Episode 12: "Trapped in Experimentation"

Writer:  C. A. E. Jones

10:13AM 3/8/2010

[ EXT. ABOVE SUBURBAN NEIGHBORHOOD - NIGHT : Several houses emit some light. One house leaks smoke. ]

[ Zoom in on the smoking house. ]

[ Dissolve to... ]

[ EXT. DRIVEWAY - NIGHT. : Black Eagle stands, staring at the house, from which smoke rises. ]

[ A woman's scream comes from the house. ]

BLACK EAGLE (horrified):

[ Black Eagle runs to the house and bursts through the door. ]

[ INT. HOUSE - NIGHT. : A gray couch sits on one wall, a matching chair on another near an opening into a tile-floored diningroom. A table is overturned near the entrance to the diningroom, with a lamp and various books and papers scattered on the floor around it. Smoke rises from the lamp; the wall near the couch is on fire. Two BB agents are sprawled on the floor, while a boy of about seven and a girl of about nine crouch in terror under a large table visible in the diningroom. A brown-haired woman stands near the chair, regarding the room with a horrified expression on her face. Fieron stands in the middle of the room, one hand raised. ]

[ Black Eagle runs into the room from the foreground, and his shoulders slump in dismay. ]

You... Why are you here?

Isn't this what you were going to do to me?


[ Fieron faces the woman, hereafter Siera. ]

Stay away from her!

BB12 (groggy):
Black... Eagle...


[ One of the BB agents on the ground struggles to get to his elbows. ]

Sorry... Ern... we couldn't...

[ The BB agent falls back to the ground. ]

[ Front view of Black Eagle, with the open door behind him. His raised fist gives off blue sparks, but more sparks dance around the shard held around his neck, and he staggers. Sparks flow from the shard and spread around his entire body. Black Eagle falls to his knees. ]

Sometimes jays can bring down an eagle if they mob it in a group.

BLACK EAGLE (yelling):

[ The image wavers as though seen through water. ]

FIERON (reverb):
When has an eagle ever put out a fire?

[ Dissolve to... ]

[ INT. HOUSE - NIGHT. : The door is shut, there is neither smoke nor fire in the room; the table by the couch is set up with the books, papers and lamp (dim) atop it. Black Eagle is the only person in the room, in costume with a hand clutching the ring shard. ]

[ Black Eagle breathes heavily. Siera, wearing a long, pale nightgown, walks into the room and approaches Black Eagle. ]

SIERA (tired):
Ernie, it's two in the morning. What's the matter?

Just... a dream.

[ Black Eagle lets go of the ring shard and lowers his hand. ]

You're wearing that... costume.

A vivid dream.



[ Black Eagle touches the ring shard again. ]

BLACK EAGLE (cont'd):
I'm going to go drop something off.

In the middle of the night?

If I wait any longer, I'll lose my mind.

Hurry back.

I will.

[ Black Eagle turns and walks toward the door. He takes hold of the door knob and pulls the door open, walks through, and pulls it shut again. ]

[ EXT. ABOVE SUBURBS - NIGHT. : The scene is as before, but without the smoke. ]

[ Black Eagle, wings ignited, flies up from the street and off to the bottom right of the screen. ]

[ INT. ISDA OBSERVATION ROOM - LIT. : A man and woman, both in black suits, are at different computer terminals; the room is surrounded by computers, other than one wall, where a large, flat screen fills the wall, currently showing an aerial view of the eastern coast of the United States. A man in blue-gray stands near the screen, and Theracy sits in a rolly chair a few feet from him, facing the screen. ]

It feels like... Sand? Quicksand.

I.R.O. :
What's the temperature like?

Not... a real feeling. Not like touch.

[ Black Eagle enters. The man and woman at the computers look up. ]

Are you busy?

I.R.O. :
A bit.

[ Black Eagle walks across the room and stands beside the blue-clad man. ]

What are we watching?

I.R.O. :
Dr. Nono kept asking where Eoce opened his portal last year. We finally told her, and how much your team broke.


I.R.O. :
She told us There was a chance Eoce would be doing experiments over New England. She couldn't give us anything better than a two-hundred-mile radius, and insisted that she didn't know what he would be doing. She said it was all geometry, but that she doesn't know enough to give us more.

I wouldn't trust her.

I.R.O. :
Most of us don't, but we're looking anyway.

[ Black Eagle pulls the chain holding the ring shard over his head and holds it toward the blue-clad man. ]

I came to drop this off.

[ The blue-clad man faces Black Eagle and looks at the shard. ]

I.R.O. :
What's this?

It's a piece of Fieron's ring.

[ The blue-clad man watches the ring carefully, then reaches into his pants pocket and pulls out a pair of black gloves. He puts the gloves onto his hands, then uses them to take the ring shard. ]

I.R.O. :
That's a nice find. You sure it's legit?

I'm sure.

I.R.O. :
Hey, we have been picking up some weird signals from the area Hoita sent us to. I was going to put in a request to get some of your people to take a look.


I.R.O. :
Well, and that kid you picked up in Afghanistan. We don't know what kinds of particles are out there. Spectro can't block cosmic rays, from what I know; there are a lot of particles that aren't light.

Aluben? Can he take cosmic rays?

I.R.O. :
It seems like he could take more than anyone else. Enough to get some instruments in there.

Why not use robots?

I.R.O. :
You know we don't have robots lying around for this kind of thing. There's Eoce's rover, but it'll take a while to get it running again. I'll put in a request, but...

I'll see what I can do.

I.R.O. :

[ Black Eagle turns and walks out of the room. The blue-clad man turns to face Theracy. ]

I.R.O :
Hey, could you run this to storage for me?

[ Theracy looks up. ]


I.R.O. :
You can just carry the gloves.

[ Theracy pulls the gloves off of the blue-clad man's hands and turns them to better keep the ring shard from slipping between them. Theracy gets up, her chair sliding back a good distance on wheels in its legs. ]

I.R.O. :
You might want to get a snack while you're out; just don't bring it back in here.

[ Theracy nods and turns to walk out of the room. The blue-clad man looks back at the large screen on the wall. ]

[ INT. ISDA HALLWAY - NIGHT. : Only a third of the lights are on, leaving the hall in mostly darkness other than a few spots. ]

[ Theracy walks along the hall, holding the gloves between her hands with the ring shard between them. She stops in the middle of the hall, looks around, and takes hold of the chain attached to the shard, and puts it over her head and around her neck. One of the gloves drops to the floor. Theracy looks down at the shard. ]

[ Fade through white to... ]

[ INT. ISDA CAMERAROOM - NIGHT. : Two BB agents sit relaxedly in large rotating chairs in a room with monitors on all walls, a small gap in each bank of monitors to permit a darkened door. ]

[ Fade through white to... ]


[ Theracy bends over and picks up the fallen glove. As she gets up, she slips her hands into the gloves and closes and opens her fists. She moves a finger to the ring shard and touches it lightly. She lowers her hands to her side, looks around, then brings her hands together and pulls one of the gloves off, holding it in the still-gloved hand. She raises a bare finger to the ring shard, and a small spark flickers between her finger and the ring shard. Theracy gasps softly and pulls her finger away, hesitates, then presses two fingers to the shard. Golden sparks dance around the shard and her hand momentarily, then fade. A blue spark jumps onto the chain and races around it; as it passes the back around Theracy's neck, her hair flicks upward. The spark races down the other side of the chain and disappears into the shard. Theracy lowers her hands and walks off screen. ]

[ INT. ISDA BREAKROOM - NIGHT. : The only light in the room comes from a light in the hallway beyond the opened door, though all of the hall lights aren't on, keeping even that dim. ]

[ Theracy steps into the room and flips the lightswitch by the door with her glove-less hand. She moves to the table and pulls off the remaining glove, setting both on the table. ]

THERACY (to herself):
He didn't say I had to put it in storage before getting a snack.

[ Theracy opens the refrigerator door and reaches inside, pulling out a banana, then closing the door. She moves to and sits in the chair farthest from the door and starts to peal the banana. ]

[ Dissolve to... ]


[ Glacier walks down the hallway. ]

[ INT. ISDA BREAKROOM - NIGHT. : Theracy's head is lowered, and she holds a banana-peal in one hand that rests on her thigh. ]

[ Glacier steps into the room and approaches the refridgerator, then looks toward Theracy. His gaze falls on the ring shard, and he steps closer and extends a hand to touch it, avoiding touching Theracy (who remains motionless). The shard and Glacier's hand shimmer faintly before Glacier pulls his hand away and turns to face the refridgerator. He walks to the table and picks up the gloves, then walks out the door. ]


[ Glacier enters and walks to the blue-clad man, who still watches the large screen intently. The image on the screen shows the southeast area of Massachusetts. ]

I.R.O. :
It doesn't look right. Can we run it for lambdas?

