Episode14: "Deadly Blinding Rays"

Writer:  C. A. E. Jones

3:31PM 4/5/2010:

[ EXT. TRAINTRACKS - EVENING. : A set of traintracks extends into the background through a snow-covered landscape. ]

[ A train comes into view. ]

[ View from the side of the train. Zoom in on one frost-glazed window. ]

[ INT. TRAINCAR - EVENING. : Two men in differing proffessional atire sit in seats near a window. A suitcase sits between them; the man nearest the window has a notebook in his lap, at which he is squinting. ]

[ The man with the notebook turns a page, which winds up pressed against the suitcase. ]

Oh, sorry.

[ The suitcaseman pulls his feet closer to his seat and slides the suitcase into the floor. ]

It's no trouble.

I've got a reading light if you need it.

No, thank you. I can read it just fine; I just can't figure this out.

What is it?

Notes on the water in the Straight. It froze over this winter, so we did some research. We found a lot of radioactive fishheads.

Radioactive fishheads?

[ The window takes on a reddish hue. ]

It was almost like they'd been targeted. Like someone took a radiation gun and hit them all in the brains.

Is that possible?

Maybe, but a weapon like that would be too valuable to give to someone crossing ice like that.

[ The paperman puts a hand to the side of his head. ]

Want some aspirin?

Yeah, I think so. I usually don't get headaches reading or thinking or...

[ The paperman shakes his head. ]

[ EXT. CREEPYBUILDING - NIGHT. : There is a jacolantern in a high, walled garden on the right edge of the building. ]

[ INT. DININGHALL - LIT. : The floor is covered in mismatched, multi-colored tile of various non-rectangular shapes. There are several round, tan tables throughout the room, at which several people--mostly between ages eight and fifteen--are seated. Most tables have empty, gray plates on them in front of their occupants. Various adults roam the room; some are seated with the younger diners, though there is one larger table in the background where only adults are seated. ]

[ Kejek enters, followed by Webby. ]

Are you going to tell them about the book?

No... not the way everyone was after it.

What about the castle?

I don't know. We'll see.

Hmm. Well, I'll see you later!

[ Webby hugs Kejek, then exits the way she came. A middle-aged-looking woman and a bearded man move across the room toward Kejek, but stop, look to one another and speak too quietly to hear ]


[ Kejek watches the two, then looks to the nearest table, where only a taller, thirteen-or-so boy sits. ]

Hey, Elanmak.

[ The boy at the table smirks. ]

They're talking about that kid that ran off.

[ Kejek pulls out a chair and sits in it. ]

Ran off?

Yeah. About your size, annoying. I think his eyes were different colors.


Yeah, I think so.

[ Kejek sighs. ]

[ INT. LAB - DAY. : The walls, floor and ceiling of the room are white. A table sits along the back wall with various machinery across it. Theracy sits in a chair beside the table with an extremely unhappy expression on her face. ]

I.R.O. (OS, over speaker):
Try holding the ball in one hand, and touch the wires with the other.

[ Theracy gives a sigh and picks up a metal ball from the table, holding it in one palm. She reaches out to a set of exposed wires on the closest machine and carefully places her fingers on it. ]

[ Theracy grimmaces as her hair rises. Ripple-dissolve to whiteness. ]

[ Dissolve to EXT. BOAT - DAWN (DISTORTED) . : Fieron and Fierox stand behind Kimal, who stands behind a massive metal coil in the center of the rust-colored boat (reference episode 13). ]

FIERON (reverb):
I've heard your justification for attacking this land.

THERACY (voice-over):
Did I dream it?

FIERON (reverb, cont'd):
That doesn't excuse attacking children.

THERACY (voice-over,):
You're bearly older than me, if even...

KIMAL (reverb):
Oppose me, and you will be next!

[ Ripple-dissolve to white. ]

[ Dissolve to INT. LAB - DAY. : Sparks dance around Theracy's ball-bearing hand. ]

I.R.O. (OS, over speaker):
You can let go now.

[ Theracy removes her hand from the machine. ]

I.R.O. (OS, over speaker):
Try switching hands. Hold the ball in your other hand.

It isn't going to work.

Just one more.

[ Theracy sighs. ]


[ Theracy moves the ball to her other hand, then places her now-free hand over the machine. ]

[ Fade through white to... ]

[ EXT. HILLTOP - DAY. : Theracy holds up the shard of Fieron's ring (reference episode 12). ]

[ Sparks flow down Theracy's arm. She opens her hand and the shard-and-chain fly through the air, surrounded in sparks. ]

[ Fade through white to... ]

[ EXT. IN FRONT OF FARMHOUSE - NIGHT. : Dark Bob holds Theracy's arm behind her back and holds a hoe over her head as though to strike at her shoulder. ]

[ Theracy holds onto the hoe with a free hand, and golden light surrounds her. The light abruptly fades, and sparks fly from the hoe. ]

[ Fade through white to... ]

[ EXT. HARBOR - DAWN. : Theracy stands on the rail on the corner of a pier, holding up a nightstick like a staff. ]

[ Lightning strikes the nightstick. Theracy jumps into the air, twirling the nightstick, the ends of which burst into flame. ]

[ Fade through white to... ]

[ INT. LAB - DAY. ]

[ Theracy moves her hand from the machine. ]

It can't work like that. It never does.

I.R.O. (OS, over speaker):
How does it work?

I don't really know. It's not something I think about.

I.R.O. (OS, over speaker):
Ok then. Go ahead and put the ball down.

[ Theracy puts the ball down. ]

[ INT. PRISON - DAY. : Hoita Nono sits cross-legged in her cell, tapping her fingers on her knees in concentration. ]

Dr. Nono, visitor.

[ Hoita looks up and frowns. ]

Back again?

[ BB14 walks into view on the other side of the bars. ]

You knew.

Knew what?

Don't play dumb! You led everyone straight into a trap.


[ Hoita stands up and starts pacing excitedly. ]

HOITA (cont'd):
So I was right. That means the spacetime incontinuity does support eleven...

Hey! This isn't an A in physics!

If it was a trap, that means Eoce did something after they got there. That means he still has working portals, and that he can view this world from his own.

Look at me when I'm talking to you!

[ Hoita stops and looks at BB14 with a smug expression. ]

I'm sorry. You were saying?

You wipe that smile off of your face before I do it myself.

I'm sure my lawyer would like to hear that. What is it that you want, exactly?

What are you and Eoce up to? Give me the truth. Now.

[ Hoita closes her eyes and shakes her head. ]

Can't get it through your head, can you?

[ Hoita opens her eyes and stares at BB14. Her smile fades. ]

The truth? Eoce and I were allies. Eoce didn't let me in on his plans. But--

Don't give me that bull!

[ Hoita raises a hand. ]

But, I do think I'm better at covering my trail than Eoce. Eoce's advantage over you is his access to another universe. If that is what it is--and I believe so. It's possible that there is an additional layer to this world in the eleventh dimention, but I am of the opinion that Eoce has managed to connect to a entirely different universe in that direction. You followed my estimates and found something strange before Eoce made his move, correct?

You know full well what we found.

I don't, but I have my suspicions. I didn't send your people into a trap, Fourteen, but I admit I was in part hopeful that they would encounter Eoce again. Without my businesses in this hole, puzzling out Eoce's secrets has captured my interest. Really, if Eoce and I were working together, why would I still be in here?

To lead us on? Because this prison happens to block his portals? How should I know?

I'm not convinced that Eoce can open portals wherever he wants. I suspect otherwise, in fact, but so far the only evidence I have is the two incidents with your allies. Don't you have anyone that can do the calculations that I have?

