Episode 09: "Insignificant Shadows"

Writer:  C. A. E. Jones

9:57AM 2/25/2010

[ EXT. ROAD - NIGHT. : A Limo with tinted windows drives along a relatively wide highway. City lights are visible in the distance in the direction that the limo drives, though the land on either side of the road at this location is grassy with deep ditches within meters of the road. ]

[ Close up: after the limo speeds by the camera, another set of headlights appears, followed by a dark van. ]

[ INT. LIMO - NIGHT. : A man in a dark gray jacket and tie sits in the middle of the limo. Two men in thick vests with guns at their waists sit in the back; two other men--only the driver clear in profile--sit in the front. ]

[ One of the men in the back looks out the back of the limo. ]

Do you recognize that van that's following us?

[ The other armed man glances out the side window, then turns to follow the gaze of the first. ]

It looks like a federal attorney's.

[ The suited man in the middle looks back. ]

If that's who I think it is... he should have been in D. C. this morning. How long have they been following us?

The lights went off.

It's too dark to drive without lights. They don't want to be noticed.

He... isn't following us, is he?

[ EXT. ROAD - NIGHT. : A streak of blue sparks appears beside the van and stops in the air in front of it. ]

[ The sparks fade and a figure appears, continuing to move along in front of the van. It rises with a shimmer of blue sparks, revealing it to be Fieron. The van swerves, it's lights snapping on. A shield of sparks forms over Fieron's torso as he pursues the van. The van slows as Fieron lands on the hood, then suddenly accelerates. Fieron rises above the van and turns, the spark-shield becoming a stream of sparks that flows after the van, striking the road and sending up a shower of gold sparks. ]

[ Fade to black. ]

[ INT. SENATE CHAMBER - DAY. : The room is filled with men and women in formal dress, all seated. A particular man in a suit stands at a podium that receives the focus of the scene. ]

Ladies and gentlemen of the senate, I am convinced that there is a domestic, terrorist intity, who is willing to oppose this bill through violent means. An individual who is familiar to many of you assaulted me in transit last night. Thanks to the courage and talent of my excelent driver, I was spared personal harm, but the message sent by this attack is clear. If violent individuals who seek to disrupt this country oppose a measure intended to fight their acts of evil, then clearly, the proposed bill scares them. Enemies of the state fear this proposition, so I am completely confident that, should the senate ratify this proposal, this great nation shall be secure for generations to come.

[ There is a round of applause. Zoom out ... ]

[ INT. ISDA BREAKROOM - DAY. : The previous scene appears on the television. Black Eagle sits in the chair nearer the door, leaned toward the TV, frowning. Gravitor sits in the armchair on the opposite side of the room, with Wind sitting on the arm of the chair, looking grim. Hydron, Theracy and Glacier stand with their backs to the table on the wall, facing the television.* ]

He didn't say that it was Fieron.

Not with Seaspan recording. He said it to us.

They didn't see where he went?

It was dark. They were trying to get away from him.

We've got a remote viewer, don't we?

[ Theracy sighs and looks down. ]

Theracy has to know where she's looking to start watching it.

They got me up in the middle of the night to try and find him. I could hardly find the road they were on.

[ Theracy shakes her head and looks at the television absently. ]

Have you been up since last night?


Why don't we try to use the robot to draw him out again?

It'd have to get his attention; any idea on how to do that?

It worked well last time.

That fox of his broke the remote, and the robot didn't come out unscathed. Someone in maintenance threw a new sash on it because they got tired of looking at the burns, but noone's bothered trying to repair it.

So... do we have a mission, or are we just chatting?

We have to catch him in the act. He's always in and out so quickly that noone has a chance to get any new information. The FBI's trying to come up with an idea of where he'll strike next. If we can get enough possible targets, we can station people there to try and stop him.


They haven't given us orders yet, but it's a good bet that we'll be involved. If things work out, we can get Yellow to follow him home.

[ Theracy looks up at the word "Yellow". ]

When will that be?

We don't have a time. Yet.

We haven't found the Kro's hideout yet.

You got us close enough that there won't be any trouble tracking them down. Fortunately most of them have gone quiet since we took out their legendary warriors.

They're not happy. Some of them want to keep fighting.

And between Interpole and Kimal's assassins, they're not getting very far. You've given us enough to chase them around; we need you to deal with trouble at home, now.

Hey, has anyone tried to catch Kimal now that we know where he is?

He's moved. We found marks on the floor that looked like they came from the Nornish, but that's all. Are there any questions about Fieron?

[ EXT. FIELD BEHIND BUILDING - DAY. : A mud-filled ditch lies several meters from the white-washed back of the building (reference episode 4). ]

[ Fieron walks into view near the building, adjusting his hood with one hand. Once he's in the center of the visible portion of the building, he turns and walks into the field, standing about ten feet from the ditch. ]

The last thing I need is for some idiot with a gun to come around here.

[ Surrounded in a slight aura of fire, Fierox comes running toward the ditch. Fierox leaps and sails over the ditch, landing near to Fieron. Fieron kneels and pulls off his gloves. He shoves the gloves into his belt and places a hand on Fierox's head, taking a paw in the other. Fire glows around Fieron's hands, and a thin stream of sparks flows around them both. ]

I see you're doing well.

[ Fieron looks toward the sky. ]

FIERON (cont'd):
Well, Fierox, they don't seem to stop giving us things to do.

[ Fierox's ears perk slightly, and a golden aura intensifies around the fox. Fieron chuckles softly. ]

I hope you aren't excited. When it's all done, we'll have flown around so much that we might wind up lost.

[ Fierox's aura dims briefly, then grows larger as smoke rises from the fox's tail. ]

After that Attorney's stunt on TV, we'll probably have his dogs after us. Have you ever dealt with dogs, Fierox?

[ Fierox's aura becomes smaller, but a little brighter. ]

[ Quickly pan up; the view is angled such that Fieron and Fierox are still just visible toward the bottom of the image, mostly because of the gold-and-blue auras that intensify around them. The camera turns quickly to face into a gray bank of clouds. Dissolve to... ]

[ EXT. ABOVE MANSION - EVENING. : Pan down from a partly cloudy sky. The sun is setting behind an offwhite two-story house with several lit windows. In the long-and-wide paved driveway in front of the house, several brightly colored, expensive-looking cars are parked. ]

[ Pan to the corner of the house; a dark van is visible in the shadows with a visor-wearing man in a heavy vest leaning against it. As the view draws closer, a firearm can be seen in a holster at the man's side. ]

[ The man raises a pair of binoculars to his visor and slowly turns his head from side to side. He finally lowers the binoculars and puts a hand to the side of his visor. ]

AGENT (quietly):
Anthon. Still clear.