Are these yours?

[ Glacier holds out the gloves, and the blue-clad man turns. ]

I.R.O. :
Oh, yes. Did you get those from Yellow?

Yes. She fell asleep in the breakroom.

I.R.O. :
Ah, I guess we've had her out her awefully late. She's given us about all I think she can this time, though; might as well leave her be.

Are there any video cassettes here?

I.R.O. :
There are some blanks in the cabinet by the door. Bottom drawer. Do you need one?

For a few hours.

I.R.O. :
We have to keep track of all of those. Don't put anything important on it.

It will be blank when you get it back.

I.R.O. :
All right.

[ Dissolve to... ]

[ INT. ISDA BREAKROOM - NIGHT. : Theracy is still asleep in the chair. ]

[ Glacier enters and walks toward Theracy, holding a VHS cassette in his hand. He presses a finger on the corner of the cassette and flips the cover on the front up. He brings it toward the ring shard, and the shard sparks momentarily. Glacier slowly moves the cassette from side to side over the ring shard, then pulls it away and lets the cover shut. He then looks upward, shrugs, and turns to walk out of the room. ]

[ INT. APARTMENT COMPLEX - HALLWAY - NIGHT. : The hallway is mostly dark. ]

[ Glacier walks down the hallway, the VHS at his side. He stops in front of a particular door and knocks softly. After a couple seconds, the door opens inward, revealing Aluben, wearing his white pants, star-shirt and sandals. ]

Good morning. I was getting ready to leave; do you need something?

Do you have a VCR?

VCR? I'm not sure; I haven't looked at much in here. Charles's mother said I could move in with her, so I'm waiting for a trip there. You can come in and look if you want.

[ Aluben steps back, and Glacier steps through the door. ]

[ INT. ALUBEN'S ROOM - NIGHT. : The room is carpeted, a swirly-patterned couch on one wall behind a small coffeetable, on which sits a small paper sack (see episode 11). A charred fragment of a rug sits on the floor by one wall, opposite a small wood-framed entertainment center featuring a relatively small television. The bottom half of the entertainment center consists of a double-doored cabinet, currently closed. Aluben stands between the door and the entertainment center. ]

[ Glacier walks toward the entertainment center. Aluben slowly pushes the door closed and turns to watch Glacier. Glacier drops to his knees in front of the entertainment center and sets the cassette between the side of the entertainment center and the television. He then pulls the cabinet doors open, revealing a bulky VCR with a length of black cable coiled atop it. ]

Is that it?


[ Glacier picks up the cable and begins to unwind it. ]

Does it need to be plugged in?


[ Glacier pulls the cable loose until there is a large mess of cable visible in the cabinet. Glacier takes part of it and reaches into the back of the cabinet, then makes his way to the side of the entertainment center and reaches a hand behind it. Me continues to move his arm as though adjusting something, then a digital clock display blinks into life on the VCR, reading "12:00". ]

It's working, but the clock is wrong.

[ Glacier moves back to the front of the entertainment center and raises a hand to the bottom of the television. The TV screen fades to static. Glacier picks up the cassette from beside the television and pushes it into the VCR, then reaches down to press a button on the VCR. The image on the TV jumps, flashes to blue, then a squiggly line slowly crawls down the screen, revealing an extremely blurry image of a grassy lawn near a house. The image is partly obscured by some leaves near the top right corner, close enough to imply that the image was shot from amid leaves. Fieron stands in the lawn in the image. The image shakes momentarily, and the leaves rustle a bit and disappear from view, revealing a mailbox across the street. Fieron turns and faces the camera, then advances across the street. Faint, noise-covered voices can be heard from the television. ]

MALE VOICE (over TV, distorted):
Because you're friends with the judge!

FIERON (on TV, distorted):
Here, of all places? Is it worth that much to convince the world that he gave himself a black eye?

[ Fieron approaches the camera. ]

Is that Fieron?

It looks like him. It sounds like him.

VOICE (over TV):
Have you come to admit that you did it?

[ On the TV screen, Fieron's stance straightens, and he holds out a hand. ]

FIERON (over TV, distorted):
What are you up to? A... a camera?

[ Fieron approaches, and the image on the camera jumps wildly, turning to catch a leafy branch of a tree. ]

FIERON (over TV, distorted):
So this is their plan, is it? Do you expect me to help a government that would do this?

What is he talking about?

Who are you asking?

Well... you, I think.

It could be many things.

[ A squiggly line crawls down the screen; above the line, the screen is blue. The screen is all blue once the line disappears off the bottom of it. ]

Is that all?

Most likely. Fieron tried to destroy this video.

Why would he destroy it?

He probably thought it would be used against him.

Has it?


Does anyone else know about this?

To my knowledge, you and I are the only people to know of this copy.

What will you do with it?

[ Glacier pushes a button on the VCR, and the TV screen and audio returns to static. The cassette is ejected from the VCR, and Glacier pulls it out and holds it up. ]

Find a magnet and erase it.

Erase it? Isn't that what Fieron wants?

I told Information Resource Officer I would return it blank.

[ Aluben looks at Glacier in confusion. ]

I don't have any magnets.

Do you have a tape measure?


[ Glacier gets up and turns toward the door. ]

Are you leaving?


[ The sound of a telephone ringing can be heard. ]

Noone calls me this early.

It's Black Eagle.

Why would he be calling me?

He's preparing for a mission.

But why would he call me?

[ Glacier shrugs and reaches for the door, pulls it open, and walks out. ]

[ INT. ISDA BREAKROOM - DAY. : Theracy is in the same sleeping position as seen previously. Hydron stands by the table. ]

[ Wind walks into the room, her eyes looking tired. ]

You think we should wake Theracy up?

Would I wake you up?

[ Theracy stirs. ]

I guess we don't have to.

[ Wind walks toward Theracy, who slowly lifts her head. ]

Good morning. Well, if it's still morning.

[ Theracy suddenly blinks and looks around. ]

Oh! I didn't mean to fall asleep...

I can see that.

[ Wind looks at the banana-peal in Theracy's lap. ]

WIND (cont'd):
You done with that?

[ Theracy looks down. ]


I'll take care of it for you.

[ Wind takes the banana-peal and turns to walk toward the table. When Wind is between Hydron and Theracy such that Hydron's view is obscured, Theracy quickly pulls the chain holding the ring shard over her head and stuffs it into the cushions of the chair with her unburned hand. The remaining burns on her burned hand redden, and Theracy pulls her unburned hand out of the seat and looks at it curiously. ]


It wasn't my idea.

[ Spectro and Black Eagle walk into the room. ]

I thought you were going to wait until he'd gotten citizenship and moved in with Charles before asking.

Technically, this isn't an employed activity. So if anything goes wrong, our ensurance won't cover it. I'm surprised the chair agreed.

Wait, are you sending Aluben?

The whole operation is supposed to be Aluben and Spectro. They're the only two anyone feels safe sending in to wave instruments around.

And set up heavier equipment. I'm assuming Gravitor is helping with some of that?

If he ever gets here.

So what are we for?

Well, weather can interfere with measurements. And living water makes a good rescue vehicle.

[ Gravitor walks in. ]

Am I late?

Not quite.

Aluben's waiting by the subway.

Then let's not keep him waiting. Move out!

Agents of Erosion, to the access tunnel!

[ Theracy looks up as everyone moves toward the door. ]

Does that include me?

[ Noone responds; Theracy is left alone in the room. She pulls the ring shard out of the chair and gets to her feet. She places the chain around her neck, slipping the ring shard under her shirt. ]

I'll take that as a yes.

[ INT. GARAGE - DAY. : A scraggly man around twenty years old stands in front of a weathered wooden table on one wall. Two VCRs sit atop the table. Below and around the table are various items--stacks of VHS cassettes, boxes of vinal records, various parts from 1980s and early 1990s video game consoles, an antenna attached to nothing, various other bits of technology no newer than 1994. Glacier stands at one corner of the table.* ]

Looks done.