As a matter of fact, we do. They were confused by the information you gave and could only reproduce it after taking data on the place where the portal opened.

[ Hoita smiles triumphantly. ]

Did they make it out?

What's it to you?


You're darn right they did.

Near the original portal?

I'm the interrogator, not you.

What about the first incident? Did they return near the original portal as well? The same location? Or completely different?

You tell me what it matters.

The time that they were gone matters as well. Judging by how much time has past since... no more than a month?

BB14 (smugly):
Not a super-genius after all. They were only gone a couple of hours.

Really? Did they report the same amount of time on their return?

They didn't say anything about it. Why do you want to know?

The more data you give me, the more answers I can give you. You can't make a gun with a few pieces of metal; you need a gunsmith for that.

Why don't you tell me your theories, then?

Ok, but remember, I don't have the data to support them.

[ EXT. PLAYGROUND - DAY. : Focus on a basketball, moving toward the blacktop-covered ground at a constant velocity. ]

[ The ball strikes the ground, then bounces into the air; the ball doesn't slow until a brown-gloved hand strikes it back down. ]

[ Zoom out. Gravitor floats above the blacktop, holding onto the rim of a basketball basket with one hand. Both of his legs hang stiffly. ]

[ Wind, in a white shirt and bluejeans, stands a few feet away. Behind her, a map of the United States is painted on the blacktop, with each state in a different color. ]

How do you plan on getting down?

Hey, just because I can't do much with my legs doesn't mean I have to put a lot of weight on them to get to the ground.

[ Gravitor pulls on the basket-rim, pushing himself downward. He releases the basket and drifts to the ground. Just as he reaches the ground, Gravitor reaches out to grab at the pole holding up the basket, but misses and falls slowly away from it. Wind reaches out and catches him. ]

WIND (sarcastic):
Sure. I never should have let you come out here without a wheelchair.

I don't need one. Yeesh.

Even if you weigh a pound, you still need a way to move.

Really, I'm fine.

[ Wind steps away from Gravitor. ]

Ok. Come over here.

Well, ok...

[ Without turning, Gravitor leans slightly toward Wind, then falls toward her. Wind steps aside and catches him with her arm. ]


[ Wind walks behind the basketball pole. ]

WIND (cont'd):
Over here.

You did that on purpose.

Well, come on.

[ Gravitor smirks, then falls toward the pole. As he comes in arm's reach of the pole, Gravitor reaches out and grabs it with a hand, swinging himself around it before releasing and falling into Wind, who catches him with both arms. ]

Ok. How would you have stopped if I hadn't caught you?

When do you think I'll need to do that?

[ Theracy walks onto the blacktop. ]

Theracy's here.

[ Wind releases Gravitor and walks toward Theracy. Gravitor looks around, then forcefully twists his upper body around to try and turn himself to face them. Gravitor begins falling toward the basketball pole, catching it with a hand and swinging around it before swinging on it back and forth, finally coming to a stop, facing Wind and Theracy. ]

Darn it.

How did it go?

Horrible. All they did was try shocking me in as many ways possible.

That can't be legal.

Well, I guess neither is taking a weapon from the national guard.

Still, though! They do so much crazy stuff that I'm wondering if it's worth it.

Well... what would happen if we didn't work with them?

I guess you're right. But if they do anything like that to you again... I think I'll quit.

Are you sure?

Yes. What good am I, anyway? They can just keep experimenting on kids without me.

Niryc isn't much older than me. What if they caught him?

Fieron's tried blowing up a building, destroying tapes, messing with the Sears Tower, attacking people... helping out terrorists. It's hard to feel sorry for him.

[ Theracy looks down. ]

[ Gravitor lets go of the pole and remains suspended in an awkward, unstable stance near it. ]

Stupid Kimal suicide bomb...

[ Wind looks toward Gravitor. ]

I guess we'd better get Charles out of here before he falls over like a vase.

[ EXT. JUNKYARD - TWILIGHT. : The general area is a mess of sparse grass covered in bits of machinery, car parts, the remains of lawnmowers, Etc, scattered haphazardly about. ]

[ Retanretla walks on screen, kicking a broken car wheel aside. ]

RETANRETLA (muttering):
The work I have to do to find a blender. . .

[ Two shadowy figures climb over the crushed front of a car. As they come closer, they are revealed to be grimy men covered in tatoos. ]

Hey, what's with the outfit?

[ Retanretla turns toward the men. ]


You broadcastin' on our terf?

Not yet.

You ain't welcome here, bud. Why don't you take your shirt and leave?

I have a better idea. Why don't you help me track down some chemicals?

[ Thug2 cracks his knuckles. ]

Don't get the picture, this guy.

[ The thugs approach Retanretla. Retanretla crosses his arms. ]

I'd hate to leave a body trail.

Oh, we'll take care uh that.

[ Thug1 reaches for Retanretla. A smallish hand holding a four-sectioned metal fanblade--no more than two feet across--comes in front of Thug1. ]

What the...

[ As thug1 tries to turn, another arm grabs him from the other side. ]

[ Side view: Kairin, a boy of eleven or twelve, stands behind Thug1, arms around his abdomen. Kairin rams his knee into Thug1's tailbone. Thug1 gives a pained yelp before Kairin releases him, pushing him aside. Thug2 turns to look toward Kairin. ]

What are you doing here, punk?

None of your bee's wax!

[ Kairin runs at Thug2 , raising the fanblade defensively. Thug2 reaches between the sections of the blade and grabs at Kairin's neck. Kairin brings up his free arm and knocks away Thug2's attacking arm, bashing the flat of the fanblade in his face. Thug2 grunts and staggers back. ]

Stupid brat needs to learn some respect!

[ Retanretla smirks, and all of his coloration shifts toward blue. Thug1 steps back and looks at Retanretla uneasily. ]

Wh-- what are you doin'?

[ Thug2 Charges at Kairinn, who kicks him in the knee. Thug2 falls forward, and Kairin jumps back. Retanretla's color returns to normal as Kairin turns toward him. ]

Who is it that needs to learn respect?

[ Thug1 runs around Kairin and reaches for Thug2's arm, pulling him to his feet. ]

Come on!

[ Thug1 runs off screen. Thug2 turns and follows. ]

THUG2 (OS, echo):
We'll be back!


Impressive. Tell me, what's a young warrior LIKE YOU DOING IN A DUMP LIKE THIS?

Escaping a school of conformity.

Tell you who to be, do they?

Something like that.

I've known people like that.

You aren't another gangster, are you?

Would I answer you if you ask like that?

Probably not.

[ Retanretla walks to the front of the wrecked car in the background and sits on the edge of it. ]

You fought them off well enough. Of course, it'd've been easier if you could have done something like this.

[ Retanretla's colors shift toward green. Kairin watches him uncertainly. Retanretla's colors shift toward yellow, orange, and red, before his colors darken, then return to normal. ]

Are you changing colors?

That's right. Can you do anything like that?

[ Kairin shrugs. ]


Show me.


[ Kairin looks down, tilting the fanblade so that it partly reflects his face. ]

Can you do anything like this?

[ The color of the sky fades to yellow. Kairin looks up. ]

Venus sky...

[ The sky returns to normal. ]

I'm not limited to just color.

[ Kairin steps back a little. ]

Infrared? Ultraviolet?

The full spectrum.

Hmm. How do you do that?

How do you move your arm?

[ Kairin bends his fan-free arm. ]

I just do...


Brain sends signals to nerves...

[ Retanretla raises a hand. The sky becomes intensely blue. Kairin looks at the fanblade, which is tinted bluish. He looks up at the sky. ]

What now?

