

We've got a shorter name. We just... haven't decided how to pronounce it yet.

[ Glacier creates an ice-bar in each hand, and uses them to strike two robots. One robot immediately falls to the ground, while the other spins around in the air, sparks a bit, then receives a blow from Officer1's baton that sends it to the ground. ]

Well, we'll appreciate it if you help us get these robot things out of here. Can you manage that?

Seven on...

[ Gravitor tries to count the robots, then shrugs. ]

GRAVITOR (cont'd):
... Well, I think we can help.

[ Gravitor locks his gaze on one of the robots. ]

GRAVITOR (cont'd):
Let's see, I can take you, and...

[ Gravitor Points to another. ]

GRAVITOR (cont'd):

[ The two robots spin for a moment, then fall toward one another. They collide and shatter into several metal fragments in a shower of sparks, and finally fall to the ground. ]

[ Hydron becomes water and flows under the bot-swarm, then gushes upward, scattering a few, dropping three to the ground. ]

Woah... Now I've seen it all.

[ Officer1 notices a bot floating on the edge of Hydron's range, and takes a swing at it, knocking it into the water, which bears down on it and forces it to the ground before the water reforms into Hydron's human form. ]

[ Officers 2 and 3 spread out and force the remaining bots into the wall of the building; the scene is calm for now. ]

I wasn't expecting it to be so easy.

It's not. There are more inside, and something's messing with the security cameras. We could use some more hands...

[ Officer2 eyes Hydron awkwardly. ]

OFFICER2 (cont'd):
and a geyser sounds nice, too.

That's what we're here for.

We're technically here for observation. But we can help, too.

[ INT. COLLIDER FACILITY - ATRIUM. : It's more of a vast hallway, though it is wide enough to function more as a room its own, with various heavy-looking sets of doors along the walls at varying intervals and a promenant display featuring both a large, 3D model of a deuterium atom and an image of a man whose atire implies a career in laboratory work. ]

[ At least a dozen of the hovering bots swarm the display, while several others fly around the room with no apparent aim, other than harassing any of the four security guards that are struggling to deal with the swarm. Several other bots are visible on the ground, likewise racing around without apparent aim other than to annoy. Taoe and Officer2 enter the room and survey the scene. ]

When you said "more", you weren't kidding.

We can't shoot in here; could hit something important. You think you can handle this without colateral damage?

Let's find out.

[ Gravitor searches the bot-swarm, trying to keep up with one of the constantly-moving bots, when he suddenly staggers, as one of the ground-bots has rammed him in the shin. ]

They're on the ground, now? Great...

I'll take those.

Sara, can you keep them in a smaller space?


It'll be easier for me to make them fall into each other that way.

[ Glacier is already walking through the bot-chaos, wacking bots out of the air with his ice-bars. As ground-bound bots move near his feet, a wall of ice expands outward from his legs, knocking the ground-bots into uncontrolled spins that cause some to crash into one another. ]

GLACIER (speaking volume):
You might want to move.


[ Glacier throws his ice-bars; both strike bots and send them to the ground. Glacier brings his hands together to hold onto a much larger pillar of ice that is roughly six inches thick and several feet long that grows from his chest. Once the ice is in his hands, he begins swinging it forcefully, quickly clearing the air around him of bots. ]

Woah! Hey, don't get too close to the displays, all right?

[ Several bots that have been forced toward one side of the room are suddenly blown back toward Glacier's range by wind from Wind, who is hovering just above the ground-bots' range further back. ]

[ Elsewhere, Hydron-in-water-form rushes throughout the mayhem, causing ground-bots to swerve out of control as she crosses their paths. ]

GRAVITOR (clearly putting in more effort than usual):
And now... to bring it all together...

[ One flying bot starts spinning, not quite able to control its path. Suddenly, another bot flies into it at high speed, sending fragments of metal and sparks into the air (these fragments do not fall toward the ground, however, but toward what's left of the spinning bot.). More bots fly in, and soon there is a spinning cloud of metal debris that finally falls to the ground. ]

[ Not all of the bots have been disabled, but Officer2 and a securityguard are able to control them for now. ]

The big one got into the controlroom. Someone needs to get in there and check it out.

[ Two of the guards rush toward one of the doors; Taoe follows (Hydron is still in water form). ]

[ INT. COLLIDER FACILITY - CONTROLROOM - NIGHT. : The rover has an arm extended toward the tubes in the wall, a glowing beam of something yellow between the end of the mechanical arm and the wall. ]

Step away from the wall!

[ The rover doesn't react. Taoe and the security guards now stand on the opposite end of the room as the rover, spread out as to block the exit. ]

I guess it can't hear us.