[ The guy presses stop twice on one VCR, then the next; a VHS cassette ejects from each. The guy takes one and hands it to Glacier. ]

GUY (cont'd):
One copied video, ...

[ The guy pulls out the other cassette and walks across the room to where a pale brown toolbox sits on the floor against a wall. He flips the lid up and reaches in, pulling out a tape-measure. He holds the tape measure near the cassette. He flips the switch on the tape-measure and pulls the tape out, then lets it retract, and flips the switch again before placing it back in the toolbox and closing the lid. The guy turns and walks back to Glacier and holds out the cassette. ]

... and one blank cassette.

[ Glacier takes the cassette. ]

Thanks for the ice, man. Not like there isn't plenty outside this time of year, but saved me the need to go out in this weather.

[ Glacier nods and turns to walk away. Fade to black. ]

[ EXT. SKY - DAY. : A small jet zooms by. ]

[ INT. JET - DAY. : Theracy is in a half-crouch, back pressed against a barier at the front of the "isle". Down the isle, the first seats are visible, with Wind and Hydron in the front. The sound of the jet starting up is audible. ]

Theracy? What are you doing here?

[ Theracy looks toward Wind, half sheepishly. ]

He said "move out".

[ Shot from the back of the jet. In the seats across from Wind and Hydron sit Gravitor and Aluben; Behind Gravitor and Aluben are two gray-clad people--one man and one woman--and two open seats are behind Wind and Hydron. A mostly transparent barier is visible in the front of the cabin, through which the cockpit is visible; Black Eagle and Spectro are both sitting in the cockpit. ]

Well, get to a seat; you don't want to sit that close to the doors.

[ Theracy hesitantly slips into view in the front of the seats, then walks back and sits behind Hydron. Wind looks back toward Theracy. ]

[ Side-view of Wind/Hydron/Theracy's side of the isle. Wind looks back at Theracy around the edge of the back of her seat. ]

Did they have you look at where we're going?

Yeah. There was something strange, but I couldn't tell much.

No more space-holes?

Well... not exactly. It was more like... deep mud, or quicksand.

[ Shot from the front of the isle. ]

They've said that there's strange matter out there.

Well that explains it. Oil sticks to oil, and water sticks to water; strange would stick to strange.

Jees, be nice.

Strange matter?

matter that has strange quarks in it. Quarks are the things protons and neutrons are made of, but they're made of up and down quarks. Strange matter usually only appears in cosmic rays and collider experiments.

And what effect would that have on normal matter?

I don't know. That's probably why they want Aluben to handle the equipment.

[ Aluben looks around in uncertainty. ]

[ EXT. SKY - DAY. : The jet flies by close to the camera. ]

[ EXT. ROAD - DAY. : Two large trucks drive down the road. A low city skyline is visible toward the east (screen right), though the land becomes more hilly to the west (screen left). The windows of the trucks are tinted, preventing a clear view of who is within. ]

[ INT. TRUCK - DAY. : Wind sits in the driver's seat; Gravitor is in the passenger's seat. In the back seat are Hydron, Theracy and Black Eagle; Theracy is in the middle, though pushed closer to Hydron. ]

You're staying by the trucks.

I know...

Wind, can you stay closer to the others?

We're not going to lose them...


[ Wind sighs. ]


[ EXT. ROAD - DAY. : The back truck accelerates and comes closer to the front truck. ]

[ The front truck climbs a hill and pulls to the shoulder of the road. The back truck follows, and both stop. ]

[ The doors of the front truck open, and the man and woman from the jet emerge from either side. Spectro steps out from the driver's side, and Aluben walks around from the passenger's side. The doors to the back truck open, and Wind, Gravitor, Hydron, Theracy and Black Eagle emerge. ]

[ EXT. HILLSIDE - DAY. : Theracy, Wind and the gray-clad man stand by the trucks at the top of the hill. The gray-clad woman, Gravitor and Black Eagle walk down the hill carrying chair-sized machines of plastic and metal. Aluben carries a plastic box with metal prongs along one side and walks behind Black Eagle and Gravitor. Spectro and Hydron stand on the hill behind Aluben. ]

We want to spread out and form a square.

[ Gravitor hurries off to one side, and the woman and Black Eagle head in the other direction. Aluben stops near the bottom of the hill. ]

[ Spectro waves his hand; the sky over the foot of the hill dims, and a faint blue-violet haze becomes visible. ]

It's mostly isolated to this area. Could mess with the air, though.

[ Shot from above. Black Eagle, Gravitor, the woman and the man atop the hill form a roughly equalateral shape. ]

[ Close on the woman. ]

WOMAN (calling):
Point it more toward me. And move back about a foot.

[ Close on Gravitor, who holds his machine a foot off of the ground. Gravitor steps back a short distance and adjusts the position of the machine. ]

How's this?


[ Theracy gengerly massages her burned hand. A faint white spark crawls around the chain on her neck, and she flinches slightly. ]

Are you ok?

Yeah. Just ... feeling sore.

[ EXT. HILLBOTTOM - DAY. : Aluben stands on a not-so-steep part of the hill. ]

[ Spectro steps closer, but stays a few feet behind Aluben. ]

What do I need to do?

Just walk into the middle and point that thing where they tell you.

[ Aluben nods and steps forward. The blue-violet haze appears again, and Aluben walks into the middle of it. ]

MAN (OS, calling):
Hold it straight above your head.

[ Aluben holds the device over his head. ]

MAN (OS, calling):
Slowly rotate it counter clockwise.


Turn it to the left.

[ Aluben rotates the device by turning his arm. ]

MAN (OS, calling):
Hold it out in front of you.

[ Aluben holds the device directly in front of him. ]

MAN (OS, calling):
Take a step forward.

[ Aluben steps forward. A faint yellowish haze appears around Aluben. ]

MAN (OS, calling):
Slowly rotate counter clockwise.

[ Aluben turns his arm. ]

MAN (OS, calling):
Your body.

[ Aluben slowly begins to turnn. ]


MAN (calling):
Keep it steady...

[ Blue sparks rise from both ends of the chain around Theracy's neck. Theracy reaches up to grab the chain; as she does, the entire chain is covered in sparks. She takes her hand away, but the sparks intensify. ]

[ Wind looks at Theracy. ]

What's that?

[ Theracy carefully reaches to the chain and pulls the ring shard out from under her shirt, cupping her hand over the shard to keep it hidden. Sparks dance around her hand. ]

It's.. I don't...

[ EXT. HILLBOTTOM - DAY. : The blue-violet haze grows whiter, and the yellowish haze around Aluben is thicker and more lumenous and brownish. ]

It's getting stronger.

[ The blue-violet-white haze becomes a glow that covers a larger area than previously. Hydron steps closer to Spectro. ]

Can you control it?

It's not just radiation.


[ The sparks flow from the chain down Theracy's shoulders and arms as she grits her teeth. A gray haze passes over her eyes. ]

They should get out of there.

[ Wind watches Theracy closely. ]

What's happening? Are you ok?


Something's happening. I think...

[ Hydron stumbles as a blue aura appears around her. ]

WOMAN (OS, calling):
There's a proton cloud interfering in the readings.

I think I can move it...

[ The golden-brown nimbus around Aluben swirls and forms into a ball over his head. ]

HYDRON (yelling):
Aluben! You can't stand there!


[ Hydron falls to her knees, then becomes water that rushes down the hill. Aluben turns around before the water hits him and causes him to stumble. Aluben falls back, dropping the device as he throws a hand down to catch himself on the ground. A line of light splits the air where Aluben was standing, and a tremendous roar (see episode 3) fills the air. The light expands into a disk of light and spins wildly as it grows to at least twelve feet in diameter. Aluben and Water-Hydron disappear in the light. ]

What the!

[ Spectro staggers as the wind roars toward the light-disk. ]

[ EXT. HILLTOP - DAY. : Wind's attention is turned down the hill. ]

It's a portal!

[ Sparks flow around Theracy; the burns on her hand glow red. One mark cracks a bit and steam emerges before being drawn down the hill. ]

Wrong way... It's the wrong...

[ Theracy screams as the sparks form a ball around her. Wind holds out her arms and the trucks in the background sway in the wind. ]

[ EXT. ALTERNATE HILLDSIDE - DAY. : Black Eagle looks toward the light-disk, over which the top of the hill where the trucks are parked can be seen. ]

It was a trap.