[ The sky becomes yellow, then blue, then red, then green. ]

[ Focus on Kairin's face as he looks up. (his eyes can be seen: his right is blue, and his left green.) As the sky continues to change colors, the light can be seen on Kairin's face. His eyes lose focus. ]

[ Shot of the sky through Kairin's eyes. Any shading in the image gradually fades so that the colors are uniform. The contrast in the colors gradually diminishes, and blackness slowly closes in from the edges of the screen. ]

[ Fade in to EXT. JUNKYARD - NIGHT. : Kairin sits against the tire of the wrecked car, his head lowered. ]

[ Kairin slowly raises his head and blinks. His face shows that he has been asleep. ]

[ Kairin puts his hands to his face and rubs his eyes. A small red mark is visible on his right wrist. ]


[ Kairin lowers his hands. ]


[ Kairin looks up. ]

[ Side view. Retanretla stands a few feet away, hands at his sides. The hand closest to the foreground holds a small matchbox. ]

I don't remember...

You fell asleep.

[ Kairin wipes his hands on his pants, then touches his wrist with the first two fingers of his other hand. ]

[ Retanretla brings up his hands and opens the matchbox, pulling out a match. He strikes the match on the box and it begins to burn. Retanretla steps forward and holds the match in front of Kairin. ]

can you do anything with this?

[ Kairin drops his hands and stares at the match. ]

The light?


[ Kairin's brow furrows in concentration. The match grows short, and Retanretla tosses it aside as it vanishes in the air. Retanretla pulls out another match and strikes it on the box; it burns. ]

Keep trying.

[ Kairin sighs, then gets into a higher crouch, bringing his face closer to the match. Kairin's face abruptly tenses, then darkens in color. Kairin's face is nearly black when the match is gone. ]

Maybe you should try--

[ Kairin exhales sharply, and a bright flash of light comes from his face. Retanretla steps back, raising a hand to shield his eyes. ]

... something like that.


[ The sky brightens as though the sun is rising. Kairin gets to his feet. ]

Is there any food around here?

There are bound to be rats around here somewhere.

Is... there a restaurant close to us?

[ Retanretla barks a laugh. ]

You ran off on your own, and expect a restaurant?

Well, no... but it's not like we're lost in the desert...

THUG1 (OS, distant, calling):

[ Kairin and Retanretla turn toward the voice. ]

[ From above, no less than six thugs can be seen approaching Kairin and Retanretla. Two of the thugs hold pipes, one carries a chain, and the others wield knives. As they close in, they form a circle around Kairin and Retanretla. As the sun rises, the light falls on the thugs. ]

[ From behind Kairin and Retanretla, most of the thugs, including the two from before can be seen. ]

You two were stupid to stick around here. We told you we'd be back.

You were stupid to wait until sunrise to return.

What's the point in beatin' down someone in their sleep?

We'd've woke you up, first.

Foolish. You stand no chance in the light.

[ The thugs all laugh. Kairin looks around, cautiously bringing the fanblade up to guard his chest. ]

So you can see a little better. So can we!

You were told to get out. Since you didn't take the advice, we'll show you why you should've listened!

[ A pipe-wielding thug and the chain-wielder advance. The sky and the rising sun become entirely plue before taking on a glassy appearance. Kairin holds up a hand. ]

Bio Flash!

[ The thug with the pipe raises it to swing at Retanretla. Kairin aims his palm at the pipe-wielder, and light flashes from Kairin's hand. The pipe-wielder steps back, clutching his face. ]

What the...!

What was that about being able to see?

Get 'em!

[ The sky returns to normal. ]


[ A knife-wielding thug steps in front of the pipe-wielder and throws a punch at Retanretla. Retanretla catches the attacking fist and smiles at the thug. Retanretla's face turns blue. ]

What ... are you doin'?

[ Two thugs move toward Kairin, who raises the fanblade and swings it hard to his left. One of the thugs yells in pain as the blade strikes his jacket. Kairin brings the blade back around, but the remaining thug's fist catches him in the jaw before the blade can block. Kairin yells and falls back. From behind, another thug punches at Kairin; Kairin drops to the ground, dodging the fist. The sky above the thugs grows red, while Kairin stares up at a circle of unaltered sky. Kairin rubs his face where he was hit, then turns his palm toward the sky as his skin darkens. ]

Come on; he's just standing there! Hit him!

[ Retanretla reaches out for the knife of the thug nearest him. ]

You should never put metal in the microwave.

[ Retanretla's face turns red. The chain-wielder steps toward Retanretla and swings the chain toward him. Retanretla reaches out and twists the knife-wielder's wrist, pulling the knife from him. Retanretla moves forward, dodging the chain, and turns, holding up the knife. ]

[ A thug bends down toward Kairin, drawing back a fist. ]

[ Kairin yells and throws up his hand. A bright flash of light comes from Kairin, and two or three thugs yell; the bent one falls back, dropping his knife and clutching his face. Kairin jumps to his feet and thrusts the flat of the fanblade into the closest thug, pushing him aside. Kairin spins and holds out the fanblade. ]

Look out!

[ The fanblade comes close to striking a thug in the side; the thug jumps back in time to dodge, but collides with another, and both stumble. Kairin brings the fanblade into a guarding position in front of him and holds up his hand, turning his palm toward the sun. ]

Bio Flash!

[ Kairin aims his hand at Thug1, and light flashes from the hand. ]

[ Retanretla looks toward the chain-wielder, then lunges. The chain-wielder backs up in a panic, the knife in Retanretla's hand never more than two inches from his chest. The Chain-wielder backs into two other thugs, knocking them off of their feet. Retanretla leaps and kicks the chain-wielder in the stomach; the chain-wielder falls onto his back. Retanretla steps back and lowers his hands. The sky over the fallen thugs becomes intensely blue, then becomes glassy in appearance. ]

You can leave, or die of radiation poisoning.

[ The fallen thugs all cover their eyes. ]

What's happening?

[ Kairin turns toward Retanretla. ]

We don't need to kill them.

You aren't buying all these tricks, are you? Get 'em!

[ Kairin turns toward Thug1 and holds up his hand. ]

[ The thugs under the glassy sky get to their feet and run off screen. The sky returns to normal. Retanretla turns around to face the remaining three thugs. ]

I have a better idea.

[ Retanretla approaches the thugs, holding up the knife. ]

You lucky ratsaare outnumbered; we won't run!

[ Kairin holds up his arm as it darkens in color. ]

You wanna see how powerful I can make this?

I do.

[ Kairin shoves the fanblade into the waist of the left side of his pants, then holds up his other arm, which darkens as well. ]

Forget this; come on, guys!

[ Thug1 runs toward Retanretla. The other two thugs join the charge. Kairin throws his arms forward. ]

Dragonfly Attack!

[ The screen from Kairin's arms forward goes white for a fraction of a second. Retanretla steps calmly aside. One of the thugs collapses to the ground, smoke rising around him. Thug1 yells and throws himself forward, landing face down on the ground. The remaining thug staggers and falls back. Retanretla walks over to Thug1, placing his foot on the back of Thug1's neck. Kairin rubs one forearm with the other hand, then pulls out the fanblade and holds it in his left hand. The thug closest to Kairin gets to his knees, breathing hard and growling in pain. He gets to his feet, revealing that the front of his clothes are blackened toward the center and giving off smoke. He turns and runs away; the remaining thug follows. ]

You really don't know who you're messing with, do you?

[ Thug1 struggles, but becomes still as Retanretla lightly pushes his foot into the thugs neck. (The rise and fall of Thug1's back reveals him to be both alive and fearful.) ]

You better get your foot off of me.

Why? You've seen why I'm not afraid of you. You answer me, now.

I won't say anything!