Is there anything important in the ceiling?

Lights. Why?

[ As Gravitor visibly turns his focus to the rover, it abruptly starts falling upward. Before reaching the ceiling, however, the rover flips and lands without apparent damage. The rover starts rolling toward the exit along the ceiling. ]

Didn't see that coming.

[ Gravitor Relaxes; the rover falls back toward the ground, flipping again before landing safely. ]

GRAVITOR (cont'd):
Any other ideas?

[ One of the securityguards approaches the rover; a blue flame suddenly blasts from one of its arms, and the guard narrowly manages to avoid it as the rover rolls past. ]

Not fire again...

[ Hydron takes water form and hits the rover as a wave. The rover is unmoved, but its flamethrower is neutralized. ]


[ Glacier takes a step forward, and a five-foot block of ice extends from him and toward the rover. A jet of sparks shoots from one of the rover's arms, and a large portion of Hydron's water form is forced upward in the form of steam; the ice-block is slowly-but-visibly melting, and is held back long enough for the rover to change course and move past it. ]

It's no use; we'll have to stop it once it gets close.

I'm not liking the sound of that.

[ Another burst of steam is forced upward from the rover, and the flamethrower reactivates, eliminating more ice that attempts to intercept it. ]

I'm not liking it either.

[ The cloud of steam moves along the ceiling and rains down between Wind and Glacier, then becomes Hydron's human form. ]

I think I can keep the flamethrower under control long enough for Glacier to hit it.

Sounds good. I can make the ice heavier; that'll take it out for sure.

We're supposed to be observing, remember? If we smash it, we won't be able to get as much information out of it.

That's right... maybe we should try and take out the motor.

But how?

You could try flooding it with water from below.

[ The rover's flamethrower activates; it is nearly in range of the group at the doors. Glacier swings his large ice-club-thing to block the flames. ]

Can you do that and stop the flamethrower at the same time?

I'm not sure.

I'll put it on the ceiling again; that should give us more space.

[ The rover falls upward. It flips again, but its arm continues to aim at Taoe and the securityguards as bits of blue fire rain upon them; Glacier puts up an ice-shield to try and catch as much of the fire as possible. ]

Now's your chance!

[ Hydron nods and jumps into the air, becoming water as she does. The water shoots upward, and a cloud of steam forms around the flames and the rover's arm. The steam gathers around the arm, and the flames weaken; Glacier pushes his ice higher, and Wind picks up a piece of ice from the ground and flies up near the rover, striking at its arm with the ice. The ice in Wind's hand breaks on impact. ]

Come on, Shanan...

[ The rover is surrounded in a spinning cloud of water that finally disappears into the tank-like treads at its bottom. ]

I hope that worked...

[ The rover falls, and this time fails to flip and crashes to the ground. It strikes the ground with its arm, the flames stopped. Glacier drops the ice that he was holding, and the rover is pinned to the ground ]

Keep it there... and don't let that flamethrower come back on!

[ Glacier and the securityguard both approach the rover; Glacier is holding an ice-bat. The securityguard crouches and examines the rover. ]

I can't find anything to turn it off...

[ Glacier crouches and strikes the side of the rover with his ice-bat. The metal is dented, and there is a small crack in the side of it. Water begins to flow along the side of it and into the crack, and after a moment, the entire rover sparks, then goes still. ]

Is it dead?

[ The rover appears to bleed water; Glacier and the securityguard back away, and the puddle rises and forms into human-Hydron. ]

I think it's off.

Great job, Shanan!

... I'm not going to ask.

[ Securityguard Turns to walk out of the room. ]

Flamethrower robots... people turnin' to water and pullin' ice out of themselves...


[ EXT. PARKING LOT - NIGHT. : Gravitor, Wind, Hydron and Glacier walk toward the street. ]

Those robots never stood a chance.

They did seem annoying, though.

And that is all they were.

They seemed cheap, too. Almost like they were expected to be broken.

Well, they were broken, all right.

But what were they there for in the first place? What were they trying to steal?

Whatever it was... they didn't get it.

[ Dissolve to INT. COLLIDER TERMINAL - TWILIGHT. : A figure covered in metal stands in a tiny room that is crossed in many directions by metallic beams and coils of metal cables. The figure is holding two long sections of tube, and places them into openings in one of the walls; it reaches downward, and a set of claws extends from its hand, pulling up a thick metal cable. The figure brings the cable around both tubes, then a welding flame ignites from its arm, and the cable and the tubes are melted to the wall. ]


[ Fade to black. ]

12:04 AM 12/29/2009