[ Black Eagle staggers as the wind races toward the light-disk. ]

[ Below, the woman falls onto the ground and falls toward the light-disk. ]

Not again.

[ Black Eagle's wings ignite and he leaps from the hillside and flies toward the woman on the ground. ]

[ Black Eagle dives and picks up the woman, throwing her up the hill atop which the trucks are parked. Black Eagle's wings begin to bend in the pull of the light-disk. ]


[ The woman topples onto the hillside, but begins to roll toward the light-disk. ]


Everyone's going to fall in again...

[ Wind jumps into the air and flies down the hill. ]

[ Theracy holds out the hand with the ring shard clutched in it, and a thin stream of sparks flies from it. ]

No... no... NO!

[ Theracy opens her hand, and the sparks around her flow toward and down her arm, flying after the ring shard, which flies toward the light-disk. ]

[ EXT. HILLBOTTOM - DAY. : The gray-clad woman rolls toward the light-disk. ]

[ Wind flies down and takes hold of the woman, turning and facing up the hill as the wind slowly causes her and the woman to decelerate. ]

I can't fight it!

Jump up the hill!

Are you crazy? On the ground I have friction!

In the air you have wind!

[ The woman breathes deeply, then jumps up the hill. the wind pushes her only a short distance before Wind falls backward, yells, and vanishes in the light-disk. ]

[ The woman on the hill stumbles down toward the light-disk again, but the ring shard and chain, bathed in blue and white sparks, flies over her head and strikes the light-disk. The ring shard and chain vanish, sending out sparks that flow over the surface of the light-disk before it spins, shrinks, and collapses into a line that shrinks into the sky before vanishing. (The sound dies with the disk.). ]

[ The woman stumbles back and falls onto the hill, looking up in horrified astonishment. The gray-clad man stumbles down the hill and reaches down to help the woman up, but when she notices his hand she gets up on her own. ]

Are you all right?

I'm aching all over. But I can stand.

[ Theracy walks down the hill and stands near the man and woman. (Her burned hand is no longer glowing or steaming.). ]

Where is everyone?

Everyone's gone.


[ EXT. ABOVE HILLS - DAY. : The trucks and the three figures on the hillside are the only signs of human life in the area. At the bottom of the hill, a circular space of ground has been stripped of grass, and the dirt is depressed toward the center of the circle as though to accommodate a heavy sphere.* ]

THERACY (voice-over):
Gone. Just like...

[ Fade to white. ]

[ Fade to EXT. NEAR BUILDING - EVENING. : The sky is grayish, and the sun awkward (see episode 3). There is a two-or-so-story building of metal and concrete standing to one side. Hydron and Aluben lie on the ground. ]

[ Spectro topples onto the grass, with Gravitor not far behind. Black Eagle falls backward into view, and Wind joins him similarly from another angle. Spectro quickly holds up a hand and becomes translucent. ]

Awe jees...

[ Gravitor stumbles to his feet. Black Eagle, Wind and Hydron get to their feet. Aluben sits up. ]

Is this where you were the last time we ran into Eoce?

It looks a little different, but it's the same planet.

The building has been changed.

Where are we?

[ Aluben begins to get to his feet. ]

In Eoce's world.

You want to explain who that is?

[ Black Eagle sighs. ]

We can explain when we're out of here.

We have to find a way out first.

Eoce is a crazy scientist who spends all his time in a shiny metal suit working on ... whatever he works on in this place. It's anyone's guess how he builds all the things he has, but he had plenty of things to kill us with last time. We broke a lot of them, though.

[ A large beam of electricity blasts loudly from above, striking Black Eagle to the ground. Spectro immediately gets up and faces Aluben, holding out a hand that glows blue. ]

Aluben! Throw some hydrogen at the source of that beam!



[ Blue light falls on Aluben, and a yellow-brown cloud forms around him. He looks upward and holds up a hand, and the cloud flows upward and into the beam high above the ground. There is an explosion, and the beam stops. Black Eagle lies on the ground, smoke rising from his costume. ]

Black Eagle!

[ Wind, Hydron and Gravitor rush to Black Eagle's side and kneel beside him. Hydron reaches out and grabs Black Eagle's wrist. ]

He's got a pulse, but it's abnormal.



That's his real name. Hey, Black Eagle? You hear me?

[ The sound of something large and mechanical opening can be heard. ]

[ Shot of the building. A metal panel in the wall slides open roughly two feet. Soccerball-sized, roundish robots roll out. ]

Just what we need.

[ Spectro moves toward Aluben as they both fades to transparency. ]

Huh? What are you doing!

[ The grass ripples and flattens as Spectro and Aluben, both invisible, fall to the ground. ]

Better safe than spotted.

[ Travitor glares over Black Eagle toward the approaching bots. ]

Buz off!

[ One of the bots slips toward another, but the two only bump together softly. ]

[ Wind holds out her hands, and a gust of air pushes two bots back. Hydron stands, steps over Black Eagle, and becomes water. Water-Hydron bears down on the bots, pushing most of them back. The open panel in the wall slides open over seven feet from the ground, and Eoce steps through. ]

Eoce! You've got some nerve!

[ Wind and Gravitor stand and step around Black Eagle, putting themselves between him and Eoce. Eoce raises a hand, and a vent appears in the wall near the opening. A jet of steam gushes from the vent, but downward toward Hydron. Eoce aims his hand at Water-Hydron, and a beam of golden sparks fires from his arm. The sparks, steam and water all collide, and Water-Hydron contracts into ahemisphere on the ground. The water takes on a brownish hughe, then suddenly collapses and becomes a pile of caramel-like goo. The steam and electric beam stop. ]

What did you do to her?

[ Wind extends her hands and a gust blows against Eoce. Eoce lowers his arm, and the ground beneath Wind slides open. Wind falls into the hole, yelling. ]

Weightless time!

[ Eoce aims a hand at Gravitor, and a beam of sparks zaps Gravitor. Gravitor staggers back, trips over Black Eagle and falls. Wind holds out her arms and catches the ground, keeping herself from falling into the hole completely. The ground tightens around her. ]

WIND (struggling):
I... can't... move!

Can you fly out?

WIND (struggling):
No! If... there was room... I don't think there's air in here...

I'll get you out of there.

[ Gravitor pushes off of the ground and rises into the air, then falls toward the wall near Eoce. A metal harness falls out of the wall and strikes Gravitor. ]

What's this? I hope you don't expect --

[ A metal portion of the wall glows faintly, and the harness is pulled toward it, bringing Gravitor with it. The harness strikes the wall loudly, and Gravitor struggles to pull frea from it. ]

This some kinda magnet? Hey! I can make myself heavy enough to breakout of here!

[ Eoce walks toward Black Eagle and a claw extends from one of his arms. ]

We have to st--

[ Aluben's words are muffled as though something covers his mouth. ]

SPECTRO (whispering):
He'll hear you if you don't keep quiet!

[ Eoce remains motionless for a second. Black Eagle's hand slowly turns upward. Eoce moves his claw toward Black Eagle. Black Eagle's hand shoots upward and a beam of blue sparks and light blasts from it, striking Eoce and pushing him back a foot or so. Black Eagle gets to his feet and turns to face Eoce; Black Eagle's chest rises and falls as though he is out of breath. ]

BLACK EAGLE (breathing hard):
That... was a mistake... Freak.

[ Eoce turns with claw extended. Black Eagle steps back, the claw cutting through the star on his costume. Once the claw passes, Black Eagle holds out a hand and spark-and-light -blast (hereafter "quickbeams") Eoce in the side of the head. Eoce lowers his claw-arm and turns his back to Black Eagle. ]

Don't turn your back on me!

[ Black Eagle quickbeams Eoce in the back. Eoce walks forward, seemingly unphased, and through the opening in the building. ]

You're not leaving until you release my team and send us back to Earth!

[ Black Eagle's wings ignite and he leaps for Eoce. Black Eagle's fists glow blue as he slams them both on Eoce's shoulders. Eoce stumbles forward, then pivots on his front foot and spins, his claw striking one of Black Eagle's fists and creating a shower of sparks. Black Eagle kicks off of the ground and flies higher, aiming both hands at Eoce as a cloud of sparks envelops them. ]

Start talking! Unless you're a machine.