Really? Tell me just what your territory includes.

Go to--

[ Thug1 grunts in pain as Retanretla jabs his toe into his ribs. ]

Where did the rest of your gang run to?

What are you going to do?

[ Close on Retanretla's face as he smirks. ]


[ INT. ALUBEN'S APARTMENT - DAY. : Aluben sits on a chair with a phone to his ear. ]

Sara has told me that he tries to get around on his own.

MRS. LEMBUREN (over telephone):
That's true, ...

[ INT. LEMBUREN HOUSE - DAY. : Mrs. Lemburen is seated as in episode 13, but holding a phone. ]

MRS. LEMBUREN (cont'd):
But it will still cost us for his treatments, and whether Charles likes it or not I've got to keep his medications and crutches and a wheelchair around.

[ Until otherwise specified, the scene changes to Aluben's Apartment and the Lemburen house when Aluben and Mrs. Lemburen speak (respectively). ]

I understand. Does this mean I can't move in now?

I hate to say yes, but it would be difficult.

I can help with whatever you need. If Charles needs anything, I can do it.

And I know he'll say you should still move in. I'd appreciate your help, but it'd be an aweful lot to deal with.


If you don't want me to go, I can--

[ Three quick-but-soft knocks come from off screen. ]

... Someone's at the door.

MRS. LEMBUREN (over telephone):
That's ok. We can talk about it later.

Thank you very much.

MRS. LEMBUREN (over telephone):
Well, goodbye.


[ Aluben hanges up the phone and gets up, walking into the foreground. ]

[ Aluben is scene from behind, approaching the door. Aluben takes the doorhandle and pulls the door open, revealing Theracy standing in the hallway beyond. ]


Hi. Can I come in?

You can.

[ Aluben steps back and turns to let Theracy enter, then lets the door slowly shut. ]

Did you come here alone?


Do you need something?

Well, not really. I was wondering about that dream you mentioned.


About flying. Remember? I said I hate flying, and you said it reminds you of a dream you've had.

Ah, yes. Well, in the dream, I'm in an airplane or a helicopter--I can't tell which--with someone else...

[ Dissolve to... ]

[ EXT. OUTSIDE HELICOPTER - TWILIGHT. : A helicopter flies through a cloudy sky (the edges of the screen are distorted). Seen through the window of the helicopter, an olive-skinned woman is visible. ]

ALUBEN (voice-over):
It's a woman. I think she is my mother.

[ Pan in the direction of the rear of the helicopter. Two jets fly toward it. ]

ALUBEN (voice-over):
There was a noise, like something was after us.

[ Snow begins to fill the air. Focus on the helicopter. Through the window, an infant can be seen in the woman's arms before the snow obscures the view. ]

ALUBEN (voice-over):
It's always snowing when something hits us.

[ A missile flies in from the right and strikes the back of the helicopter, causing it to shutter. The missile explodes in a burst of flame, and the helicopter pitches forward. ]

[ Wide shot: the woman jumps from the helicopter with the baby in her arms. The woman wears a tattered gray cloak that flies up as she falls, revealing that she is wearing the same white shirt with a red star that Aluben typically wears. ]

ALUBEN (voice-over):
And she carries me and jumps out, and we fall, and there is a lot of wind and it is cold.

[ The baby's cries can be heard over the noise of the wind. ]

[ From above, the helicopter can be seen crashing into the side of a mountain. The two jets fly by. ]

[ Elsewhere, the mother stumbles into a snowdrift, holding her baby tightly as she collapses into the snow. ]

ALUBEN (voice-over):
There is snow all around, but she holds me tight. My hands and feet are cold, but the rest of me is warm.

[ Fade through black to... ]

[ INT. ALUBEN'S APARTMENT - DAY. : Theracy is watching Aluben closely, though her eyes seem motionless. ]

That's all.

That's all?

[ The view dollies behind Theracy so as to focus on Aluben as Theracy is viewing him. Zoom in on Aluben as a black tunnel fills the background. A white spiral of light dissolves over Aluben, and the scene is entirely a black-and-white spiral leading into a deep pool of gray light in the center of the screen. ]

THERACY (voice-over):
His power is in that hole. But what if...

[ There is a flash of white, and the scene returns to normal, with a side view of Theracy and Aluben. ]


[ Theracy blinks and shakes her head. ]

Nothing. Do you think the dream might be a real memory?

It's possible. The priests at the temple told me they found a woman freezing to death in the snow, with a baby in her arms, and that they took the baby in, and that it is me...

[ Aluben touches the star on his shirt. ]

ALUBEN (cont'd):
And they gave me this shirt because the woman had it. It's the only thing my mother had that they could save.

I can't imagine having to live my whole life without my parents.

[ Theracy looks down at her hands. ]

THERACY (cont'd):
Even though I'm away so much now.

I don't know what it would be like in a family outside of the temple. That's one reason that I want to live with Charles and his mother. But since Charles was hurt when Kimal blew himself up, it seems like his mother doesn't think I should stay with them now.

But... surely you could--

[ A celphone rings, and Theracy sighs. She reaches into her pocket and pulls out a celphone (appropriate for early 2003) and holds it to her ear. ]


BB18 (over phone):
You should head back. You've got homework to do.

All right.

[ Theracy puts the phone back into her pocket. ]

They want me to look at something again.

[ EXT. POOR SUBDIVISION - DAY. : From above, some houses in poor condition are visible, many surrounded in uneven patches of weeds and shrubs. A loud, thumping bass can be heard. ]

[ Zoom in on the roof of one house in particular. ]

[ INT. PARTYHOUSE - DAY. : Several people from teens to mid twenties fill the room haphazardly, talking noisily. A large stereo system is set up on one wall, emitting loud music. Many people hold bottles or cups, though their contents or labels cannot be clearly distinguished. ]

[ After a couple seconds, the music from the radio goes silent in short bursts. A low, synthetic-sounding voice comes from the speaker. ]

VOICE (over speaker):
The party'sz over.

[ The talking in the room grows quiet. ]

What the...

VOICE (over speaker):
Your time isz upp--.

[ On the final "p" of the voice, the speaker pops loudly, followed by a loud, low-pitched sound that causes the stereo system to vibrate violently. Some of the partiers cover their ears, while two move for the stereo system. ]

[ EXT. HOUSECORNER - DAY. : Kairin and Retanretla stand near a shabby gray wall with high weeds nearby. The low sound from the previous scene can be heard through the wall. ]

[ Kairin massages his ear. ]

They'll know we're here.

You overestimate human focus. Start gathering light.

[ Retanretla walks off around the corner of the house. Kairin holds up a hand that grows dark. ]


Turn it off!

[ One of the partiers near the stereo system reaches for a large knob on the front of the centerpiece. There is a sudden, loud, electronic crackling, and the speakers jump and go silent as smoke pours from them. The people nearest the speakers jump back. ]

Awe, man; that's weak!

Not as weak as you.

[ Surprised and questioning sounds come from most of those in the room, and they turn to screenu right. ]

[ A shot of the open back door reveals Retanretla stepping through. Two men run toward him from the side, but he casually shoves the first aside and waves his hand threateningly toward the other, who slows to a stop. ]

[ Side view: Both the group near the stereo and Retanretla and those assaulting him are visible. ]

Man, we don't want no gate crashas, especially none dressed like that!

[ The group begins to jeer loudly. ]

Get outa here!

[ The man closest Retanretla draws back his fist to punch. Retanretla steps to the side and his side of the room becomes green. ]

What is he doin'?

He must have some kinda spotlight out back.