[ He lowers his hand. A police siren becomes audible from somewhere distant. The man touches his visor again. ]

I'm hearing emergency sirens. Do we know what they're for?

[ EXT. BEHIND CLUB - EVENING. : There is a light beat from within the brick building, but it is quiet. A heavy door only wide enough for one person stands open; a man in a red suit and blue tie stands in the door, glaring angrily into the sky. A larger man stands outside the door with pistol raised to the sky.* ]

[ Fieron hovers in the air a good distance from the building. ]

FIERON (calling):
You know that's not necessary, Mr. President. It'll only deafen you further.

[ The pistol fires. Fieron glides to the side and slowly descends toward the ground. Fierox runs for the man with the pistol from the side of the building. Once only a few feet away, Fierox leaps, fiery aura igniting, and snaps at the man's gun-hand. The man turns, but fire extends from Fierox's snout and strikes the man's hand, sending the gun to the ground. ]

What the...

[ Fieron lands no less than twenty feet away. ]

Fierox! I don't think the executive is interested in our suggestions concerning his ... money.

[ Fierox turns, aura dimming slightly, and runs to Fieron, holding up a paw. Fieron touches Fierox's raised paw and head, and the two of them disappear in streaks of blue and gold. A police siren becomes audible in the distance (from the right). ]

[ The bodyguard stares at where Fieron and Fierox were in bewilderment. The suited man stamps his foot in irritation. ]

[ EXT. BESIDE MANSION - EVENING. : What little of the sun is visible suggests that some time has passed; the sky is darker, but it isn't quite night. ]

[ The man by the van has his hand to his visor. ]

Did they see which direction they went? (beat) Southwest? They could be circling back. (beat) The interstate? Then they didn't come for the congressman...

[ There is a loud feedback screech, and the man grimaces as he shoves a finger under his visor near his ear. ]

I didn't catch that. (beat) I was getting interference, then. I'll inform the congressman. Anthon out.

[ INT. ISDA MEETINGROOM - DAY. : The ISDAChairman sits as usual, a BB agent to screen left and Theracy to screen right. Black Eagle stands in the foreground, visibly alert. ]

We've got the location. Satellite tracking is booting up.

Yellow, view the area.

[ Theracy closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. ]

[ Flash through white to... ]

[ EXT. INTERSTATE - EVENING. : Though the road is covered with vehicles, a particular exit ramp is mostly clear. ]

[ An image of two streaks of sparks--one blue, the other gold-- flashes diagonally across the road toward the ramp. The sparks move slowly, but do not resolve into clear images. The whole scene becomes translucent and ripples considerably, a spark-streak-free interstate visible behind it. ]

THERACY (voice-over):
I see something... but...

[ The spark-image dissolves, leaving the road visible; the traffic appears to have moved a great deal. ]

THERACY (voice-over):
... But it's gone?

[ Cut through white to... ]

[ INT. ISDA MEETINGROOM - DAY. : Theracy slowly opens her eyes and blinks a few times. ]

He was too fast for you?

No. It's like he wasn't even there; just ... a picture.

A picture?

A hologram?

Yeah. But it didn't last long.

Are you certain that Fieron was not present.

I'm pretty sure.

Very well. You are dismissed.

[ Theracy blinks, looks around uneasily, then gets up and exits screen right. ]

[ The ISDAChairman touches the side of his chair, and a door slides shut behind Theracy. ]

The agent at the Congressman's mansion reported microphone feedback after Fieron fled.

Does Fieron have a new trick?

There have been reports from certain areas of similar radio phenomena. They have been attributed to an unidentified local structure. This is the first report associating radio feedback with visual irregularities.

Could Fieron have been involved in all of it?

Many reports predate Fieron's first appearance. Some were reported while Fieron was known to be in a different state from the disturbance.

Could Fieron have discovered the cause and immitated it?

That is a possibility. It is also possible that the cause of all incidents are the same. The data will require further analysis.

Fieron went after a wealthy businessman instead of the congressman. Was that his original plan?

Fieron doesn't seem to change his plans very often.

[ Fade in to INT. KITCHEN - DAY. : A blond-haired woman who appears to be in her twenties stands in front of a large, white stove, on which a large pot sits. Steam flows from the pot. A white wooden door sits on the wall adjacent the stove, and an open window is on the far wall. On the opposite wall are several white-painted cabinets with a large two-section sink atop the middle two. The sink is filled with water, but nothing else. ]

[ There is a violet flash and electrical pop from outside the window; the woman doesn't react. The door swings open, and a man in a gray flannel shirt and camouflage pants walks in. ]

That smells mighty fine, Miss Hash. How much longer you think til it's done?

Another ten minutes, at least.

[ There is another flash-and-pop from the window. ]

I think it's about time we replace that bug-zapper with something a bit quieter. I'll have someone pick up a mosquito magnet tomorrow.

That'd be nice. I'm kinda used to the noise by now, though.

[ A streak of Blue Sparks appears in the window, and fades as Fieron lands in the room. ]

Whew, that's a big one.

[ Flannelman looks toward the window, and steps back with an astonished expression when his eyes fall on Fieron. The woman at the stove turns and puts a hand over her mouth as she steps back toward the sink.* ]

FLANNELMAN (stammmering):
Y... You! Sec--!

[ Fieron's hand snaps up and a thin jet of blue sparks flies from his finger, zapping the man in the lower jaw. The flannelman grimaces as his mouth snaps shut. He rubs his jaw and stares at Fieron with a fierce expression. ]

[ While Fieron speaks, the water in the sink rises and merges into one mass that flows across the room. ]

There'll be no need for that. I'm here to discuss some ambiguity surrounding one of your latest, not-quite public moves.

What are you talking about?

You know exactly what I'm talking about.

You can't bully me into following your agenda.

I don't need to use threats to push my desires. But you....

[ The water takes human shape and becomes Hydron between the flannelman and Fieron. ]


[ Fieron cocks his head toward Hydron. ]


[ Fieron's image briefly flickers to transparency as he is surrounded in a storm of blue sparks. ]

[ The flannelman backs toward the door. ]

I'm not done with you!

[ Fieron races past the man in a streak of sparks; the sparks fade as he blocks the exit. Hydron steps closer to Fieron. ]

Fieron! Stop!

I do hope you didn't come alone.

I'm here to give you a message.

And what would that be?

The Intensive Security Defense Agency requests that you turn yourself in.

For what? Breaking and entering? The window was open.