[ A broad flood of blue sparks flows from Black Eagle's hands, striking Eoce and pushing him further into the building ]

[ INT. OVENROOM - DAY. : A metal box about two meters on each side sits on the wall in the background. The side of the box facing the foreground is open, revealing the box to resemble a microwave oven on the inside. ]

[ Eoce steps backward into the room, pushed by a flood of blue sparks. A pair of bots floats into view from the opposite side of the room. ]

[ Black Eagle flies into the room, keeping his beam on Eoce. The bots fly toward Black Eagle. ]

No puny swarm-bots! Not this time!

[ Black Eagle headbutts an approaching bot. The bot falls, but a jolt of golden electricity flickers over Black Eagle's body when he makes contact with it. Golden sparks fall from Black Eagle's beam, and the remaining bot flies in circles around Black Eagle's head. Eoce raises his non-claw arm, and a beam of golden sparks erupts from the ceiling, striking Black Eagle. Black Eagle's beam stops, and his wings disappear in a puff of smoke as he drops to the ground. Black Eagle lands on his feet and walks deliberately out of the path of the beam from the ceiling. ]

Not again. Either you talk, or I take you down.

[ Above, the floating bot grazes the edge of the beam and spins toward the ground. The beam fades. ]

Always so noisy.

[ Eoce steps back (past the open box) and raises his non-claw-arm. ]

Not this time!

[ Black Eagle lunges. Eoce quickly lowers his arm and spins, slashing Black Eagle in the side with his claw. Black Eagle yells in pain as he falls into the open box. Eoce lowers his non-claw-arm toward Black Eagle's legs, and a jet of golden sparks fires from it. Black Eagle's legs tighten when struck by the sparks, pulling into the box enough that when a metal panel slides over the opening, it doesn't strike Black Eagle's body. ]

BLACK EAGLE (muffled, inside box):
Let me out of here!

[ The sound of Black Eagle's fists striking the panel can be heard. Eoce turns to walkoff screen. ]


We have to help them!

I know, but Eoce doesn't know about what we can do. We're better off with the element of surprise.

[ Mostly transparent images of Spectro and Aluben appear and get to their feet. ]

What do we do, then?

First, we get Hydron back to normal.


I think he turned her to sugar. All we've got to do is burn it.

How can we do that?

Some of your hydrogen and a bot should do the trick. I'll be protecting Black Eagle from any radiation in there, though, so I can't give you fuel without making us completely visible.

He's not looking.

I know, but he has cameras. So we need to move quickly. Ready?

Just tell me what to do.

[ Spectro and Aluben slowly become opaque. Spectro raises a hand that glows blue-violet. A yellow-brown cloud grows around Aluben's right forearm. ]

Send that toward Hydron.

[ Spectro carefully walks toward an overturned pair of bots near the mound of caramel and kneels, careful to keep his hands in the same position. ]

Try as much as you can. I can't do all of this and fuel you at the same time.

Don't worry.

[ Aluben holds out his arm, and the cloud flies from it and hovers over caramel-Hydron. Spectro picks up one of the bots and kicks the other one closer to the mound. ]

Get it close to the bots.

[ Aluben moves his hand as though guiding the cloud, which moves closer to the bots. Spectro slams one bot down on the other, and sparks fly from the point of impact. A spark strikes the cloud, and it bursts into short-lived flames. Part of the mound burns, and a whisp of steam drifts above it, taking the shape of a smile. ]

A little more should do it.

[ EXT. TRAINTRACKS - DAY. : The land around the tracks is mostly fields, though a paved road sits near the foreground. ]

[ A train races down the tracks. Glacier stands atop one of the cars, and as it approaches the road, he steps off, sliding groundward on ice that projects from his feet. He jumps from the ice-slide with ice-skis stuck to his feet. He lands on the road and slides along it for a distance before driving the skis downward and slowing to a stop. ]

[ EXT. NEIGHBORHOOD - AFTERNOON. : Identical to the place seen in the Fieron video, though from such an angle as to reveal more of the tree-obscured sidewalk on the previously unseen side of the street and a gray-white house a short distance from the road. There are no vehicles in sight, other than a white pickup truck parked near the gray-white house. A man that might be in his fifties wearing jeans and a heavy coat is obscured by the trees, dragging something through the vegetation. ]

[ Glacier walks into view along the sidewalk. He looks toward the mailbox across the street and stops. ]


[ The coated man drags a bunch of dead treelimbs out of the vegetation and places them in the back of the pickup truck. ]

[ Glacier slowly turns to face the coated man. ]

You need somethin'?

Who lives across the street?

[ The coated man turns to look across the street. ]

Was a woman with two boys. They just left for Wyoming last week.


Yep. The mother got a job or some such thing.

Were you living here last May?

Been here for ten years come March.

Was the same family in that house last May?

They sure were. You could hear 'em in there fightin' sometimes.

What sort of fighting?

I didn't make that my business.

[ There's an awkward silence, then Glacier slowly turns to face the house across the street. A squirrel runs from the side of the house and across the street, disappearing into the vegetation. Glacier turns and walks down the sidewalk. ]

Goodbye! Get yourself a coat!

[ EXT. NEAR BUILDING - EVENING. : A tiny glow of a flame eats at the edge of the caramel mound. Spectro holds up a dented and battered bot. ]

[ Spectro smashes the bot against the bot on the ground, and sparks fly into yellow-brown cloud over the mound; the cloud ignites and consumes part of the mound. ]

He's going to catch on.

Hey, can you throw some of that up here?

[ Spectro throws the bot into the middle of the caramel mound. ]

Can you weight these?

I can bearly move.

[ Spectro Sighs, then picks up the bot on the ground and throws it at the other on the mound. ]

Aluben, full power.

[ Spectro holds up his hand and it glows bright green. A large cloud of yellowish gas flows from Aluben to ober the mound, catching a cloud of sparks that flies from the bots. A ball of fire consumes the cloud, and a cloud of steam envelops the caramel mound. The steam condenses and flows over the ground in a cloud and toward where Wind is half stuck in the ground; the caramel mound is gone, with only a thin streak of carbon ash where it was. ]

Yeah... take your time...

[ The steam encircles Wind and Wind pushes her hands against the ground near her. The steam swirls in a funnel around Wind, and she slowly pushes herself up. The wind catches her and she flies into the air as the ground slams shut below. Wind lands on the ground away from the hole, rubbing her side. ]

That was horrible!

[ The steam swirls and condenses into a humanoid shape before becoming Hydron, who gasps for air. ]

I think Black Eagle has the best chance of getting Charles out of there. Which means we need to get Black Eagle out of there somehow.

Where is he?

In an oven. I'm keeping radiation off of him, but that's all I can do from here.

Maybe Shanan can get in and open it.

[ Hydron shakes her head. ]

We don't need her getting turned to sugar again. I don't think he knows what Aluben can do.

Tell me what to do.

I don't know how well I can cover you and Black Eagle. Just get in there quickly and quietly. If you can't open the oven by hand, we'll have to blast it open. Eoce will probably notice, so get out as soon as it's open and Black Eagle's out. Ok?


[ Aluben runs off screen. ]

[ EXT. WASTELAND - DAY. : The ring shard and its chain lie in the grass. The grass nearest the chain-and-shard appears blackened. ]

[ A needle-nosed bot rolls into view, approaches the chain, and stops. The "nose" of the bot is briefly surrounded in a faint stream of sparks; the chain moves slightly, then one portion of it rises toward the bot's nose, strikes it with an audible click, holding. The bot rolls off screen, carrying the chain and shard with it. ]

[ INT. HALLWAY - DAY : Aluben runs through. ]

[ The image switches to a thermal imaging view. Aluben's steps echo throughout the hall. A pair of bots descend from above and drift after him; another pair follows shortly afterward. ]

[ INT. OVENROOM - DAY. : Three bots hover in front of the metal box. ]

[ Aluben runs into view; he is partly transparent. As he approaches the box, the three bots fly for him; four more bots enter from behind to surround him. Aluben looks at the box and reaches out to touch it. He knocks on it, and one of the bots flies close and sends a thin stream of sparks into Aluben's shoulder. Aluben gasps and makes a slight sound of pain as his shoulder tenses. Aluben steps back as his zapped arm flies up, striking the bot that zapped him from below. More sparks flow down his arm, and Aluben backs up, only to be struck from behind by more bots. Aluben yells and drops to his knees as the bots begin to circle him from above. ]

[ EXT. NEAR BUILDING - DAY. : The opening in the wall is visible, and the wall appears semi transparent. Both of Spectro's hands are raised, one glowing blue, the other yellow-orange. ]

We should go help him.