[ The man with his fist raised swings, but misses. Retanretla steps in past his arm and pushes down on both of his shoulders, forcing the man to the ground. The first man (that Retanretla shoved) runs in to tackle Retanretla. ]

[ Kairin steps into view and extends his hand toward the tackler. ]

Bio Flash!

[ A flash of light comes from Kairin's hand and the tackler stumbles to the side, raising a hand to cover his eyes. Retanretla puts the tackler in a headlock and throws him on top of the other man on the ground. Retanretla then turns to face the rest of the group. ]

[ Close on Retanretla, panning up from below. ]

RETANRETLA (loudly):
This is a bust. Does anyone want to come quietly?

[ Overhead shot of the crowd. The people in the crowd shout angrily. ]

You and some punk kid can't take all of us!

[ Shot of Retanretla and Kairin. ]

Don't call me that.

[ Kairin pulls the fanblade from behind his back. ]

[ Side view. The crowd gives a collective, half-mocking "Ooh...". ]

I don't like your tone. Or your decor.

[ Retanretla gestures, and the colors in the room shift toward green. ]

How is he doin' that?

Hey, man, get outa here! I mean it!

Make me.

You heard him!

[ The crowd rushes Retanretla. Kairin spins and holds the fanblade toward the open back door. ]

[ Shot of Kairin (focusing on the fanblade). The blade catches the sunlight as Kairin spins it rapidly. ]


[ Kairin aims the flat of the fanblade at the crowd and stops spinning it. A bright light shines from the blade, and several of the partiers step back; some yell in pain. ]

What is this?

This is your chance to surrender. You're clearly outmatched.

There's just two of you!

[ One of the partiers picks up a metal chair and raises it over his head, yelling. ]


[ Retanretla glares at the chair-wielder, and all color above and covering the man turns a dull orange. The man staggers as smoke rises from his hands, then throws the chair, completely missing Retanretla and catching another partier in the back. The chair-struck partier yells and falls into another. Kairin begins to spin the fanblade in front of him. ]

[ Several partiers charge Kairin and Retanretla. Kairin starts spinning with the fanblade held out, and the partiers closest to him back off. Kairin's blade-arm catches the edge of the doorframe, and he stumbles out the door. Meanwhile, Retanretla holds up both forearms and pushes the two partiers closest to him into those near them as the entire broom begins to turn red. ]

It's funny what microwaves can do to your coordination.

Stop that freak!

[ Two men approach Retanretla from either side. Kairin runs back into the room and knees one of the attackers in the tailbone. Retanretla ducks behind the other as his colors shift to become more similar to those of the partiers. Disguised, Retanretla dives through the crowd and retrieves the fallen chair, throwing it into the air before again ducking into the crowd and disappearing from view; the crowd becomes chaotic as people turn on one another in confusion. The chair knocks down one partier, and another catches it, hurling it toward the door and taking out another partier that advances toward Kairin. Kairin holds up a hand with his fingers spread apart, and a flash of light fills the room. ]

Hey! I can't see!

Where did that wannabe go? I'll show him!

[ Partier2 turns around confusedly, and Retanretla steps out from behind him and swings his forearm at his back. Another partier obscures the connecting of the blow, but Partier2 can be heard yelling and falling to the floor. Retanretla moves to the stereo system and picks up one of the freestanding speakers, then turns to throw it into the center of the crowd. The area over the falling speaker turns red as more smoke billows out from it. A police siren becomes audible. Retanretla moves to the remaining free-standing speaker and tosses it into the crowd; the area over it becomes red and more smoke pours from it as it strikes two partiers. ]

[ Shot of the back door. Kairin steps out of the door, but waits beyond the threshold. Retanretla steps into view, colors returned to normal, and walks out the door. ]

Our work here is done.

What if they get away?

[ The sirens grow loud, then stop, as a car can be heard stopping nearby, followed by a door slamming. ]

Backup's here to take care of that. Let's move along.

[ Retanretla walks off screen. Kairin looks after him, then sprints off screen as well. ]

[ Fade out. ]

[ Fade in to INT. ISDA CONFERENCEROOM - DAY. : The ISDAChairman sits in his usual seat, with BB15 on his right (screen left), and Theracy seated to his left (screen right). Black Eagle stands in the foreground, fists behind his back. BB15 holds up a hand-held audio cassette-player. ]

Civilian and law enforcement scanners picked up this signal early this morning. BB Fifteen, please.

[ BB15 presses a button on the cassette-player, and a low-quality, synthetic-sounding voice begins speaking. The voice is distorted by much static, and few words can be clearly heard, though the general sound should resemble Russian. ]

[ After a few seconds, BB15 presses another button, silencing the recording.* ]

The message is in Russian. Translated, it says "Retanretla is in the town. I have already found an ally."

[ Black Eagle tenses as though to speak, but remains silent. ]

Omebara County authorities received a mysterious call an hour later regarding a gang-related riot in a residential area. Several gangmembers were found injured and behaving in a disorderly manner. When questioned, most of those present reported a strange radio phenomenon, followed by a strangely-dressed man entering the area. Fifteen.

Accounts consistently indicate the presence of a man who made various things change colors, and a boy, probably preteen, with some sort of bladed weapon. Both were gone when the police arrived.

A boy matching the description of the one at the scene was reported missing by a nearby boarding school. Enough time has yet to pass for the police department to launch a formal investigation on the boy's whereabouts.

It sounds like the work of the man who nuked that temple in the fall.

That man is the prime suspect at present, though many questions remain. Yellow.

Yes, sir?

You are to examine the area and report anything unusual or relevant to this case.

Yes, sir.

Black Eagle.


In light of recent events, the final procedures for Aluben's membership in this agency will be carried out as soon as possible.

[ Dissolve to... ]

[ INT. ALUBEN'S APARTMENT - DAY. : Black Eagle and Aluben stand a few paces apart, facing one another; Aluben's mood seems to be an uneasy excitement, while Black Eagle maintains a mostly professional posture. ]

That means that we can call on you at any moment, and you need to be ready.

I understand.

You were a big help in escaping Eoce, and you did your part in dealing with Kimal's terrorists. But so far as I know, none of that was personal for you. Am I right?

Personal? No. I heard of Kimal at the temple, but only stories...

We might need you soon. The man that attacked the temple is somewhere in this country, now.

[ Aluben shows alarm. ]


Do you know how we lost Kamal in the woods?

Fieron was there.

And I made it personal. As much as Fieron's humiliated me, I don't think I can face him without it being a little personal. But it's not ok for that to get in the way of a mission. If we have Retanretla cornered, and we need you to do something more important... you have to make the right decision.

I will.

For all our sakes, I hope you will.

[ EXT. DMV - DAY. : The sky is cloudy. Retanretla walks slowly along a sidewalk near the front of a building, with Kairin walking behind him, holding the fanblade by its center in his left hand at his side. ]

Are we going somewhere that has food?

When's the last time you ate?

Yesterday at lunch.

Then don't worry about food.

[ A few drops of water fall from the sky. ]

Ok... where are we going?

[ Retanretla looks up toward the top of the building in the background. ]


[ Retanretla turns and keeps walking toward the edge of the screen. Retanretla reaches back a hand and grabs Kairin by the shoulder, pulling him after him. Once Retanretla and Kairin are off screen, pan up toward the area Retanretla was looking at to focus on a security camera mounted in the eves of the building. ]

THERACY (voice-over):
Did he want to get caught on video?

[ Zoom out and rotate to view Retanretla and Kairin from behind down the sidewalk, as well as a large portion of the vehicle-filled parking lot. It begins to rain softly. ]

[ EXT. ROADSIDE - DAY. : It rains harder than in the previous scene. A road runs across the screen in the foreground, with cars and large trucks occasionally passing by and obscuring the background. A concrete barier stands on the side of the road, and a vast field of short grass lies on the other side of it (a large ditch is on the grass side of the wall, though it may be obscured by the wall). Retanretla and Kairin walk along the back side of the wall. ]

So I take it you don't have a vehicle?