I can't go over everything you're being charged with. If you won't come now, the ISDA is willing to meet you somewhere else, if you'll agree.

ISDA? Where? When?

[ INT. ISDA BREAKROOM - DAY. : Theracy sits in the chair farthest from the door with a half-eaten pealed banana in hand. BB15 sits in the other chair, and the television is on, showing a nine-way split-screen (three by three) of dim circles over a black background. The bottom center square lacks the circle and shows a waveform of Hydron's voice, though it is too blurry to be easily interpreted. ]

Have you gotten there yet?

[ Theracy sighs and closes her eyes. ]

Just a few seconds.

Deserted desert areas? Interesting decision.

Get out of my house!!

As you wish.

[ Fieron moves for the window. ]

FIERON (cont'd):
But don't think I won't be watching you.

That's enough.

Think long and hard on what I've actually done, not what they tell you I've done.

I know they spin things against you. But that doesn't change the facts.

Maybe. What is a crime, anyway?

[ Fieron flies out the window ]

[ Hydron sighs and turns to face the woman, who is watching in almost the same position as before. ]

He's gone now.

[ The woman lowers her hand and shakes her head, sighing deeply. She hesitantly returns to the stove as Hydron walks to one of the cabinets and pulls it open. She pulls out a small walky-talky-like device and holds it in front of her face. ]

Fieron's left the house.

[ The device replays the same line in Hydron's voice, as though echoing her. ]

I ... didn't catch that?

BB22(over com, crackly):
Was the message received?


[ The radio emits a high-pitched feedback squealing noise. ]

My radio is acting odd.

[ The noise abruptly stops. ]

What was his response?

Ambiguous. ... Were you experiencing radio interference just now?

A lot of feeback was coming from your end; I didn't notice anything else. What direction were you pointing the radio?

[ Hydron looks around (the device is held still). She glances out the window, then at the device. ]

Northeast. Not quite forty-five degrees north of east.

All right. I'll report to HQ.

ISDACHAIRMAN (over com):
Hydron, do not return to base. Repeat, do not return to base. Remain at your current location until instructed otherwise.


ISDACHAIRMAN (over speaker):
Target redirect.

[ The image on the Television changes to show a map of the mid-south United States, a diagonal ray pointing northeast from somewhere in the southwest corner. ]

Yellow? (beat) Yellow? (beat) Hey, kid!

[ Theracy opens her eyes and looks up. ]


We've got a target redirect.



[ Theracy looks at the television. ]

But Fieron didn't go that way...

The chair called a target redirect.

[ Theracy sighs. ]

THERACY (not confident):

[ She stares at the television. ]

[ Fade to white... ]

[ Fade to black. ]

[ Fade in to EXT. HILLS - NIGHT. : The land is filled with shadows and many large hills. chimney smoke is visible in the distance, and a gravel road curves between some hills, but the area is otherwise void of signs of human life. ]

[ Two men, both wearing light, black jackets, walk toward the top of one of the hills, a good distance from the road. A black vail covers the back of both men's heads; their faces are not visible. ]

[ The two climb to the top of the hill and look around. ]

IBN (quiet):
It looks clear, but they can be stealthy. Stay on your guard, Jienki.

[ The two walk down the hill and are blocked from view. A tall man in a red coat and cap walks along the road. ]

[ EXT. RIDGE BOTTOM - NIGHT. : A large hill stops short of a descent, ending in a broad, protruding cliff that is covered in grass. The side of the cliff is piled with small rocks and vines; a dark cave is visible behind a large rock at the bottom of the cliff, , though it is too dark to see what is within. ]

[ The two previously-seen men creep into view. It can now be seen that both faces are covered in close-fitting ghoulish masks--one a sickly green, the other red-orange. The green-masked man has a hand under his jacket. The red-orange-masked man's arms are raised in front of him with his elbows dropped and his hands opened. ]

IBN (quiet):
Can you get over the rock without touching it?

JIENKI (quiet):
I can't avoid a jing-touch.

IBN (quietly):
Don't sound the alarm. Succeed tonight, and they will all forget how they mocked you in Russia.

[ Jienki--the red-orange-masked man--creeps to the rock in front of the cave and stands over it. After a few seconds, translucent, silverish fists shimmer into view over the rock and strike it; Jienki is lifted over the rock as though the fists are connected to him by invisible arms. He flips over the rock and tucks his head below the ceiling of the cave, disappearing in the shadow beyond. After a few seconds, there is the sound of a blade being unsheathed, and a brief flash of silver from in the cave, followed by a thud, a swish, and a louder thud. Jienki returns to view, holding a Kro broadsword. ]

We'll only have seconds.

[ Ibn, the green-masked man, nods and jumps over the rock; the blade of a dagger flashes from under his jacket before bhe disappears into the cave. ]

[ INT. TUNNEL - NIGHT. : It is pitch black. ]

[ Quiet footsteps are audible. Something whistles through the air, and Jienki gives a grunt of pain; something clangs to the ground. ]


[ There is the clang of metal-on-metal, and a brief shower of sparks illuminates two figures. There is a wet thud and a snarling grunt, and a dim blue glow lights the tunnel. The glow comes from a gemstone in the base of the bone-shaped handle of a dagger in Jienki's hand. Jienki stands behind Ibn, a hand rubbing a spot on his sword-arm. A figure in Kro armor lies on the stone floor of the tunnel. The ceiling and walls are dark and tight, and streaked as though constantly cut over a long period of time. ]

There will be hundreds of them soon.

Keep quiet; keep moving!

[ The blue glow fades and footsteps run off to the right. ]

[ EXT. ABOVE UNIVERSITY CAMPUS - ESTABLISHMENT SHOT. : The camera passes over a few multi-story buildings and focus on what appear to be dormitories; a few males in their early twenties are gathered on the steps outside one such building. ]

[ INT. HALLWAY - DAY. : Black Eagle, a Public Safety officer and BB14 walk down the hallway, passing several closed doors in the process. The low rumble of a television and laughter can be heard, though distant and muffled. ]

[ The Public Safety officer stops in front of a particular door with the numbers "305" engraved into a plastic strip nailed to it. ]

This is the last one.

[ The officer knocks on the door. There are several seconds of silence, and he pulls a large set of keys from his pocket and locates a specific one, placing it in the lock and turning. The door swings open, and the officer steps in, followed by Black Eagle and BB14. ]

[ INT. ROOM 305 - DAY. : The room is somewhat small--a single, by the one wood-framed bed that sits on the same wall as the door. There are blankets and a pillow on the bed, the blankets in disarray. There is a desk by the window, on which sits a small battery-powered alarm clock and a mess of cables, a pair of headphones, a device roughly the size of the clock with an antenna sticking out of it and toward the window, and an opened box filled with thin CD cases. ]

Could use some cleaning, but better than my room in college.