Let's give him a few more seconds.


[ A brown-yellow haze grows around Aluben's upper body. Aluben throws up his hands, and the cloud rises into the center of the bots. Sparks from some of the bots strike the cloud, and an explosion begins from the edge of the cloud, hurling the bots away; they all fall to the ground loudly, sending a cloud of sparks into the air. Aluben aims his hands toward the metal box, and the burning cloud flies into it before disappearing in one great burst of flame. ]

[ EXT. NEAR BUILDING - DAY. : The sound of the explosion is briefly audible, though muffled and distant. ]

Eoce didn't notice that, huh?

Get ready.

[ A trio of bots flies out of the opening in the building. Wind holds up her hands and the bots are blown into the wall. ]

[ INT. OVEN - DAY. : A bit of light enters from a small opening on one side of the front of the box, though smoke leaks from it. ]

[ Black Eagle exhales heavily, then inhales, coughs, and reaches a hand toward the crack. ]

This better do it.

[ A burst of blue sparks explodes out from Black Eagle's hand, pushing thethe front of the box farther open. ]


[ Aluben gets to his feet. Three bots enter from either end of the room. The front of the metal box is bent and distorted. Black Eagle's hand reaches out of the side of the open corner of the box, and the entire front of the box is pealed up as Black Eagle charges out with sparks and flames around him. As he gets to his feet, Black Eagle's wings spread to either side; two approaching bots are pushed away by the flames. Aluben steps back. ]

BLACK EAGLE (breathing hard):
Where's Eoce?

I don't know.

[ Eoce walks into the room from the right of the box. ]

Never mind.

We need you to free Charles.

[ a broad beam of golden sparks roars into life on the left side of the room, from one wall to the next. ]

Go. Now!

[ Black Eagle turns toward Eoce and holds out a hand; a quickbeam strikes Eoce in the chest with no apparent effect. Black Eagle turns and leaps, flying over the spark-beam. A second blocks the path above and to the left of the first, but Black Eagle dodges it and flies out of sight. Aluben runs on all fours for the opening between the first beam and the floor. Eoce approaches from behind, while several bots enter on the ground from ahead. ]


Aluben needs help!

I know. I might be able to do something...

[ A cloud of bots flies out of the building, followed by Black Eagle. Spectro's hands stop glowing and he lowers them, clutching the wrist of one briefly. ]

Don't just stand there; take out these bots!

[ Black Eagle accelerates before turning to fly upward. As he flies into the bot-cloud, his wings strike many from the air; some explode. Black Eagle turns as he rises and faces Gravitor. ]

Nice to see you.

Can you fight?

If you get me out of here in one piece.

[ Black Eagle holds out a hand and quickbeams the harness; part of it snaps off, and Gravitor pulls himself out, then jumps off of the wall and flips before dropping gracefully into the bot-cloud below. Black Eagle turns and drops as his wings fade. ]

[ Wind holds out her hands and the right half of the bot-cloud is caught in a gale that throws several into the wall. Hydron becomes water that moves as a tall wave into the bot-cloud. Spectro holds up a hand that glows yellow-green as light shines from his hand onto the bots; as Spectro moves his hand to shine on different bots, each light-struck bot shutters, then drops to the ground. ]

Watch your balance, guys; I'm trying a big-scale move.

[ Gravitor holds both arms to the side in a dramatic pose, though his face shows strain as he stairs at the side of the building. Wind and Spectro stumble toward it as many of the bots spin and fall toward the building. Several of the bots pitch to a diagonal to hover with respect to the building. ]

And... off!

[ The bots fall groundward, spin a bit, then Spectro, Wind and Black Eagle all aim at the bots and wind, sparks and light all hammer the bots into the ground in an explosion of sparks. Water-Hydron rushes by, pushing the bot-fragments away from the opening in the building. ]

Move! Wind, watch the entrance!

[ INT. OVENROOM - DAY. : Aluben stops moving, the large spark-beam above him, several bots in front of him, and Eoce behind. ]

Why do you do this? Why are there so many evil people in the world?

Why are there so many short-sighted fools with a finite world-view?

[ Aluben pulls back into a cat-like crouch and looks back at Eoce. ]

Please, just send my friends home.

[ Eoce aims a hand at Aluben and fire flows from it. Aluben rolls aside, though the flames graze his pantleg. Aluben makes a leap toward the metal box that stands torn open in the room. ]

Please, stop this!

[ The ground bots approach as Eoce turns to redirect his flames at Aluben. Aluben leaps for the metal box and climbs in. A thick cloud of glowing gas fills the box and flies for Eoce. When the cloud touches Eoce's flames, it explodes in a massive fireball that fills the room. ]

[ INT. HALLWAY - DAY. : Taoe (Including Black Eagle and Spectro, excluding Glacier) run down the hall. ]

That blast didn't do it. Can we stop those beams?

No problem; just keep the bots off of us.

There aren't any in here...

[ Spectro holds up a hand that glows red. ]

[ INT. OVENROOM - DAY. : A cloud of fire quickly thins to reveal Eoce pressed against the wall opposite the open metal box. Broken metal fragments litter the floor, and the spark-beams are gone. ]

That was easier than ever...

[ Eoce raises his claw-hand and the claw extends. ]


[ Eoce advances with his claw moving toward Aluben. Water-Hydron enters from the left of the box, moving as a foot-high flood toward Eoce. A quickbeam comes from the left, striking Eoce in the side as soon as the water hits his legs. Eoce steps to the side and turns as Spectro and Black Eagle stand in the hallway. Gravitor jumps over them and falls toward Eoce. ]

Hey, metal face! don't tell me you forgot about us!

[ Eoce raises his claw to strike at Gravitor. Gravitor pushes off of Eoce's hand and floats above the claw before dropping onto Eoce's shoulders. ]

Spectro, can you find the way out of here?

Working on it.

[ Spectro holds up a hand that glows yellow. The oven fades to invisibility and the wall becomes transparent, revealing several networks of cables moving through it. ]

[ Eoce raises his non-claw arm toward Gravitor, who jumps to the ceiling, then slides to the transparent wall, dodging the stream of fire that comes from Eoce's arm. ]

Too slow!

[ Gravitor drops onto the invisible box, above Aluben. Eoce turns his flames toward Gravitor ]

Nuh uh uh... Aluben's still over here.

[ Gravitor jumps out of the path of the flames. Aluben steps out of the oven and holds up a hand; a glowing gas-cloud quickly forms and flies into the flames near Eoce, exploding and pushing Eoce back a few steps. Gravitor kicks off of the wall and falls toward Eoce. ]

Jees, I think you need to cool down.

[ Water-Hydron rises around Eoce, surrounding his flame-arm; the flames die. ]

Incoming bots!

[ Black Eagle looks off to the left; a gust of wind throws a few bots into view. Black Eagle holds up a hand and quickbeams one into the other, smashing both into fragments against the transparent wall. ]

I think I've got it, if you can cover me.

You've got cover.

All right then.

[ Spectro and Black Eagle run toward Eoce as Wind enters the room. ]

Charles! Remember last time!

[ Gravitor smirks, holds up both arms over his face, and throws his increased weight into Eoce's torso. Gravitor doesn't fall to the ground, but continues to press into Eoce. A strong gust of wind pushes as well, and Eoce slowly steps backward. Black Eagle takes aim at Eoce's feet and quickbeams them. Gravitor drops to the ground and kicks Eoce hard in the torso; Eoce is knocked back and into the air, but only goes a couple meters before hot gas fires from the back of his suit and he hovers off the ground. Spectro runs past as Water-Hydron flows around Eoce's flamethrower-arm and back. ]

Hydron, help Spectro. Aluben, put up a hydrogen shield so Eoce doesn't blast us.


[ Aluben reaches a hand into the oven, which fades back to opaqueness as the rest of the wall returns to normal. A cloud of glowing gas forms around Aluben's arm, then covers his entire body. The cloud expands and fills the width of the room from oven to wall. Gravitor jumps toward Eoce, who extends his claw and makes a slash at Gravitor. ]

Gravitor! Stop jumping into his way!