I haven't needed one yet.

[ A small hill surrounded by trees comes into view in the background. Retanretla looks toward it and nods, then turns to face the direction he is walking. ]

THERACY (voice-over):
What is he up to?

[ Zoom in on the hill. There is a small gravestone atop it, with two pots of yellow and white flowers sitting before it. An inscription on the stone reads "Johnny Do, 199?-1996. Rest in piece.". ]

[ Fade through white to... ]

[ INT. ISDA CONFERENCEROOM - DAY. : The ISDAChairman, Theracy and BB15 are in their customary seats. Theracy's eyes are closed and her head is slightly lowered. ]

[ Theracy looks up and slowly opens her eyes. ]

Why would there be a grave on the side of the highway?

For people that die on the highway that are never identified.

There is only one such grave in the Omebara county area. Agents will be dispatched to intercept Retanretla. Yellow, continue to monitor the area and alert us of any changes in Retanretla's path.

[ Theracy's expression becomes grim. ]

THERACY (quieter, audibly disturbed):
Yes, sir.

[ Theracy closes her eyes. ]

[ INT. APARTMENT - DAY. : The scene is similar to episode 2. Wind stands at the counter in her white and gray outfit, slipping on her gloves. Hydron stands near the front left corner of the front room, while Gravitor sits on a couch, looking angry. ]

You know I don't need to walk to use my powers.

BB18 (over speakerphone):
It doesn't matter, Gravitor. The chair won't send a recovering agent on this kind of mission.

I could drop the guy under his own weight...

End of discussion. Wind and Hydron will report to the pickup location. If you show up, you won't be allowed in the vehicle. Time is important. Eighteen out.

[ A pop comes from the phone to indicate the conclusion of the call. Wind steps toward the front of the room. ]

You're going to hurt yourself if you keep trying to ignore your injuries.

[ Gravitor slams his fist down on the side of the couch and rises to the ceiling, throwing up his other arm to keep his head from crashing into it. ]

Legs only matter on land.

Fish have tails, and birds have legs.

And I have power over gravity.

Oh, just relax. Maybe they'll let you go next time.

You expect me to let you go up against a man that can nuke cities without breaking a sweat alone?

Yeah. I can take care of myself just fine. I may be a girl, and I may be younger than you, but I moved out of my mom's house a few years ago. Sit your gravity-controlling butt down and stop wining!

[ Wind holds out a hand, and a horizontal vortex of air forms in the middle of the room, slowly pulling Gravitor downward. ]

What are you doing?

Trying to bring you back to Earth!

[ Gravitor drops onto the couch, snarling. ]

I don't want to be late.

[ Wind and Hydron exit. Gravitor clenches his fists and quivers. ]

[ EXT. RUNWAY - EVENING. : There is a light rainfall. ]

[ A jet comes in for a landing. ]


[ The previously-scene jet slows to a stop in the middle of the screen. The main exit of the jet opens, and Hydron, Wind, Glacier and Aluben hurry out. ]

Is Spectro coming?

It's his senior year of college. I convinced them that you and I could take Retanretla well enough that it wasn't worth taking Spectro away from his studies.

[ Black Eagle steps out of the jet. ]

I hope you're right.

Maybe there won't be any fighting.

[ Black Eagle barks a laugh. The group begins to move quickly off screen. ]

You've got a lot to learn.

[ EXT. RESTSTOP - EVENING. : Water still flows from the canopy of the fueling area. Retanretla stands under the canopy over the fueling area of the station. Kairin squats beside him, eating a banana-marshmallow pie. The fanblade is on the ground beside Kairin. ]

All your complaining about food, and no meat?

I don't have enough money for the chicken strips!


[ A noticeably larger-than-the-rest volume of water flows from the canopy and forms a large puddle on the ground that slowly fades into the surrounding splatters. ]

Is it starting to rain again?

[ Retanretla looks toward where the puddle appeared and smiles. ]

Oh, I don't think so.

[ Hydron rises as though from a crouch behind a parked car closer to the entrance of the building. ]

I think it's about time for us to leave.

KAIRIN (annoyed):
Where to now?

Back toward town.

Why did we come all the way out here, then?

I was waiting for information on those villains I told you about. I have it now.

When did you do that?

Now. You'll see.

[ Kairin shoves the remainder of the marshmallow pie into his mouth, wipes his hands on his pants, picks up the fanblade and stands up. ]

Follow me.

[ Retanretla walks out from under the canopy and away from the building. Kairin walks after him, holding the fanblade flat against his chest. Retanretla glances back at Kairin, then toward Hydron, then turns back in the direction he is walking. When Retanretla and Kairin are both off screen, Hydron steps out from behind the car and hurries after them. As she approaches the edge of the screen, she transforms into water. ]

[ EXT. PARKING LOT - EVENING. : Black Eagle and Glacier stand near a parked van with dark windows. ]

THERACY (over radio):
I think he knows she's following him.

BLACK EAGLE (dismayed):
That's just what we need...

[ Black Eagle looks toward the van. ]

Aluben, with Glacier.

[ A door of the van slides open and Aluben steps out; Wind is visible in the seat farthest from the door. ]


You two head for the grave site. We'll take another route in the van. We'll call if he changes directions. Avoid letting Retanretla or the kid notice you. Got it?


Then move out.

[ Aluben and Glacier turn to screen right. Glacier steps forward and a small ice-platform grows from his feet, just big enough for Aluben to stand on. ]

Get on.

[ Aluben steps onto the platform. Twin trails of ice expand from the back of the platform, pushing it forward; Aluben slips off of the platform, but runs and jumps to land on it again, grabbing Glacier's arm for support. ]

[ The camera follow Glacier and Aluben as they continue to move. ]

How can you stand on ice that moves like this?

It is connected to my feet.

[ INT. VAN - EVENING. : Black Eagle is in the driver's seat, with Wind seated behind him. ]

I say not to draw attention, and they ride off on ice.

[ Black Eagle sighs, then turns the key in the ignition as the van vibrates to life. ]

Are you sure this van is radiation-proof?

Sure, if you cover the windows.

[ Wind frowns. ]

[ EXT. ABOVE HIGHWAY. : The van is seen pulling out of a parking lot and turning right onto the road before driving out of sight; meanwhile, Aluben and Glacier can bearly be seen traveling in the opposite direction along the side of the road. ]

[ EXT. ROADSIDE - EVENING. : The previously-seen hill-and-trees are bearly visible to screen right. ]

[ Retanretla climbs over the barier and ducks out of sight behind it. Kairin follows. ]

[ Overhead shot. Retanretla looks over the barier and down the road. ]


[ Retanretla shifts his position and looks toward the water-and-mud-filled ditch. ]

Of course.


We're being followed.

[ Retanretla stands, then pulls Kairin to his feet. ]

What are we--

[ Retanretla uses both arms to lift Kairin off of his feet, then runs toward the ditch and leaps. Retanretla lands on a portion of the opposite side of the ditch that is sloped and covered in mud and slips, throwing Kairin forward. Kairin franticly throws down his hands to catch himself on the muddy ground as Retanretla drives both hands into the mud to pull himself out of the ditch. The water in the ditch behind Retanretla visibly swirls momentarily. ]


[ Kairin gets to one knee, shaking mud off the fanblade. He rests the blade against his leg and wipes his hands on his pants. Retanretla moves quickly toward Kairin, and Kairin gets to his feet, holding up the fanblade as he does. ]

Come on. Just a little farther.