[ BB14 chuckles. ]

BB14 (cont'd):
Better than my room now.

[ BB14 walks over to the desk and picks up the device with the antenna. He turns the device over in his hands, then pulls on a cord that is attached to it until a USB end marks the end of it. ]

What is it?

Either a transmitter or a receiver. I'm not sure yet.

[ BB14 turns the device over again and looks closely at it. ]

Looks like a receiver. Someone could plug this into a computer and pick up radio, maybe television.

Could you use it as a police scanner?

I'm guessing that's pretty close to what it's for.

It doesn't do anything if it isn't connected to a computer. Since there isn't one here, whoever lives here must have a laptop.

[ A guy of about twenty-one appears in the open doorway, carrying a laptop. ]


[ BB14 and Black Eagle turn to face the newcomer. ]

Good afternoon. U. S. Government agents; we'd like to take a look at your computer.

[ Silently, the newcomer throws the computer toward the window. BB14 reaches for the laptop, but it fades away as his hand passes through it. ]

[ Black Eagle reaches for the laptop-thrower, but his hand passes through him. ]

What the...? Holograms...

[ Black Eagle rushes out the door, followed by BB14 ]

[ INT. HALLWAY - DAY. : Black Eagle and BB14 emerge from the still-open door and look in both directions. ]

Take the door to the stairs.

[ BB14 turns and runs for a door at the end of the hallway. Black Eagle faces the opposite direction and holds out a hand. A tight beam of sparks and light blasts from Black Eagle's hand, and stop midway down the hall as a person staggers to a knee. ]


[ Black Eagle runs down the hall; BB14 turns and runs after him. The image of the person fades to near-transparent, but Black Eagle runs past to block the hallway; BB14 blocks him from the other side. ]

Looks like we have our man.

[ There is a scuffle of sound, and Black Eagle swings a fist; a twenty-one-ish guy appears as Black Eagle's fist strikes him off of his feet. As he falls, the guy slaps the floor, then gets to one knee. ]

I take it you're our spy. What's your name?

So far as you're concerned... Spectro.

Is it true that you have been intercepting radio transmissions?

I like to be informed. I didn't see you doing anything about the Dark Legion.

You wouldn't happen to have access to a personal aircraft?

Ever heard of a background check?

I'd suggest you drop the attitude.

You're the one who broke into my room and attacked me.

You've been spying on top secret transmissions, haven't you?

So I take it you told Hydron to stay put because of someone other than Fieron?

Who do you work for?

I'm pretty high up in the IT department here. And I do intern stuff at the airport.

So you spy as a hobby?

Forgive me for not trusting people that use secret transmissions.

There's this little thing called national security. We can't have anyone spying on our signals. For all we know you report to Fieron or Kimal or Osa--

I happen to be trying to keep tabs on Fieron as much as you. Super powered wackos have a tendency to break things that I'd like to see in one piece.

What reason do I have to believe you?

I'm very capable of pumping you guys full of gamma rays. I'm not a big fan of killing, fortunately enough.

And you aren't bluffing. Right.

Go ahead and do whatever you want. I have no aintention of just sticking aroun to be interrogated.

Only someone with something to hide would run.

This is getting dull. Let's get around to proving something so we can all go about our business.

You should watch that mouth of yours; it could get you into trouble.

This doesn't constitute trouble?

Don't tempt me.

I wonder how well I can replicate your voice.


[ Black Eagle radio activates and Black Eagle's voice comes out of it, declaring "I could send plenty of encouragement to your superiors" ]

That's a useful skill. It'd be much nicer in the hands of--

You don't think I realized that like, as ssoon as I figured out how to control these powers? I don't particularly care for a military career.

Your powers are plenty dangerous outside of our control.

I'd like to point you to Faceless Comics on Kater drive. I believe a few books in there will resemble your statement. I have no intention of selling out to anyone. I'm more of a do as necessary guy.

With your power and our resources, Fieron would have no place to hide; no attack anywhere in the world could go unnoticed.

And I'd be glad to report these to you when I find them. But until then...

You will be heavily watched.

Oh, that's wonderful. Invisibility happens to be one of my talents, if you haven't noticed.

And torching invisible spies is one of mine. I don't think you can invisible your way out of prison.

Yes, well, it'd help if I was a criminal, wouldn't it? As it stands, I'm guilty of blowing up a bunch of robots and delivering a few people from the hands of death.

Right. And ... flying without clearance?

[ Spectro reaches into his pocket and withdraws a wallet. He opens it to reveal a pilot's license. ]

Now, unles you have charges... I've got a lot of work to do. End of the semester and all of that.

All that talent and you aren't using it to help your country? That's about as bad as Fieron.

You know what? If you represent this country's security I hope for everyone's sake that you fight better than you accuse. How about I call the real cops? I'm sure they'd love to hear that someone from an agency that isn't supposed to exist is harassing a civilian. Did it ever occur to you that maybe there are ways of contributing to the world that don't involve working for the military or going on mission trips? Though this conversation has made me realize that I should volunteer for community service more.


[ Black Eagle's hand is quickly at Spectro's chest ]

BLACK EAGLE (cont'd):
. I hope you aren't putting your childish cowardess of protecting this country above all the people that put their necks on the line to bring down Kimal's terror plots? Or maybe you didn't know about a few abnormal nutjobs in Europe? Surely spying on our transmissions could have given you the knowledge of what lots of people have been through to protect lives, while you sit here and play with your radio? And you think you're equal to that?

You muscle-headed idiot! You have know idea what I've done. Do you think flying halfway around the world in an invisible plane and going up against the Dark Legion is a walk in the park? Maybe you haven't heard of these people. They didn't just grab a piece of metal and learn how to blast things. They're people that have trained all of their lives to gain the power necessary to do whatever they want. They worked harder than any of us, including me, including you, and it was all to inflict their will on the planet. I know you've put your life on the line plenty of times, soldier boy, but don't think I haven't. I don't know how powerful Fieron is, but you can bet if I catch him in the act I'll put an end to it.

I've faced Fieron more than once, kid. He's no pushover.

I'd be interested in putting Fieron against the Dark Legion to see who is more of a pushover.

Then why don't you find out. We happen to have invited Fireface over for a little chat. Why don't you prove yourself there?

You know he'll show up, huh?

No, but I also know that like you, Fieron doesn't like being called a coward. If you want to stop him, you'll have your chance.