[ The gas-cloud lurches as a gust of wind throws Gravitor out of the path of Eoce's claw. ]

It's worked so far.

[ Eoce moves forward and catches Gravitor in the hip with his claws. Gravitor yells in pain, then falls to the ground. Wind flies over the gas-cloud and lands beside Gravitor. ]

Learn to listen!

[ Gravitor clutches his hip. ]

Ok, ok... Oww...

[ INT. CONTROLROOM - DAY. : The controlroom is much as it appeared in episode3 prior to the destruction of one of the walls. ]

[ Water-Hydron rises from below and takes human form in the middle of the room. ]

It's all clear.

[ Spectro enters and looks at the equipment on the wall. ]

Any idea which it is?

It was...

[ Hydron moves toward a console on the right side of the room. ]

HYDRON (cont'd):
this one. But Sara said she threw ice at it when we left last.

Eoce might have made changes when he fixed it. Watch out.

[ Spectro walks to the console where Hydron is. Hydron steps back. Spectro presses a button, and the entire room glows bright blue. Hydron takes water form and Spectro holds up a hand. ]

Wrong button...

[ Sparks begin to race across the floor. Water-Hydron takes Spectro off of his feet. Spectro grabs the edge of the console and holds his hand high. The light fades and the sparks die. ]

Ok, so he made some changes.

[ Hydron takes human form beside the console. ]

Can you see how it's wired?


[ The console becomes transparent, revealing circuitboards and wires. ]

I think it's connected to the other computers in here. It could take a while to figure out how to start it.

What other kind of security does he have on this equipment?

It doesn't matter. Eoce can start things from his suit. That means all I need to do is find the right codes and where to send them. We've done the finding; now it's just the hacking.


[ Eoce takes aim at Aluben's gas-cloud. ]

You shouldn't.

[ The gas cloud begins to glow from the top, then fades into a haze of faint sparks. ]

What the devil is he doing?

Well, do something about it...

All right... Wind!

[ Black Eagle holds out a hand to aim at Eoce. Wind holds up her arms, and the gas-cloud flies into Eoce. Black Eagle quickbeams the cloud and the ensuing explosion pushes Eoce back further. ]

Spectro! Can you hear me?


I copy.

BLACK EAGLE (over radio):
What's up with that portal?

We're working on it. It'll just take a minute.


Work faster; Eoce found a way to take apart Aluben's hydrogen.

SPECTRO (over radio):
Take apart hydrogen?


Hydrogen's just a proton that might have an electron and neutron with it. Those don't come apart easily.

They do if you can destabilize protons.

BLACK EAGLE (over radio):
Destabilize protons?

I'm not sure how, but if something disrupts the strong force between the quarks, a proton could be changed. I don't know how you'd do that, though.


Well, he did something.

[ Eoce aims above where the gas cloud was, and a jet of sparks zaps from his arm. A shower of small lightningbolts falls from the air above the former location of the cloud, forcing Black Eagle and Aluben to duck for cover; Aluben ducks into the metal box. ]



[ Radio static crackles briefly. ]

Electrical disturbance. He did something all right.

There was strange matter where the portal that brought us here opened. Some strange particles decay into pions; I think those can affect protons, somehow.

That sounds familiar. Pions aren't stable, are they?

No. They decay into muons; basically giant electrons.

Explains the interference.

[ Spectro sighs. ]

SPECTRO (cont'd):
Ok... Let's step back.

[ Spectro and Hydron step away from the consoles. ]

Ready... and...

[ One of Spectro's hands glows red, while the other glows blue. A beam of light splits the air in front of the right-most piece of equipment, and a loud sound fills the air as the beam expands into a disk of light. ]

SPECTRO (yelling over the noise):
Found it...


[ Black Eagle gets to his feet and aims his hands at Eoce. Eoce remains motionless, even when Black Eagle quickbeams him in the face. ]

SPECTRO (over radio):
Portal's open.

Everyone, move! Spectro, show us the way!

[ A red light appears behind Eoce. Eoce aims his hands at Wind and Gravitor; fire flows from one. Wind pushes Gravitor out of the way and ducks past the flames. ]

That's enough!

[ Black Eagle's wings ignite and he flies for Eoce. Eoce raises an arm toward Black Eagle and zaps him with sparks. Gravitor tries to stand up at his full height. ]


[ Eoce flies upward. Black Eagle quickbeams Eoce from below, and Eoce strikes the ceiling. Eoce flips sideways and aims his arm at Black Eagle, sending fire at him. Black Eagle dives to the ground and evades the flames. Several hovering bots fly into the room. ]

Get to the portal!

More robots are coming!

Portal! Go!

[ Aluben runs toward the red light. Wind holds up her arms and a gust pushes Eoce toward the bots. Eoce turns and his flames move toward Wind. The wind stops as Wind tries to dodge the flames; Gravitor winds up having to dodge as well, leaving both Wind and Gravitor pinned against the wall. Black Eagle holds up his hands and sends a broad stream of blue sparks at Eoce. The flying bots come at Aluben from behind, and several bots roll in on the ground; Aluben trips over one and falls to the floor. ]

[ Spectro and Hydron run into the room from the direction of the light; Spectro holds up a hand that glows in various colors. ]

Come on, guys; he'll close it if I have to do too much at once.

[ Hydron looks toward Aluben and starts running toward him; she becomes water as she runs, and the water passes over Aluben and hits the bots, throwing them back. ]

Spectro, nuke Eoce!

What?! No way!

[ Sparks stream from Eoce's non-flame arm, and tiny lightning bolts fill the air. ]

Now! That's an order!


[ Spectro holds up a hand, and the lightning bolts diminish. ]

Gravitor, throw the bots at him.


I'm not killing anyone. I don't care if this is war.

Kinda stuck behind fire, here.

[ Water-Hydron rises and surrounds Eoce's flame-arm, and the flames flowing from it slowly die. Gravitor steps out from the wall. ]

Ok, one bot storm, coming up...

[ The hovering bots fall toward Eoce. Spectro lowers his hand, and the lightning bolts increase. The bots are struck as they approach Eoce, surrounding him in small explosions. Wind holds up her arms, and Eoce is blown back in a gust of wind that joins Black Eagle's beam and the explosions. ]

[ Spectro turns around, facing the red light. ]


[ Spectro and Aluben run toward the light. ]

[ Black Eagle groans in frustration. ]

Go, while we have the chance!

[ Wind and Gravitor turn to follow Aluben and Spectro. Water-Hydron flows after them and takes human form , following on foot. Black Eagle turns and quickbeams an oncoming stream of fire from Eoce as he backs up. ]

[ INT. CONTROLROOM - DAY. : The light-disk fills the room with noise. ]

[ Aluben and Spectro run into view, followed by Wind, Gravitor, and Hydron. ]

WIND (shouting):
Black Eagle!

[ Gravitor stops and turns around. ]

Go through! I'll get him!

Be careful...

I've got this.

[ Gravitor holds out his fists, and makes a strained face. ]

Only... one problem. This portal is... well... heavy.


It's a lot harder to do anything from here. I'll have to get closer to Black Eagle.

[ Gravitor runs out of the room. ]

Wait! Charles!

[ INT. OVENROOM - DAY. : Black Eagle slowly makes his way backward as he holds up a beam of sparks against Eoce and his fire. ]

This is ridiculous... he's not blasting me at all like Fieron, but he's just taking everything like it doesn't phase him!

[ Black Eagle falls back, and fire strikes the floor where he was previously standing. Black Eagle doesn't fall to the ground, but continues to accelerate sideways. ]

[ Alternate angle: Gravitor stands at one end of the room with his arms out. ]

Come on!

Eoce is following us, Lemburen!

Too bad; we're going!

[ Gravitor grabs Black Eagle's arm as he falls toward him. Black Eagle stops accelerating and stands. Eoce approaches, still hovering. ]

Just try to outrun him.

[ Gravitor turns and jumps into the air, pulling Black Eagle with him. ]

GRAVITOR (cont'd):
Or outfall, whatever.

[ Black Eagle growls in annoyance, then pulls free of Gravitor as his wings ignite. Black Eagle flies off screen and Gravitor falls after him. ]


They're coming. Let's go!

Eoce is following them; what if he follows us?

I can leave hydrogen behind to explode the machine!

Are you sure that will work?

I think so.

[ Black Eagle flies into view. ]

Don't just stand around; go!