[ Retanretla grabs Kairin's arm and pulls him along as he runs a distance from the ditch and in the direction of the trees. A portion of water flows up from the ditch and along the ground after Retanretla and Kairin. Retanretla finally stops a few yards from the trees and turns, facing the moving pool of water. ]

I hope you didn't come alone.

[ The water rises from the ground, takes human shape and becomes Hydron. Kairin steps back, holding the fanblade closer to his face as he watches. ]


[ Retanretla smiles. ]

I see you've paid attention.

What is it that you're trying to accomplish?

I could ask you the same question.

You've come a long way and gone to a lot of trouble to get our attention.


And it's kidnapping, now?

No, no. Kairin came to me on his own. But I have to ask... where is the rest of your team?

That's none of your concern.

Isn't it?

[ The light around Hydron takes on a reddish hue. ]

It is getting dark, but there's still enough light for me to use.

[ Hydron's face becomes fearful, then she becomes water. Retanretla casually steps to the side as the water moves toward him. The light around the water darkens and becomes reddish, and the water slows. ]

Have you ever seen what microwaves do to water?

[ Kairin steps away from the water and the red area. Retanretla steps back as the water twists and moves toward him. ]

If these microwaves were just a little stronger, you might be too steamed to move.

More intense?

[ Kairin holds up both arms, one hand turned upward while the other is aimed at the water. Kairin's arms grow darker as a light begins to shine from Kairin's aiming hand. A red glow intensifies on the back of Water-Hydron, who begins to shrink as a thin cloud of steam rises from around her. ]

Just think what Spectro could do with this trick? Or maybe he could stop it.

How can we keep her here once it's dark?

We won't have to.

[ INT. VAN - EVENING. : The van is moving past various buildings that are hard to make out through the windows. ]

THERACY (over radio):
He's trapped Shanan with microwaves.


THERACY (over radio):
The boy is helping him.

[ Black Eagle reaches for a button in the center console and presses it with his fist. ]

Aluben, get Retanretla's attention. Glacier, put up a shield and get Hydron behind it if you can free her.

How long until we get there?

As soon as I find a parking place.

[ EXT. FIELD NEAR GRAVEHILL - EVENING. : Water-Hydron is spinning in a growing cloud of steam bathed in red light, as Kairin still directs light at her and Retanretla still stands on the opposite side. ]

Let's move toward the hill. If you focus the light in the right spot, we might be able to bring her with us.

[ Aluben runs out from behind a tree, followed more slowly by Glacier. As Glacier walks, a sphere of ice grows from him, until he is a moving mass of ice. ]


[ Retanretla looks toward Aluben. ]

More visiters.

[ Aluben holds out a hand, and a vortex of air forms around his arm, followed by a small burst of light, aimed at Retanretla. The light hits Retanretla's shoulder, and he snarls as he draws back, a thin whisp of smoke rising from where the light struck. ]

Are you bending light now, salad-boy?

No. Only sending back to you what you used on the temple!

[ The red glow around Water-Hydron fades. Water-Hydron descends to the ground as a cloud of mist condenses in the air. ]

The water's getting away.

[ A sudden gust of wind blows from the foreground, and Kairin and Retanretla both stumble. Kairin loses his footing and falls, stabbing one of the fan's blades into the ground as he catches himself. The mist becomes rain that falls into the Hydron-puddle. The water moves under Retanretla and rises in a great geyser, throwing Retanretla into the air. Wind and Black Eagle land in the foreground. ]

[ Focus on Retanretla as he is thrown through the air, landing on his back in the grass. ]

Of course. You can't take me alone...

[ Retanretla gets to his feet. ]

[ Water-Hydron takes human form. Glacier, now a large mass of ice, advances behind Aluben. ]

You're one to talk!

[ Kairin pulls the fanblade out of the ground and holds it in front of him. ]

It's about time you start talking. What is all this about?

Where's Spectro?

He's doing something a bit more productive.

This isn't about him. It's about the mess you've made.

Mess? Do you mean to tell me that the police aren't happy with my work?

Entering the country illegally, kidnapping, causing a brawl... what do the police have to be happy with?

[ Retanretla laughs. ]

Well, then, if Spectro is doing something more important, maybe I'll just make him take me seriously. It's not like any of you are of use.

[ All color shifts toward blue. ]

Wind, behind Glacier.

[ Wind looks around, then flies atop Glacier's ice-mass. ]

[ Black Eagle aims a hand at Retanretla and a quickbeam blasts from it. The blast hits Retanretla in the chest, knocking him off of his feet as the colors return to normal. ]

[ Retanretla lies on his back, struggling to get up. ]

RETANRETLA (struggling):
What... is... this?

[ Kairin holds up a hand. ]

Bio Flash!

[ Kairin aims his hand at Black Eagle's back, and a flash of light results in smoke rising from Black Eagle's outfit. Black Eagle turns partly toward Kairin. ]

What the...?

[ Wind holds out both her hands as a gust throws Kairin from his feet. ]

Wind, hold him.


[ Wind flies toward Kairin. Kairin rolls out of her reach and gets to his feet, bringing the fanblade back behind him. The blade flies out of his hand and strikes the ground heavily. ]


[ Wind rises and turns to face Kairin as a vortex of air lifts the boy into the air. ]

Don't you have like, homework to be doing, or something?

[ Kairin holds up both of his arms as they grow dark. ]

KAIRIN (struggling):
Dragon... fly...



[ Kairin yells as the wind throws him through the air toward the trees. As Kairin hits the ground, there is an intense flash of light around him, and a small grassfire surrounds him. ]

KAIRIN (pained):
Ow... Ow...

[ Kairin sits up and rubs one arm with the opposit hand. ]

[ Gravitor lands outside of the fire. ]

Would have been worse if you'd been at full weight, wouldn't it?

[ The grass fire fades. Kairin coughs and gets to his feet. ]

[ Wind glares at Gravitor. ]

Charles, what are you doing here?!

[ Close on Retanretla as he gets to his feet. ]

Not holding me down anymore.

[ Retanretla starts running. ]

[ Side-shot, showing all of Taoe, with Kairin and Gravitor to the far right and in the background. Retanretla runs between Black Eagle and Glacier toward the trees. ]

No you don't!

[ Black Eagle holds out a hand toward Retanretla, who dives to the ground as a quickbeam blasts through the air where he was a moment earlier. The beam strikes the edge of the ice-mass, sending fragments of ice into the air. ]

Bad move!

[ Retanretla rolls across the ground, but winds up flat on his stomach, struggling to get up. ]

You can make me heavy all you want... that won't save you.

[ The sky becomes intensely blue, then takes on a glassy quality. ]

[ Kairin turns and jump-kicks Gravitor in the hip. Gravitor yells in pain and falls to the ground. Kairin runs toward the fanblade and picks it up. ]


[ Retanretla gets up and runs for Gravitor, who snarls in pain as he pushes against the ground with his hand. ]

Gravitor, you were supposed to stay out of this!

[ Hydron takes water form and flows toward Retanretla. Glacier's ice-mass moves toward Retanretla, and Aluben follows. Black Eagle's wings ignite and he flies into the air, landing atop the ice; his wings fade once he lands. Wind flies toward Retanretla. ]

[ Kairin holds up the fanblade, but it is too covered in mud to reflect the small amount of light there is. ]

Needs cleaning. Oh well!

[ Kairin holds out a hand toward Wind, and a flash of light comes from the hand. ]

[ Water-Hydron diverts toward Kairin, slamming into him and pushing him back. Some of the mud on Kairin's clothes and the fanblade is carried away by the water. ]

Ah... why didn't I bring dry clothes...