I'll believe it when I find him.

I wouldn't suggest fighting on his side either. You're far less invincible than he thinks he is.

I don't expect we'll be fighting any time soon. Believe me, if I wanted you dead, you'd be dead.

[ Fade to black. ]

[ EXT. ABOVE DESERT - DAY. : A black jet flies by. A pair of trucks is parked to one side of a large area, a pair of tanks to the other. A large truck pulls a trailer bumpily along the land and stops between the tanks and trunks, forming a broad U-shape. ]

[ EXT. DESERT - DAY - MID SHOT. : Gravitor, Wind, Hydron and Glacier climb out of the trailer and stand along the side of the trailer and the truck to which it is attached. ]

He's not stupid. Why would he come out here when it's a perfect opprortunity for him to do something else?

If he really thinks he's doing right, he won't show; this fight would be meaningless.

He thinks an aweful lot of himself. If he doesn't show, it only proves that he's afraid.

Unless he just doesn't want to be accused of dualing needlessly.

He's already got a bad enough image. I don't see how this would make a difference.

Somehow I think he's more worried about not being identified than his image.

Just drop it. The guy's record isn't very anti-terrorist.

My track record is a bit bias.

[ Fieron lands several feet from Taoe and the vehicles. In the distance, Fierox is visible, crouched low. ]

Couldn't turn down the opportunity to break something, I see.

I'm far more interested in learning how you came to work with someone like Black Eagle.

Oh, him. The guy who was paralyzed by a bunch of shadow warrior demon things while trying to keep terrorists from unleashing some evil power.

Well, good for him. So then, why do you attack me without question?

I seem to recall some guys trying to bomb a building and then running back to you. And let's not forget what happened to a couple governors, or that Federal Attorney's van.

And what, exactly, does any of that prove?

Umm, that you're anti government?

Are you sure?

And what about the guy last week? He wasn't a government figure at all...

And you had someone stationed there to wait for me. That means that your superiors, at least, understand what I'm doing. Did they tell you why they thought this man would help you find me?

No, they didn't.

[ EXT. BETWEEN TANKS - DAY. : BB10 crouches between the tanks with binoculars to his face. ]

We've got the clear; launch knockout gas.

[ EXT. DESERT - NEAR TRAILER - DAY. : A cloud of yellow-green gas emerges from the direction of the tanks and moves toward Fieron. ]

And I can see they don't want this conversation continuing.

[ Fierox growls and starts pacing. ]

[ Fieron turns toward the oncoming gas and a wall of sparks appears in front of him. The spark-wall curves into a funnel that blocks much of the gas (though whisps of it still go around the sparks). A stream of fire blasts through the funnel, showering the tanks with flames and sparks. ]

[ Fierox runs behind the farthest tank. ]


[ Fierox, surrounded in an aura of fire, leaps from behind a tank and onto BB10's back. BB10 shouts as he tries to throw Fierox off; Fierox snaps at his neck, and fire flows over BB10's body. BB10 manages to turn and slam Fierox into the side of a tank before falling onto his back. Fierox lands gracefully, aura somewhat smaller. BB10 reaches for the gun at his waist, but Fierox leaps for the weapon. Golden sparks flow from Fierox's snout and paws, striking the ground; a wave of golden sparks rises and moves forward, knocking BB10's arm up and sending the gun flying. ]

[ EXT. DESERT - NEAR TRAILER - DAY. : Most of the gas is scattered in whisps of smoke that drift away. ]

[ The sand swirls as Wind raises her arms; Gravitor runs toward Fieron and leaps. Fieron's spark-funnel fades. Fieron turns and thrusts his hand toward Gravitor, a Fiery projectile flying from it and striking Gravitor in the chest. Gravitor shouts in pain and flinches, but keeps falling toward Fieron. Fieron shoves Gravitor aside, and Gravitor nearly falls to the ground before regaining his footing. ]

You're no different from Black Eagle, I see. Always ready to make enemies and then fight them. Maybe it would do you well to learn more about your enemies before challenging them.

You're the one that sprayed fire on those guys.

And they're the ones that sprayed gas at me.

BB1 (over megaphone):
Team Element, Fieron is in your sights; what are you doing?

Talking, apparently.

See how they are only interested in having you fight me, while I have done nothing but defend myself? I commend you for trying to play the hero. I dare say that's my biggest mistake. But there's no turning back now.

What does that mean?

Do I have to tell you? Fine. A kidnapper put his hostages up for ransome. The police wouldn't touch it. So I dealt with it. And beyond all odds, there were no losses of life. But then what happened? My power got the attention of certain people. They wanted me to either join them, or stand down. I said no. So They took it upon themselves to use that encounter as evidence of my status as a terrorist. So I tracked down every copy of the edited version of that meeting and destroyed them.

Right. That's pretty stupid. Destroying evidence isn't a good way of avoiding incrimonation.

I won't pretend it was the smartest thing to do. Unfortunately I wound up destroying the uncut editions as well. So the only copy of the video that exists was stored in my ring.

[ INT. TRUCK - DAY. : BB18 sits in the passenger's seat. A box of grenades sits between him and the driver--another BB agent. ]

Launch chemical assault!


And what happened to that ring? And how do we know that copy isn't a fake

I absorbed the ring and its power. That's how Black Eagle got his power; didn't he tell you? He grabbed the ring. I absorbed it to keep it out of the hands of thieves. A shard of it survived and he caught it. I convinced him not to turn it in to his superiors. Of course, it alone is useless. Without it, though, I'd imagine he'd be weaker. He certainly wouldn't stand a chance at catching up with me, at any rate.

[ A smoking projectile flies from the direction of the trucks, exploding in mid air and releasing a cloud of gas. Fieron raises a hand toward it and sparks fountain toward the gas-burst. More projectiles fly through the air. ]

Why should we believe you?

Why should you believe them? Why should you believe anyone?

[ Fieron turns his attention toward the projectiles. He is surrounded in blue sparks as a storm of sparks and fire flows from him to intercept the projectiles. ]

[ Wind extends her arms and the sand is ccaught in the wind; the gust is focused on Fieron, who is unaffected. ]

Stop that, now!

And allow myself to be pelted with their weapons? Very well, if you suffer them as well.

[ Fierox runs from the direction of the tanks. Large artillery shells fire from the turrets atop the tanks, but are caught by Fieron's spark-storm. The storm fades momentarily as Fieron turns to face Fierox. ]

[ A gunshot comes from the direction of the tanks, and Fierox lets out an audible cry and rolls to the ground. Fieron runs toward Fierox, trailed by sparks. The turrets rotate to face him, and fire ignites around Fieron. ]

Stop him!