[ Wind looks up, back toward the left of the equipment, then grabs Hydron by the arm and runs toward the light-disk. Hydron follows. Wind jumps into the light, followed by Hydron. Black Eagle and Gravitor fly through. Eoce flies into the room. ]


Let's hurry!

One more thing.

[ Spectro holds up a hand that glows bright blue; a large cloud appears around Aluben. Aluben holds up his arms and sends the cloud toward Eoce. ]

No time to see how that goes.

[ Spectro grabs Aluben by the arm and runs into the light disk. A series of translucent rings, like ripples in water appear in the disk once Spectro and Aluben vanish from sight. Eoce lands, and the edges of the light-disk turn blue. ]


[ The hilltop by the road where two trucks are parked is visible, though noone can be seen out of them. A different hill farther from the road shutters, then a sphere of light explodes from the side of the hill. A great amount of dirt, rock and grass pours over the bottom of the hill, and the light spins and collapses into a line that shrinks into invisibility. ]

[ INT. TRUCK - DAY. : The man and woman from before sit in the front seats, with Theracy in the back seat, looking out a window. ]

What's that?

Something exploded from inside that hill.

Hopefully it's everyone else.

[ The man and woman open doors and exit the truck. Theracy pushes her door open and jumps out. ]


[ Black Eagle emerges from the dirt-pile, breathing hard. He looks around, then down at the debris around him. ]

THERACY (OS, shouting):
Black Eagle!

[ Black Eagle looks up and off screen. Theracy runs into view, the man and woman close behind. ]

Where are the others?

They'd better be in this mess.

[ Black Eagle kicks at the dirt. ]

GRAVITOR (muffled):
Hey, watch it!

[ Gravitor emerges from the dirt, rubbing his hip. ]

Whatever happened to jumping through portals and landing normally in some open space on the other side?

[ Water flows out of the dirt and rises into a funnel that hovers over the pile. ]


[ Wind, Spectro and Aluben pull themselves up from the debris. ]

The first one wasn't this bad.

[ Wind wipes dirt from her gloves and shakes dirt from her hair. ]

Aluben, can you blow that equipment?

I'm... trying now.

[ Aluben holds his hands to his timples. Theracy looks toward Aluben questioningly, then turns toward the water-funnel. ]

What's Shanan doing?

[ Wind looks at the water, then reaches down and picks up a dirt-clod and throws it into the water. ]

What was that supposed to do?

Glacier threw something through her last time.

Hmm. What else happened after your last trip?

Glacier's powers were screwed up for a while.

[ Spectro walks over to the water-funnel and puts a hand in. ]

Gravitor, could you come over here?

[ Aluben lowers his hands. ]

It should be done.

[ Gravitor leaps lightly over the dirt and lands beside Spectro. ]

What's up?

Your powers got sticky around the portal, right?

Yeah... but it didn't get flipped out like Glacier's.

Just... try to kill all gravity in the water.

If you say so.

[ Gravitor shrugs and steps closer to the water. ]

[ Theracy regards the water peculiarly. ]

[ Zoom in on Theracy's face as she closes her eyes. Fade through white to... ]

[ EXT. FIELD - NEAR TRAINTRACKS - EVENING. : Glacier walks a few feet from a set of railroad tracks that runs to the extent of sight. ]


[ Glacier turns away from the railroad tracks. ]

I can't get there...

[ Fade through white to... ]


[ Theracy opens her eyes; she shakes slightly as she blinks and looks around. ]

What is this supposed to do?

Maybe... try extra weight?

[ Theracy walks to the water and sticks her hand into it. A cloud of smoke rises from the water. The water takes human shape and becomes Hydron, who stumbles, panting on the uneven dirt. Spectro catches her as she regains balance. ]

You ok?

HYDRON (out of breath):
What... did ... you do...?

I'm not sure.

I thought...

[ Hydron stands straight, breathes deeply, and looks around. Spectro lowers his hands to his sides. ]

I thought... Glacier was here. I'm not sure why.

I'm very interested in what just happened.

Shanan, where were you born?

Scotland. But...

[ A translucent image of Hoita appears in place of Spectro. ]

HOITA (over radio):
Eoce, which countries are the tightest?

What's going on?

[ The image of Hoita fades and Spectro returns. ]


THERACY (to herself):

[ Fade through white to... ]

[ EXT. OCEAN - NIGHT. : A naval cruiser moves across the water. ]

[ INT. BRIG - NIGHT. : Kamal kneels behind a gate of metal bars. His hands and legs are chained to pegs on the walls of the darkened cell behind him. ]

About transfer time.

[ A uniformed guard walks into view outside the cell. ]

Do not interrupt me.

You have half a snowball's chance of getting out of execution, and you're giving me orders?

I am honored to die for--

[ A yell of pain comes from off screen. The guard turns toward the source of the yell, and Dark Bob steps into view, holding a ring of many keys. ]

Hold it!

[ The guard holds out one hand while reaching for his hip with the other. Dark Bob throws the keys at the guard, steps past his arm, catches the keys, and jabs them toward the guard's neck. ]

[ Close on Kamal, who raises his head in surprise. The guard yells, and there is a loud thud as he goes quiet. Kamal smiles. ]

But it seems I've been called to serve further.

[ Shot of outside the cell. Dark Bob places a key in a lock at the edge of the bars. After several metallic clicks, the bars slide aside. Dark Bob steps into the cell and moves toward the pegs chaining Kamal to the wall. ]

[ Dissolve to... ]

[ INT. HOTELROOM - NIGHT. : Anita Facques (episode 8) lies on one of two beds in the room. Webby Lies at the foot of the bed with an arm under her head. Kejek sits at the foot of the other bed. The television is the only source of light; the image on the screen is a man and woman in business atire sitting at a newsdesk. ]

Parliament is expected to hold a vote as early as Monday.

[ A ooman peaks in from the left side of the screen and whispers something in the anchorwoman's ear. The peaking woman soon hands the anchorwoman a sheet of paper and exits. ]

Breaking news from the American Coastguard. We've just received reports that the men responsible for last year's hijacking of a commercial flight to Italy have escaped from custody. The two suspected hijackers were being transferred to the U. S. for sentencing.

[ Webby sits up. ]


Kamal and Dark Bob escaped.

ANCHORWOMAN (on TV, cont'd):
Apparently one of the men managed to overpower a guard, took his keys and freed his companion. The location of the two is currently unknown, though all travel to and from the U. S. is expected to be heavily delayed as an investigation is undertaken.

Well, maybe we'll have time to try and find a way into that castle out in the woods.

THERACY (voice-over, reverb):

[ Dissolve to... ]

[ EXT. ABOVE FOREST - NIGHT. : Move toward a tree-draped mass of dark stone sitting amid a great many trees; a small break in the trees a short distance from the large stone building can be seen in the form of a stream. ]

[ Zoom in on the stone mass, which appears to be an old, partly collapsed castle. ]

WEBBY (voice-over, distant, reverb):
Not to look for more bones...

KEJEK (voice-over, distant, reverb):
Just to see what's inside. You remember the stories from Spring school...

[ The castle fills the view. A dead raven hangs from a windowseal no less than twenty feet from the ground. ]

KEJEK (voice-over, distant, reverb, cont'd):
Maybe we'd have something to show Daklyn's mom...

THERACY (voice-over):
A way in?

[ Zoom in on a darkened, spiderweb-covered window a short distance from the raven window. There is a distant, resounding boom, as though from a large drum. ]

THERACY (voice-over):
I can't get in...

[ There is another boom. A light flashes around the castle. ]

THERACY (voice-over):
What is this place?

DEEPBOOMINGVOICE (voice-over, echo):

[ Flash to white. ]

[ Dissolve to... ]

[ EXT. HILLTOP - AFTERNOON. : Wind, Black Eagle and Hydron stand outside of one of the trucks. Theracy's eyes are closed, and Wind is holding onto her arm. Black Eagle glares at them both. Through the window of the truck and the one near it, it can be seen that everyone else has already loaded (in the same arrangements as previously seen). ]

Theracy? Hey, Theracy...

[ Theracy opens her eyes. ]


What were you looking at?

I.. don't...

[ Spectro sticks his head out of the window of the truck. ]

Hey, turn on the radio. There's something you'll want to hear.

Kamal and Dark Bob...


They've escaped.

[ Fade to black. ]

2:30PM 3/24/2010