[ Kairin slips and falls backward. ]

[ Wind lands in front of Retanretla, who places one foot over Gravitor's hip. ]

Do you think you can stop me? Sure, you might be able to get me away from him, but by then, you'll all have radiation poisoning.


[ Retanretla dives for Gravitor, elbowing him in the side. A gust of wind pushes Retanretla back. Gravitor pushes himself into the air, and glares at Retanretla. ]

Light things fly much more easily.

[ Retanretla is thrown into the air by the wind. ]

And heavy things fall much harder!

[ Retanretla drops into a tree, twisting and arching his body to avoid impalement. He lands on two splitting branches, which break under his enhanced weight. Both Retanretla and the broken treelimbs fall to the ground. ]

RETANRETLA (winded, in pain):
You... will have to... do better than that!

[ Retanretla slowly gets to his feet, his coloration becoming green. ]

[ The ice-mass approaches with Black Eagle atop it and Aluben running beside it. ]

The game is up.


[ The sky remains glassy. ]

Charles, can you make me lighter?

What? Ok, fine.

[ Aluben jumps into the air and lands on top of the ice, a large yellowish cloud growing around him. ]

You can't shield everyone!

He doesn't need to.

[ Aluben holds out his arms and the cloud around him flows toward Retanretla. ]

I can still kill you while I run.

[ Retanretla turns and runs up the hill. Aluben's cloud catches him atop it and spins around him. A thinner stream of the same gas flows into the cloud. ]

[ Atop the ice, gas continues to form around Aluben and flows into a stream headed toward the hill. A wall of ice rises up around Black Eagle, covering his back and head. ]

Thanks, Glacier, but that won't block all of the radiation.

[ Black Eagle holds out a hand and fires a quickbeam. ]

[ Black Eagle's blast hits the cloud around Retanretla, and it explodes in a massive fireball. Retanretla is seen falling down the opposite side of the hill through the explosion. The sky returns to normal. ]


[ Water-Hydron rises over and beside Kairin, taking human form. Wind stands on Kairin's opposite side. ]

Don't move.


[ Atop the Ice-mass, Black Eagle steps out from the ice-shield and his wings ignite as he leaps into the air. ]

He doesn't have cover if he leaves the trees. He can't get far.

[ Black Eagle and Gravitor land on the hilltop, Black Eagle's wings disappearing in a cloud of flame. ]

I didn't see him come out. That blast might have finished him.

[ Black Eagle turns around. ]

BLACK EAGLE (shouting):
Aluben! Glacier! Someone help us search the trees!

[ EXT. GRAVEHILL - NIGHT. : From above, the images of Aluben and Glacier can be seen moving through the trees. Black Eagle walks around the perimeter of the area, while Gravitor stands atop a thin, leafy branch of the tallest tree. Wind and Hydron stand atop the hill with Kairin between them.* ]

[ Pan down and zoom in on the group atop the hill. ]

What are you doing out here, running around with that nutcase?

It's better than being stuck at a place where you're wrong if you aren't in love with parties, careers and romance.

So you ran away and joined the radiation guy?

He told me you were villains.

And how did you get those powers you used?

[ Kairin looks at his hands. ]

I don't... remember.

Has it been a long time?

No. I just remember... lights. And...

He did it, didn't he?

I guess. I don't remember.

[ Wind shakes her head. ]

We might be able to help you.

Help? What kind of help?

Help you with your powers.

They seem to work just fine.

But there might be sideeffects. And... you'd be better on our side.

It's funny, because the chameleon guy said the same thing.

But We aren't like him. We...

Talk about who to trust. How do I know he wasn't telling the truth? And since you blew him up, it's hard to tell anything else about it.

[ Wind opens her mouth to speak, but Hydron turns and points to the gravestone. ]

Whose grave is this?

[ Wind and Kairin turn toward the gravestone. ]

It says Johnny Do.

It's an unknown grave. For a child that was left on the highway.

Who would leave a kid on the highway?

Who knows how he got there. All they know is that the child was alone.

[ Hydron turns to face Kairin. ]

HYDRON (cont'd):
If you won't come with us, where should we take you? It won't be here.

[ Kairin looks down. ]


[ There is a disturbance in the water of the ditch, and something rises from it, though its color changes to match what is behind it--though it seems humanoid. It crawls near to the wall, stands, then the colors resolve into the image of Retanretla, staring back across the ditch. ]

When I find you, all of you will pay.

[ Retanretla turns and starts walking as his colors start shifting to match the background again. Fade to black. ]

[ INT. OFFICE - DAY. : A balding man wearing glasses stands in front of a desk, shaking hands with Wind. Hydron stands beside her. The door of the office is visible behind them, open and revealing a carpeted hallway. ]

Thank you for getting him back to us.

[ The man releases Wind's hand. ]

It was our pleasure.

We really don't want to bring too much attention to it, you understand. Now that he's back, there's no need to...

Oh, don't worry. I doubt it'll make the news.

[ Kejek appears in the doorway. ]

Well, thanks again. His parents will be glad to know he's ok.

I'm sure they will.

[ Kejek looks into the office. ]

WIND (cont'd):
Well, if you don't need us for anything...

I don't. Thanks again!

You're welcome. Have a good day!

[ Wind and Hydron turn to walk out of the office, but stop upon seeing Kejek. ]

Hey! I know you!


Yeah. And you're... Shanan and...?

Sara. You've gotten a lot bigger since the last time I saw you.

[ Kejek shrugs. ]

Well, I'm a growing boy.

[ Kejek steps back and Wind and Hydron exit the office. ]

[ INT. HALLWAY - DAY. : The light of day is visible through a set of doubledoors with large glass windows in them at the end of the hallway (screen right). Wind, Hydron and Kejek walk toward the doors. ]

Who'd've thought we'd see each other again, and here.

It is quite a coinki-dink. Hey, was it Shanan whose mom went hiking in Britain?


We went out to that area a couple months ago.

[ A man in a black suit, wearing a visor over his eyes approaches the doors from the outside and pulls them open. Wind, Hydron and Kejek stop walking as he steps into the hallway. ]


[ The man nods toward Wind. ]

Hello, Sara.

Have we met?

We haven't before now.

[ Anthon looks at Kejek. ]

ANTHON (cont'd):
But this isn't the first time I've spoken to Mr. Facques.


Do you know someone by the name of Isaiah Wonafe?

Sejes? Yes.

That's quite the coincidence.

Why's that?

Maybe you should ask him the next time you see him. That package you didn't want to give us has gotten harder to track.

What's this about?

The book from the castle?


We traced the thief into the country, but by the time we discovered who he'd sold it to, the book apparently changed hands again.


He's our only witness. He didn't report seeing the book, only the people who we think robbed the man that bought it.

Is... this book important?

[ Anthon looks around, then focuses his gaze on Wind. ]

We won't know until we find it.

[ Further down the hall, Elanmak walks into view. ]

ANTHON (cont'd):
We do want to keep it quiet, though.

Why are you telling us, then?

[ Anthon reaches into his jacket and pulls out a badge with "ISDA" written on it, holding it so that only Wind can see. Wind's eyes widen, and Anthon puts the badge back into his jacket. Anthon turns his attention back to Kejek. ]

A suspicious number of things lead back to you, Mr. Facques. It could be coincidental, but don't be surprised if more questions come your way.

[ Anthon turns and walks back out the doors. Wind looks at Kejek quizicly, while Hydron looks through the door-windows after Anthon. ]

You know... he has a point.

[ Elanmak stops a few feet behind Kejek, smirking. ]

[ Focus on Kejek. Fade out. ]

12:13PM 5/2/2010