[ A ball of ice forms in each of Glacier's hands. Gravitor nods to Glacier. ]

[ Fire streams from Fieron and toward the tanks. The turrets fire again, but the shells explode within inches of their sources. Sparks streak through the flames, and both turrets explode in a shower of metal and clouds of smoke. ]

[ Fierox cries out in pain. ]

[ Fieron turns away from the tanks. Glacier's ice-balls fly for him, but Fieron ducks and both miss. Fieron crouches beside Fierox and places a hand on the fox's back. ]

Fierox. Hold on.

[ Fieron slides a hand along Fierox's side while keeping the other on the fox's back. Fierox gives another cry of pain as blue sparks flow over the fox's side; several metallic fragments fall from Fierox's side and to the ground. Fieron sighs and stands. Flames flash around Fieron's fists as sparks and flame flash in and out of existence around him. ]

That was a mistake.

If you can defend yourself, so can they!

All these imbosils do is attack from behind. Watch them try to shoot me in the back!

[ Black Eagle descends from above, fiery wings dissolving as he lands between Fieron and Taoe. ]

I do hope you haven't been spreading lies.

I am not a liar, my head-smashing friend. I'd like if you could say the same.

And what lies have I told?

The ring shard?

What about it?

It'd be helpful for figuring out how Fieron got so powerful. Why keep it for yourself?

The shard is just a piece of metal.

Then why is it around your neck?

A reminder of how close I came to bringing you in.

Then you wouldn't mind if it was destroyed? Seeing as it's nothing more than a reminder.

Your attempts of setting me up are amusing, but worthless.

[ Black Eagle pulls the chain holding the shard from his neck and throws it to the ground behind him. The flames and sparks around Fieron and his fists fade. ]

Now, are we going to stand here all day and talk to this con man?

Impressive, if not foolish.

Well, if it was so important, why don't you attack me? Clearly I'm powerless without it.

I have no reason to attack you.

So, why don't you come with us and prove that you're not just trying to tear this nation apart?

I don't trust you. If you'll recall, I tried to cooperate with the authorities almost a year ago.

I hardly call that cooperation.

And I consider myself far more useful out here. There are plenty of evils to be prevented, as I hear you found out the hard way.

Yeah. And how do we know you weren't involved with Kimal and the keys?

Keys? What... are we playing a video game now? I hear that the key in stage five is in one of those places you need the infinite flight suit to access.

What... We're not playing games, Ninjaman!

In that case, I'll be going.

I'm afraid I can't allow that.

I'm afraid you can't stop me.

[ Fieron takes flight in a streak of sparks. Black Eagle's fiery wings ignite and he flies up to block Fieron, but Fieron plows into him and Black Eagle falls to the ground; Fieron's spark-aura fades and he hovers over the scene. ]

What kind of moron jumps in front of a truck?

That's it! No matter who's lying, you're still under arrest!

[ Gravitor jumps into the air and falls upward toward Fieron. Fieron grabs Gravitor by the foot with one hand, a burst of sparks from the other sending Gravitor to the ground. ]

[ On the ground, Black Eagle's hand closes over the ring-shard. He gets to his feet and places the chain back around his neck. ]

Charge him as a group; cover all sides! The BB will cover us from below!

[ Wind takes flight and holds her arms out to the side; she stops to hover at Fieron's height. Collumns of ice extend from Glacier's feet and carry him up to face Fieron from another side. Black Eagle's wings ignite and he covers Fieron from another side. ]

Why are you people so stupid?

[ Fieron flies straight up. Black Eagle flies after Fieron, a fist glowing blue. Black Eagle uppercuts Fieron with his glowing fist. Fieron flips aside and flies away from Black Eagle, only for Gravitor to fall at him from below. Gravitor grapples Fieron's legs, then flips to stand on his back as Fieron twists to try and throw him off. ]

Hold him!

[ Black Eagle sends a beam of blue sparks at Fieron, who blocks with a field of energy around his hand. ]

FIERON (half-mockingly):
Is it legal for me to fight back?

[ Fieron throws a curving projectile of fire toward Black Eagle. Ice-spears fly from Glacier's hands toward Fieron, who narrowly turns to dodge, throwing Gravitor into the path of the spears. ]

Woah! Hey!

[ Gravitor flips and falls slowly groundward. ]

[ Fieron turns as Glacier throws more ice-spears. A beam of sparks with a core of fire erupts from Fieron's hand, lasting through the sparks and striking Glacier. Glacier falls from the ice-collumns and strikes the ground, landing on his back. ]

[ Wind holds her arms toward Fieron, and a powerful gust blows Fieron toward Glacier's ice-collumns. A burst of sparks blasts from Fieron's hand and hits Wind, causing her to fall halfway to the ground as she yelps in pain. ]

Not this time.

[ Gravitor looks toward Glacier's ice-collumns, and one of them wobbles and rises from the ground, falling toward Fieron. Fieron turns and holds out his arms as a field of sparks surrounds him. The ice-collumn wobbles violently upon striking the spark-field, slowly shrinking as it becomes steam. The remaining ice falls to the ground as the second collumn falls toward Fieron, who brings his arms together as the spark-field flows into a broad stream of sparks that engulfs the ice-collumn. Fire ignites within the sparks, and the ice-collumn is reduced to steam almost instantly. ]


Fire! Team Element, hit the dirt!

[ EXT. DESERT - NEAR TRAILER - DAY. : The roof of the truck attached to the trailer slides open and two pairs of leg-sized rockets fly from it and toward Fieron. ]

[ Wind drops to the ground, Black Eagle and Gravitor landing as well. ]

[ Above, Fieron turns to face the missiles as a spark-field forms around him. The missiles are deflected from the field, but circle Fieron. Fieron throws his arms outward and the spark-field breaks into a dome of sparks that directs the missiles downward. ]

[ The missiles fly for Taoe. ]


[ Wind throws up her arms, and the rockets are caught in a gust that directs them out into the desert. In the distance, the rockets can be seen striking the ground and exploding, throwing up clouds of sand. ]

[ Hydron looks up toward Fieron. ]

If you're innocent, then come with us.

Unfortunately I have business to attend to. Being thrown in a military prison without a real trial won't help. That, and Fierox will need help after what you did to him.

All right, You've been askin' for it!

[ Black Eagle lets out a battle-roar as he flies toward Fieron with a cloud of sparks surrounding his arms. A large flood of sparks blasts from Black Eagle toward Fieron. Fieron calmly holds out his arms as blue sparks flow from them to meet Black Eagle's blast. The two collide and shower the ground below with sparks; Fieron and Black Eagle slowly descend groundward as their struggle continues. ]

Not bad. Only one problem!

[ An aura of fire flares up around Fieron and flames and light explode toward Black Eagle, throwing him into the ground. ]

Just how strong are you?

[ Fieron suddenly drops to the ground heavily, but remains standing. ]

I'd love to fight under increased gravity; it can only make me stronger!

[ Fieron walks toward Taoe. ]

BLACK EAGLE (panting, still on the ground):
Hydron, fill his lungs with water.

We're not trying to kill him!

That's an order!

So eager to do harm, even when you're bearly conscious. Maybe showing a little mercy would make you some allies.

Show mercy to a scorpion and you'll find a stinger in your leg.

And who's the scorpion here, Mr. "drown him"?

I'm not the one attacking people on the road, or breaking into houses...

I don't know, you did a good job of breaking into my room.

[ Spectro walks up, appearing to be in a blue bodysuit with yellow boots, gloves, triangular shoulder-pads, and belt. A close-fitting white helmet covers most of his face, though a narrow opening reveals his nose and mouth. ]


I heard Fieron was in town. And from the looks of it he isn't coming quietly.

Why, exactly, haven't I left yet?

I've been watching the fight. There'll be no deception here.

Do you have any idea how ironic that statement is?

Yeah, so, who are you?

I go by Spectro. And if I'm not mistaken, this guy was in complete control here.

I wouldn't say complete...

So I'm sure you've been given the chance already, but... care to surrender?

I'm more interested in getting out of here.

In that case...

[ Spectro keeps moving toward Fieron until they're just a couple feet apart. ]

I do hope this won't take long.

Well, light is pretty fast, would you agree?

[ There is a flash of light and Fieron's sash bursts into flames. Fieron brushes the fire out with a gloved forearm. ]

Very well.

[ A field of blue sparks surrounds Fieron. ]

I don't have to attack from outside.

[ Blue-violet light fades into view around Fieron. ]

And you're rather short-sighted if you think my only defenses are outside.

[ Fieron seems to vibrate as the sparks around him intensify into solid lines before his body fdisappearsfrom sight. ]

Oooh, invisibility.

[ Spectro disappears from sight, though his footprints are still visible in the sand where he stood. ]

SPECTRO (cont'd):
But I can see you have a bit of trouble moving while you're unseen. Whereas I... don't.

[ Spectro appears closer to where Fieron stood and kicks. Blue sparks crackle in the air and Fieron fades into view. ]

Was that an attack? I may not be able to do much fighting while invisible, but my body is nearly invincible in that form.

I hope you're exaggerating.

You will find that an invisible opponent is far more difficult to harm with light. SO if You don't have any other abilities...

If I can turn invisible, do you think my powers are limited to throwing light at you?

[ An army of Black Eagles is suddenly visible around Fieron. ]

I'm sorry, did you do anything? We're standing in sand; I can tell where you're moving to inside this illusion.

[ The black Eagle's merge into a huge burst of fiery light that flashes around Fieron. ]

Could you, umm, contain that a little better? Some of us would like to keep our vision.

You can't hide from me behind holograms.

This is nothing new.

[ The entire area grows dark. Fieron is the only one visible. ]

You're pathetic! Haven't you realized yet that I can find you without seeing you?

[ Fieron streaks forward in blue sparks; the light returns to normal as Spectro flies off of his feet and lands on his back in the sand. ]


[ Spectro sits up, brushing sand from his back. ]

Ok, here's a better idea; you can find me when I'm hidden from sight, but what about a whole group?

[ A storm of flying lights appears around Fieron. ]

You heard him; attack!

[ Glacier (now standing)Sends ice into the storm of light. Wind flies in with winds raging in a fierce storm around the whole area, coming in to kick. Gravitor Falls at Fieron with a shield of Glacier's ice protecting his face and torso. Black Eagle runs in, beams of sparks and light blasting from both of his arms. Hydron becomes water that rushes in as well. Fieron throws out his arms as a cloud of sparks and flame explodes outward from him, throwing everyone back as the lights fade. ]

That's quite enough! Spectro is indeed skilled, but even with him, you can't seem to touch me! Now I'll leave you to contemplate your absolute defeat.

[ Fieron spark-streaks to where Fierox lies on the ground. Black Eagle spins and rushes after him, but Fieron picks up Fieron and streaks away before Black Eagle can reach him. ]


I can't say I've ever had an opponent run away.

He didn't bother finishing us.

He came to humiliate us.

He came to give his case.

No, he came to turn you against us. If he wanted to plead his case, he would have come with us and done it before the nation. Why should he remain a fugitive if he can prove his innocence? He's already proven he can take a lot. No, he's up to something, and he'd love to have you on his side.

You seemed to love the idea of getting me on your side.

SO why did you come?

Because stopping Fieron is more important than saying no to you.

So... you're why I was getting feedback on my radio?

Yeah... That's... happened before, I think. I'm going to have to up my security a bit more. So I guess that makes you Hydron.

Only at work.

[ Fade to gray, then to black. ]

[ INT. TUNNEL -DARK. : Ibn and Jienki run up the tunnel. Light comes from the brighter blue glow in the jewel in the base of Ibn's dagger, and the red-violet glow in the base of a second dagger (Dark Bob's dagger?). ]

[ The light catches the blades of a sword and an axe in the hands of two Kro that pursue Jienki and Ibn; they appear to be gaining on the two. ]

[ Ibn turns and places the flats of the daggers together. Sparks fly from them as the glows from the gems intensify. Ibn separates the blades and aims the gems toward the face of the axe-wielding Kro. A bright purple light shines on his face, and the axe-wielder screams, dropping his axe and clutching at his face as smoke rises from it. The light from the gems dims as the sword moves toward Ibn. ]

[ The light from the gems grows too dim to reveal much more than Ibn's forearms. The blue-gemmed dagger moves forward; there are two metallic clangs, a thud, a grunt, and a louder thud. The blue glow intensifies, and the two Kro are on the ground; blood drips from the blue-dgemmed dagger. ]

There are more coming. Through side tunnels.

It won't matter if we leave before they arrive.

[ Jienki and Ibn keep running out of sight; the glow of the gems disappears with them, leaing the tunnel in blackness. ]

[ EXT. RIDGE BOTTOM - NIGHT. : Two Axe-wielding Kro stand in front of the rock in front of the cave, weapons raised to strike whoever tries to pass. Two sword-wielding Kro stand inside the entrance. ]

[ Jienki and Ibn appear in the cave; there is still a dim glow from Ibn's dagger-gem. Jienki's sword is surrounded in a translucent silverish glow in the shape of the weapon. Jienki jumps forward and makes a long slash with the sword, knocking the swords out of the hands of both sword-wielding guards. Ibn jumps forward and jabs the blue-gemmed dagger at the leg of one of the guards. The guard falls, and Ibn raises the dagger over his head. The gem glows brightly. Ibn holds up the red-violet-gemmed dagger with the flat up and the blade aimed toward the remaining guard. The blue light reflects off of the blade and a blue light shines on the head of the remaining sword-less guard. The Kro staggers back and falls over the rock, smoke rising from his head. Jienki rushes forward and kicks the fallen guard over the rock. The glow of the gem of Ibn's dagger slowly fades. The axe closest to Jienki drops and strikes the sword from Jienki's hand. The sword falls to the ground. A pair of almost transparent, shimmering arms appear from Jienki's sides. One of the shimmering hands holds the axe down, while the other pushes on the rock, flipping Jienki over it to land on his feet on the other side. Both axe-wielding guards advance on Jienki. Ibn jumps over the rock and thrusts the red-violet-gemmed dagger at the back of the nearest guard. The gem glows as the two fall out of frame. ]

[ Jienki spins to face the oncoming axe-wielder. One translucent hand reaches for the handle of the axe. The axe strikes the translucent arm, which flashes silver as Jienki recoils. The axe-wielder looks toward the arm confusedly, and Jienki gives a roar and charges. The unstruck translucent arm grabs at the axe-handle, throwing the weapon to the ground. One of Jienki's real fists strikes the axe-less Kro's helmet, and he falls to the ground. ]

[ Ibn approaches Jienki, the red-violet gem glowing. ]

There are people close enough to have heard that.

There are more coming.

Then we leave.

[ Ibn turns to run. Jienki follows, but is slower to turn. Several Kro armed with swords, maces and axes pour from the cave in pairs, racing across the land after the retreating Ibn and Jienki. ]

[ EXT. HILLS - NIGHT. : Ibn and Jienki climb up a hill. ]

Wouldn't it be safer to go between the hills?

We need speed. The Kro won't chase us to the town.

[ From above, it can be seen that the Kro have maneuvered through the hills, and are gathering around the hill where Ibn and Jienki stand. ]

Look. They have us surrounded.

If they could do that, they would have cornered us on the low ground.

[ Ibn covers the faintly glowing red-violet gem with his jacket. ]

It's no use. They know we're here.

[ Ibn laughs. ]

A seige! Two men defending a hill from an army... Hah, I've defended a river with this dagger and one head-hunter at my side.

Our job was to escape with the dagger.

And end as many Kro as necessary.

I can break the line.

[ Several Kro charge up the hill from all sides. ]

It will break itself if we become rocks.

[ Maces and axes come at Ibn and Jienki from lower on the slope. Ibn steps to the center of the hilltop. Jienki kicks the head of a mace aside. An axe-wielding Kro leaps toward Jienki, and he turns, shimmering extra arm striking at the axe-wielder's hand. The axe flies into the crowd below; Jienki advances and takes hold of the disarmed Kro with all four hands, solid and otherwise. Jienki turns and throws the victim at an oncoming axe-wielder, and both fall down the hill. ]

[ A mace-wielding Kro heads for Ibn. Ibn dodges the mace and thrusts the blue-gemmed dagger at the Kro's chest. They both topple off of the hill into the Kro below. ]

[ Several Kro surround Jienki; an axe comes at his head and he ducks forward enough to dodge, though the blade splits the vail and his mask falls. His hair consists only of a black mohawk. ]

[ Jienki turns and grabs the axe with his real hands. A shimmering blow knocks aside an oncoming mace, though the arm flashes silver as it does. Jienki pulls the axe free from its owner and spins. ]

[ Further down the hill, Ibn stands over three motionless Kro. Several others move for him, though he holds the daggers high over his head so that the light from the shining gems falls on the Kro. Ibn moves the daggers around so that the glow can focus on individual Kro in succession; each that falls under the light either snarls, falls back, or both. A pair of Kro fall down the hill and join the pile around Ibn. ]

[ Atop the hill, Jienki is surrounded by fallen Kro. He turns and thrusts the axe into the line advancing up the side of the hill opposite Ibn. Two mace-wielding Kro charge at Jienki from opposite sides, but he turns, grabbing both weapons with his shimmering arms, and pulls them into the air. Both Kro are slung together and fall to the ground; Jienki throws one of the maces into the air and it flips as it falls. He catches the handle with his real hand and turns to club another Kro off of the hilltop. The fallen Kro whose mace Jienki didn't take slowly gets to his knees, then leaps, mace held high. Jienki turns his head in time to see the mace fall toward him. ]

[ Below, two more Kro fall beneath trails of smoke. Ibn lowers the two daggers and charges out of the circle assaulting the hill. There is a loud thud from atop the hill, and a chorus of cheers rises from the Kro. Ibn keeps running. Fade to black. ]

[ Fade in to INT. ISDA MEETINGROOM - DAY. : The ISDAChairman sits in his usual spot. BB15 is to screen left, Theracy sitting to screen right. Theracy's eyes are shut and she leans forward with her hands on her knees. ]

They've stopped. It's just a field. Fieron's looking around... now he's taking off his glove... now he's rubbing his eyes.

[ BB10 enters, holding a sheet of printer paper. He turns to the Chairman, salutes, and hands him the page. The Chairman regards the page, then hands it to BB15. ]


[ Theracy sits up and opens her eyes. ]


Your talents have been requested regarding Kimal and the Kro.


[ Theracy suddenly looks shocked. ]

THERACY (apologetic):

One of Kimal's operatives has fled the British Isles. Investigators believe he fled after attacking a Kro Stronghold.

More chasing...

[ She closes her eyes and slowly leans forward again. Dissolve to... ]

[ EXT. MOUNTAINSIDE - DAWN. : Ibn trudges up the rocky mountainside. ]

[ A well-tanned, South Asian-looking man in a gray robe steps out from behind a boulder. Ibn stops when he sees the man. ]

Guopin. I have the dagger. Jienki...

[ The man, hereafter Guopin, raises a hand. ]

We must move.

The Americans?

[ Guopin lowers his hand. ]

No. Unless they have a new weapon.


An entire scout team. At first it looked like they disease, but it was fast, and the skin and the eyes...

A plague attack?

No. Worse. Much worse.

[ Guopin and Ibn walk along the mountainside. Fade to black. ]

8:29 AM 2/27/2010